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About Kat

  • Birthday 07/15/1964

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  • Biography
    I am the wife of almost 22 yrs to my dh Mike & the SAH-HSing mom to my 13yodd and 9yods
  • Location
    At the edge of a forest...
  • Interests
    Spending time with family and READING!
  • Occupation
    Helpmeet and SAH-Homeschooling Mom

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  1. That sounds like a neat idea! One other thing to remember though. Prices are down, AND you would have to disclose that the highway is slated to go right through where the house is (I believe that is what you said). Who would buy a home that is slated to be dozed for some highway? I think you guys are better off staying and waiting for a property to come open that you really love, then move. If your property truly is in the "right of way" for the new highway, they will have to pay you for your property. I would just wait for that, since you are comfortable where you are, and you said you don't even need the money from the sale of the current house to buy another one.
  2. I'm so sorry! :grouphug: She sounds like one amazing, special lady! :001_smile:
  3. Hi! I'm Kathy, and I've been married to Mike for going on 22yrs (02/28). We have two dc, 12yo (almost 13, 02/04) Mary and just turned 9yo (12/28) Micky. I have homeschooled since 2002, when Mary finished our church school's Kindergarten and we moved across the state from San Antonio (where I grew up) out to West Texas, Odessa to be specific. We have now moved back to the greener side of the state, approx. 45 miles NE of Houston, outside the small town of Cleveland. We do hope one day to return to anywhere between Kerrville and Bastrop/Austin area. We miss central TX! I am new to the idea of classical homeschooling, but love the concept and I hope to learn a lot by reading, and participating here on the forums. :001_smile:
  4. Dh went through his Army AIT there, back in the dark ages (1986-1987), at Goodfellow. And yes, you did read that right, he was Army, at an AFB. LOL!
  5. Hey, we were there during 2002-2006, in Odessa!
  6. We're up the road a bit from you, just outside of Cleveland!
  7. Lorna, we lived in Odessa for 4 years, between 2002 and 2006.
  8. My dh spent his teenage years, and a few of our married years, up at Canyon Lake!
  9. It is all too true, I know, I've been in that system, as both a teacher and as a peon. It's horrible. Joanne, could you PM me what district that was in? We live outside of the area you were mentioning. We are more than likely in a different area than you, but I am just curious. We had some stuff happen at a school here, where a girl was assaulted, and the student was roaming free and the school was all "hush-hush", until the mother of the girl notified the police and the newspapers. It just makes you sick, you know?
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