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Shelly in VA

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Posts posted by Shelly in VA

  1. Thanks for the suggestion on scheduling. Our afternoon has improved, although the weather hasn't -- now it is sleeting! I agree completely with your comment that the cold might as well bring snow, and my kids are SOOO disappointed that there isn't any snow to play in they can hardly stand it.


    We DID take off for election day, and all the kids went to the polls with me. They always find that interesting; I think it seems sort of secretive and serious to them.


    Thanks for posting!

  2. Arrgh!! What do you do about attitude? My oldest REFUSES to step into the logic stage; she still wants her schoolwork to consist of parroting back answers from a book; yet she feels the need to roll her eyes and grunt instead of speaking in complete sentences.


    My 11yo seems to be making it his life goal to avoid as much schoolwork as possible, although he's quite adept at doodling all over a page instead of doing the work.


    My 6yo is whiney, whiney, whiney (sort of like me, in this post - haha!).


    My 2yo is a tornado.


    Arrggh! My house is a wreck, I'm not happy with our academics or the attitudes around here, and it's 22 degrees or something ridiculously cold. I need an industrial sized jug of Calgon and 15 minutes to myself!!


    Thanks for listening!

  3. With all of my older children (now ages 13, 11 and 6), we went through a "lying" phase that started around three, and unfortunately didn't peak until around age 5! Not deliberate, intentional, coming to me with a lie, but exactly the type of thing you are describing. I think they really, in their minds, don't recognize what a lie is. They may know they aren't telling you exactly what happened, but they aren't trying to deceive the way an older child or adult might.


    It is frustrating! I would suggest trying to state the truth, without confronting the child. What I mean is, if I walk into a room and my child has just grabbed a toy or pushed someone or broken something or whatever, I give them one chance to tell me what happened, but if they don't, then I say something like, "Look, that hurts your sister's feelings if you take the toy/push her down/whatever. Now, tell her you're sorry, and let's play xyz instead." I don't know if that makes any sense at all, but I think it's important to model truth-telling for kids at this age, because they really don't understand the difference between fantasy and reality.


    Hope that helps. Hang in there!

  4. OK, I know this sounds nuts, but we went to a science center a few years ago in Charlotte, NC, and they have a rat basketball "show." So now, ds would like to train his Chinese dwarf hamster to play basketball. Has anyone ever done anything like this at home? If we could teach her to do any "tricks" (not necessarily something as involved as basketball), that would be fun.


    Thank you!!

  5. I've used 3+4 and also Core 5. They are totally different in style, so it's hard to make a direct comparison. I would say that the amount of reading is about the same, but the difficulty of the reading increases with Core 5. As for discussion, we did have more discussion in Core 5, and part of that was due to the fact that it was such "new" material, totally different from anything else we had studied. The mapwork was significantly more challenging in Core 5.


    I haven't used any of the other upper cores, so I can't help you there. Hope that helps!

  6. Carry on Mr. Bowditch, Johnny Tremain, The Sign of the Beaver. My kids enjoyed all of those in the age range you are looking for. They HATED Caddie Woodlawn, but I know most people like it. <smile>


    My read-aloud criteria include the difficulty of the book (I can read aloud something slightly more advanced than the kids can read alone), the setting and characters (by that, I mean that if there are a lot of towns and names the kids would mispronounce in their brains, I prefer to read aloud... I am constantly surprised by the mistakes that stick if they aren't corrected early on!), and the length of the book (if my dc balk heavily at a book that I really want them to read, often making it into a read-aloud will work).



  7. Bumping this up in the hopes that someone who is actively using this will post! I am currently reading Deconstructing Penguins, and I am excited about using this "method" with my children, particularly the 5th and 7th graders. I have considered Teaching the Classics in the past, then reconsidered due to the price, but I am finding, as my dc get older and I get busier, that I just don't have the time to do things on my own like I used to, and resources that are practical are a great investment. Hope that makes sense, and I hope you get some Teaching the Classics input!

  8. I am using this with my 1st grade dd, and we are using the downloadable Biblioplan ancient history timeline. She loves it, and it has been so easy to use! She particularly likes to show dad new events on the timeline. I would say we only spend 30 minutes or so once/week updating the timeline. We are hit or miss with the mapping activities; it is something I am trying to be more diligent about. We do follow the reading as suggested.

  9. Any resources or websites? 5th grade ds has horrible handwriting, although he *can* write neatly if he chooses to. He told me that he would like to learn the Palmer method, b/c his grandmother mentioned it to him, and he googled it and liked the look of it.


    Has anyone taught this? I haven't seen any copywork books, etc. with this style. Even a font I could download to make copywork pages with would be great.


    Thank you!!

  10. I'm looking for a product review, really. I considered these this year using TOG Year 1, but I ultimately decided against them, and now I'm getting ready to place an order and I'm thinking about them again.


    I just wonder how helpful they are. They seem a bit $$$, and I don't know that dh would actually find the time to listen to them. I'm wondering if they might be helpful to ME, when I'm preparing for a unit.


    Any input would be appreciated! Thanks!

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