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Posts posted by rfhsmom

  1. Just a thought about the whole having to compete year round to stay competitive....we do not do soccer, but other sports so take this with a grain of salt.

    My ds(15) started baseball at 5 and completely stood out all of those young years. He was on all-stars in little league and they always begged us to let him play on travel teams. We left the decision up to him and he chose not to because he wanted to be able to camp, fish, play music, do theatre,........in the summer time. Last year he decided that baseball isn't his favorite sport.


    He now plays football, wrestles and is going to run track this year all at our local high school. He still does not buy into the whole "you need to train with the football/wrestling team all summer and go to all the camps in order to stay competitive" attitude that the coaches/many parents have. That said my ds, who did not work out or go to camp or......like so many say is necessary just got a starting position on the varsity team, lettered in Varsity football, and won the rookie of the year award. Even after they gave him his awards, the coaches speech still included references to the players needing to work out all year with the team to excel.:confused: It seems that when they voted to give him the award they did they proved their whole theory wrong by chosing him over some of the guys who did all the camps, workouts, etc.

    Sorry this got so long, but just wanted you to see that from our experience a child who is gifted in athletics can jump in and still shine. Your daughter will still be gifted and may even find another sport she loves more. She is young....I would encourage you to encourage her to try lots of other activities.:grouphug:

  2. :iagree:

    Nance, PLEASE set some smaller goals and reward yourself for meeting them.


    So you might say 210 (or some other nearby weight) then when you get to One-derland (when your weight number starts with a ONE, not a two). I basically went down by 10s after 210 (199, 189...).


    But give yourself credit WELL before 58 pounds lost!


    :grouphug: BTW a good friend of mine lost over 100 pounds by going to TOPS and has kept it off for years. She still attends meetings for the support. Best wishes to you!

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