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Posts posted by the4Rs

  1. We just moved to a church that has you line up, walk forward, tear off bread and then, next to the bread holder, there is this other person holding a flagon of wine. Apparently you're supposed to dip your bread in. No one gave me these instructions, so I tried to bend down and drink from the cup. The poor old man holding it audibly gasped and my husband burst out laughing. I've never been so mortified. :001_unsure:




    :lol::lol: Sounds like something I would do. haha

  2. My husband and I are wedding videographers. The vast majority of our weddings are Catholic weddings.


    I have been wondering something when it is time for the Eucharist to be taken by all who are attending the wedding (those of Catholic faith anyway)


    Here is my question.... why do some who line up only take the bread and completely walk by the cup? I am talking the vast majority of people walk right past it at each and every wedding we've filmed. Growing up attending the churches I have we always took both the cup and the bread...never just one or the other.


    Is it only essential to eat the bread not drink from the cup? Even after the father goes through the whole preparation and blessing and whatever else of both the bread and the wine? Is it because the cup is shared and people don't want the germs?


    Honestly curious and would appreciate some perspective. Thanks!

  3. We are beginning the home study to adopt three kids from Africa. Two boys and one girl.


    We have a 3 bedroom house. So 3 boys and 2 girls total. Can anyone tell me if there is a 2 kid per room rule only with adopting? Also are there age perameters for how many years apart children can be and still share a bedroom?


    Edited to add: We are just wondering if we need to be looking for more space now or if we can/should wait. Thanks!

  4. We bought a Canon PowerShot S95 last year. I can't remember how much it cost but it is EXCELLENT. Reviews are outstanding. Really it takes very clear pictures and even great HD video. I went to Africa with it because I didn't want to lug around a huge camera with lenses. This is small and portable and I got some amazing pictures from it. And durable too. I was at an orpahange for a week and the kids kept stealing it from me. It was wet in the ocean, rubbed with sand everywhere...etc and still takes amazing shots.

  5. Our family loves technology. Well let me say, my husband loves technology. He researches constantly and really is quite knowledgable about a lot of it. Over the years though that has given way to, in my opinion, an excess of "toys" around our house.


    Too many gadgets everywhere. Some of them are gifts he has given me. I appreciate them. Like the laptop I am typing from. But as much as I enjoy them, I am realizing it is like an infection in our family. If it is there, we want to use it, to play with it.


    My kids are already bad about it. I can set guidelines about usage and stuff, but the reality is that the more we accumulate the more I just want it gone.


    Here is a rundown on what we currently have. Some of you may have way more than this and it does not cause any issues in your home, but I am seeing things I do not like creeping up...in me, my kids, and in my husband.


    2- iphones (1 is a 4s, 1 is a 4)

    2 other cell phones for hubby to play on

    2 tvs


    Wii (with MANY games)

    lap top computer

    desk top computer

    Touchpad (like an iPad)

    Kindle Fire

    2 iPods


    If you've been in my position where you knew it was time to cut things, no matter how attached you were to them, how did you go about garnering your family's support for this? Esp if your spouse loves his technology.


    Some of the problems I am seeing are that my kids want to play the Wii all the time, esp my son. He talks about the wii and asks to play all day long.


    I am on my laptop TOO much... my husband got it for me last year for Valentine's day and I love it but it is TOO convenient. Also, for Christmas he got me a kindle fire. It started off fun but I got bored with it and now it just sits there for the kids to play games on.


    My kids want to play the wii or the ipods or the fire all the time. Last night we were outside and I looked over and noticed both kids were on gaming devices outside. It really bothered me.


    My husband has set the standard though. He is on stuff all the time, to the point that if we are at gatherings or eating dinner, he has his phone out and open ALL the time, messing on it. That is very irksome.


    Help me talk this out about how to address a problem that I may be the only one aware of in this house. Thanks!!

  6. Just had this talk with my kids. I believe in sharing matter of factly with them.


    I just said that there is an opening down where mommy's go potty that is special for babies to come out. I said that when it is time for the baby to be born it comes down out of the womb and the muscles push it out and that special opening stretches like a rubberband to allow the baby to come out and then shrinks back afterward.


    They were fascinated. We talked more about what it was like when I delivered them to which my daughter was like over a day of labor?!?!?! I am never having kids. lol I said, that's fine...you can just adopt.


