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Posts posted by lewber

  1. Do you who track your calories find this to be accurate?





    I am finding that to be accurate for me. I have been following WW for almost 5 months and have lost 18 pounds. I have also been double tracking on MFP since the rumors for the change to Freestyle. This seems like overkill - why pay for WW and then double track in MFP, but combining the two approaches is working for me. It keeps me in line with total calories, and requires me to eat a better balance of foods for weight loss for my body. According to the above my BMR is almost 1500. I try to eat that average per week. According to my fitbit, I burn a minimum of 1800-1900 calories a day. I currently exercise enough to get my average calories for the week burned per day to 2200. With some room for error, I am close to losing the correct amount. I am OK with 1500 calories a day and have found some good choices that allow me to feel full and mostly content with that average. Some days I might go as low as 1200, and others as high as 2500, but rarely.  I also stay in my points range. I don't really care for eggs, hate yogurt, and don't eat corn so other than too many beans, the change didn't affect me too much. 

    The biggest change for me was in the old system when I was out of points I had veggies, when it changed I wanted beans and chicken chili. A few days of double tracking calories showed me that wasn't going to work.


    FWIW I am 47 and menopausal with no diagnosed thyroid issues, but levels on the very high part of the range in all areas. As with all diets, it's very individual and the important thing is to do what you can stand to do for the long haul for your lifestyle and food preferences. I had tried low carb, intermittent fasting, whole 30, etc and they all worked, but I couldn't keep it up. This is liveable - so far - for me - YMMV  :laugh: Also, some weeks I lose 2.5 pounds, other weeks I gain .4, other weeks I lose .6. Even when I did the same thing as the week before. It's a long and weird process. I weigh every day and record it on the app called Happy Scale. 


    I am no weight loss expert! Just sharing my personal experience for this short time I have been following WW. Losing 15 more pounds would get me to a healthy BMI, and 20-25 more pounds would get me to my goal weight I've set for now. 

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  2. Points are definitely not just calories. They steer you in a healthier direction. Yesterday I ate 17 points and 1700 calories. Today I was at 35 points and 1600 calories. But today 25 of my points were potato chips and a bagel. But that was still only 900 calories. Yesterday, most of my calories were from beans and chicken. Which are zero points.

    I'm not sure how it all works, but I do know I tried MFP for 3 months with very little progress even though the calorie deficit was there. With WW, I'm losing slowly but steadily.

    Also, you are supposed to eat your weeklies. Somehow they are calculated into your total weekly food needs. There are all sorts of hack ideas on how to use them to your advantage. There is also a big group that don't believe in the blue dots. I don't do blue dots, but I do stay within my weeklies for the week. I usually save my weeklies for days like today, when I need a junk food fix;)

    • Like 2
  3. I've been on WW for a little over 4 months and I'm down 16 pounds. A pound a week seems to work for me as far as long term lifestyle change. I wasn't eating enough fat when I first started, using points for wine mainly, it ended up. But I learned and I recongnized I wasn't eating enough fats. Now I'm back to flax seeds, real cheese and olive oil on my roasted veggies. Oh and dark chocolate. I think I've found a happy medium.

    Weight loss is definitely a process to see what's going to click for you.,

    • Like 3
  4. DS 15 and I are volunteering at a local club and some of what DS is doing is spending time with boys in the 9-10 year old range and playing games such as pool, ping pong, basketball, etc. Things they offer there that DS has experience with. Should DS let these boys beat him? Sometimes? All the time? Only if they can? What about me? Should I always try my hardest? Is it easier to lose to an older boy than a mom? Does it matter? 


    There is no explicit teaching going on, although of course we can do that, offer pointers, etc. We have been asked to just spend some one on one time with these kids. There are some though you can tell, it means more to them. They are proud of their skill. But, they are 4-5 years younger than DS, so no shame in losing to him. Help me think this through. 



  5. I saw it in Chicago and I'd love to see it again if I ever get the chance. I thought it was amazing and creative and genius. I always wonder about the people who saw it before we all knew the hoopla of a hip hop history musical. By the time I saw it, I knew the idea behind it and all the music. It would have been so exciting to see that opening number with no idea what you were getting into. 

    • Like 1
  6. Dd (10) and I both got the Fitbit Alta HR for Christmas (she had been begging for a Fitbit for a LONG time). It does all of the things above, but it is slimmer and you can buy different bands for it. I always womdered what the difference is. Surely it is more than the size? The Alta HR also tracks heart rate, which can be nice. It is really helping my dd to move more (me too). She loves the competitive nature with me and we are constantly asking each other “how many steps do you have?†to see who is winning that day.

    I don't know for sure, but I got the charge because you can push the button on the side to track your workout while you're doing it. I like to see the steps and calories and time as I'm working out.

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  7. I got the new charge 2 for Christmas and I love it. It tracks sleep, exercise, steps, and reminds you every hour to get up and walk if you don't have 250 steps that hour. That's big for me because I have a sedentary job.

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  8. I exercise an hour most days. It's the only way I am active. But what I've noticed from wearing my Fitbit is that I burn more calories if I get my steps in throughout the day vs sedentary and then 1 hour of exercise. I've also realized that the calorie difference (for me) in walking 1 hour, which I enjoy and am happy to do most days, and working out hard, which I don't enjoy and usually avoid, Isn't enough to matter. For me, being consistently active pays off. Given that my job and lifestyle is sedentary, this was eye opening to me.

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  9. So far I got a Fitbit so I take many more steps each day than I did before.

    Want to get back to using my rebounder too, I love that thing.

    I always think, hey, I could drink less, but then I'm like, yeah, life, so that won't happen. ;) I did switch to a cider that has only 2 grams of carbs per 16 oz and no added sugar.

    I quit processed foods in large part and don't go near the big carbs like bread, crackers, rice etc.

    So I am hopeful this is my year.

    Yes! I love my rebounder. That's my main way to get steps in during this awful weather. It's so fun. And, also, wine:)

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  10. I joined WW online the beginning of September and I'm down 14 pounds. Fairly slow, but liveable. I like the points, for me it steers me to healthy foods in addition to giving me limits. I've also been walking and exercising some. I got a rowing machine for Christmas so I'm adding that in and sticking with WW. I have about 25-30 pounds more I'd like to lose.

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  11. I can't find last year's thread, but I think my word was something like "action" and it was a successful year for me in that regard. I stopped just thinking and planning and actually did and joined. I faced my fear of flying and heights to go on several adventures. I joined weight watchers in September and my health is improving. And I finally found an active volunteer position tutoring that I love and feel I can make a difference.

    I'll have to think about 2018 and how I could expand on what I've started.

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  12. We love wits and wagers too!

    We enjoy 5 second rule. Fast, easy and funny. My DS and his friends had a blast playing a game called Hilarium this weekend. I just ordered a game called Not Parent Approved which looks funny.

    There's a game called Say Anything that plays similarly to Wits and Wagers that's lots of fun.

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  13. It depends on what you mean by valid. They don't count for NMSQT, but sure, you can calculate a selection index (reading, writing, and math scores, each out of 40, added together and doubled).

    I meant he took the PSAT 8/9 so less questions. Very confused by all of this;) just wondered if that translated in any way.

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