    It is way less traumatic to make it so secretive and "weird." I find my kids respond based on how I present the info to them. They asked very sound questions that were not inappropriate and didn't think it was gross.

  7. A friend of mine is getting ready to move her whole family to Sierra Leone, West Africa to be missionaries. They have two current children and already know the three kids they want to adopt from Sierra Leone, whom they will be fostering as soon as they get there. They are hoping to have raised all their funds by the end of this year to travel.


    She will be homeschooling all 5 kids (ages 2, 5, 5, 7, 10) and is in need of workbooks for them from K-6th grade. Since her African kids havn't had much formal schooling, she is starting all but her youngest in K and advancing her oldest two as she needs to to get them up to their current grade levels.


    She is in desperate need of workbooks for her kids in the subjects of Spelling, Writing, English, and Mathematics. She needs to keep it very simple and streamlined...also something that would be easy to teach to kids whose primary language isn't necessarily English would be good.


    The other thing is she cannot afford to buy curriculum right now. So I am wondering if the awesome homeschool community here might be able to help me with getting these things for her.


    She needs: (for multiples of anything listed below it would help to have all from the same publisher)

    For Kindergarten:

    1- Phonics based program

    4 - K math workbooks

    4 - K Handwriting workbooks

    4 - K skills workbooks


    For 1st Grade:

    2 - Spelling workbooks

    2 - Handwriting workbooks

    2 - English Workbooks

    2 - Math workbooks


    For 2nd Grade:

    2- Spelling workbooks

    2- Handwriting workbooks

    2- English workbooks

    2- Math workbooks


    For 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, and 6th Grade (one each per grade):

    1- Spelling workbook

    1- Handwriting workbook

    1- English workbook

    1 - Math workbook


    If you would be willing to help my friend out, we would both greatly appreciate it. Private message me and I'll give you my address if you want to send some curriculum, or I'll give you my paypal account number if you'd like to donate so I can purchase the curriculum for her.


    Here is their family website so you can see that they are legit www.siscomission.com


    God bless!!!!

  8. A friend of mine is getting ready to move her whole family to Sierra Leone, West Africa to be missionaries. They have two current children and already know the three kids they want to adopt from Sierra Leone, whom they will be fostering as soon as they get there. They are hoping to have raised all their funds by the end of this year to travel.


    She will be homeschooling all 5 kids (ages 2, 5, 5, 7, 10) and is in need of workbooks for them from K-6th grade. Since her African kids havn't had much formal schooling, she is starting all but her youngest in K and advancing her oldest two as she needs to to get them up to their current grade levels.


    She is in desperate need of workbooks for her kids in the subjects of Spelling, Writing, English, and Mathematics. She needs to keep it very simple and streamlined...also something that would be easy to teach to kids whose primary language isn't necessarily English would be good.


    The other thing is she cannot afford to buy curriculum right now. So I am wondering if the awesome homeschool community here might be able to help me with getting these things for her.


    She needs: (for multiples of anything listed below it would help to have all from the same publisher)

    For Kindergarten:

    1- Phonics based program

    4 - K math workbooks

    4 - K Handwriting workbooks

    4 - K skills workbooks


    For 1st Grade:

    2 - Spelling workbooks

    2 - Handwriting workbooks

    2 - English Workbooks

    2 - Math workbooks


    For 2nd Grade:

    2- Spelling workbooks

    2- Handwriting workbooks

    2- English workbooks

    2- Math workbooks


    For 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, and 6th Grade (one each per grade):

    1- Spelling workbook

    1- Handwriting workbook

    1- English workbook

    1 - Math workbook


    If you would be willing to help my friend out, we would both greatly appreciate it. Private message me and I'll give you my address if you want to send some curriculum, or I'll give you my paypal account number if you'd like to donate so I can purchase the curriculum for her.


    Here is their family website so you can see that they are legit www.siscomission.com


    God bless!!!!

  9. Thank you for this post. I get so tired of teachers getting so much flack from homeschoolers. They aren't our enemies. The system has failed THEM and us. Most are doing the best they can in the circumstances allotted them...and it just isn't enough. And they know it and there is nothing they can do about it.


    Let's extend a little bit of grace to those that are really trying their best.

  10. In our church we do long term mission when the guys are 19 and girls 21. I admire those that do short term mission trips but I often wonder how much money and expense for travel would have been better served sending aid to those nations.


    I hear this a lot and this is my two cents on it. Yes you could send the money in and help but once you send that amount, it is gone. But if you go, you show them that they, the people, matter to you and in turn you build more trust with them. Life is about relationships. And by going, if you are doing your part...you will return home and share with those around you how they can be a part of this mission. And so they start supporting financially and by going and they come home and tell others who then learn about the needs and they can help. It ripples outward until more aid is going in than just the amount you originally sent. For some reason, people are more apt to give and be a part of something if they know someone who was there first hand.


    For instance, I came home and shared my testimony and within my own church quite a few are now sponsoring kids at the orphanage and/or financially helping the costs to run the orphanage and at least two people want to go themselves. And I know when they come back, they'll affect people I can't reach and more people will be led to help sponsor and so the cycle goes.

  11. I went on a mission trip to Papua New Guinea for two months when I was sixteen. We went deep into the jungle and built a school. It was hard work, I got pretty sick, but we stayed in one village and really connected with them. Frankly where we were the men sat around all day long while the women worked...the schoolhouse probably wouldn't have gone up unless someone came in to help them. It was a growing experience. I went with 25 teenagers and 5 adults. I knew none of them.


    Looking back now, I'd rather my kids go with me, my husband or a trust friend who is an adult. For one, I want to be able to have deep discussions on a spiritual level with my kids while on the ground to make sure they understand what they are doing there. I didn't really have that because I didn't know the adults in my group. But it did teach me about being a humanitarian and to have a global servant minded focus. So I think it was a good thing.


    Now I just got home a few weeks ago from Sierra Leone, West Africa. This was completely different than the trip I went on to PNG. I again went with a group of people I didn't know but we were all adults. And we all had a connection there because we all helped sponsor kids at an orphanage there started by the ministry we traveled with. We already had deep connections with the kids there (we had been skyping with the kids). And because we came we were able to help the staff out with repair projects they didn't have time to do and we got to take the kids and staff to do fun things they can't normally do without the $$ and extra adults to keep an eye on the kids (like a day of fun and icecream out in the community, or swimming at a nice beach- which was the highlight of everyone's week). We also are developing ties in the community and went and served at a local children's hospital and a slum community there. It was much more spiritual and intense for me. And I felt good about it because I didn't just go, love on some orphans and leave them never to talk to them again thereby causing more abandonment issues. I came home and just talked last week on skype with our sponsor son. And I send letters and pictures to many of the kids there. And I'm facebook friends with several of the national leaders in the ministry. Also, my husband and I are already planning to go back next spring.


    I guess all that to say, if you go....develop a relationship with the people you are going to serve. Don't go in, impose your culture on them, and leave. Like Missionary Tourists. Instead go in humbly, seek to learn about them, show them you care because that's how they see the face of Jesus, and when you return...stay connected with them. Show them that THEY matter to you.

  12. I developed this habit between 5th and 6th grade. I saw a girl do it in my class. Wondered what the big deal was so I tried it and then it just sort of became my weird little habit. But it got really out of control in junior high. I hate my school pics from that time. I started with eyelashes and graduated to eyebrows.


    My eyebrows have grown back in and so have my lashes but I can tell, even to this day if I am over stressed or tired, I will catch myself pulling at an eyelash and I have to make myself stop.


    If I look back I realize that 6-8th grade was very hard for me. Homelife wasn't very good. I developed as a girl very early, much earlier than my other classmates. I had a mom who wouldn't talk to me about the changes. I gained weight and felt horrible about myself. Etc.


    Try to get her help to stop it ASAP. My family just pretended it never happened but if you look at pics of me from then, I have very little eyebrows and almost no eyelashes.


    High school, I pretty much stopped more or less, like a flip switched and I was mostly over it.

  13. Makes me feel better that I'm not that out of the ordinary. :) I too worry about my memory when I get older. My husband has excellent recall and it is maddening listening to him recount every little thing. I already told him I'll be the wifey with dementia or alzheimers. I asked him if he'd still love me then and he said "no" and I said "well that's good because I won't remember you anyway." :tongue_smilie:haha He loves to tease me.

  14. pfft! :rolleyes: I "love" studies taken out of context and skewed to fit what they want to proclaim. Well my fellow homeschoolers, we might as well prepare our children that they won't be good assets to the community because they'll never volunteer, they'll never amount to much because they lack clear goals, and all their marriages will end in divorce.


    Good gravy! This was funny to me!!

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