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Posts posted by rfhsmom

  1. HELP!! We got behind grade level in English over the couple of years and I am trying to catch up. My boys 11 and 12 just finished R&S 4, so now my question is should I skip a level or could I skip some of the beginning lessons in 5 that may be a review of what we just finished? They didn't do terrible in state testing, but my goal is for them to score solid and high! We have been doing a lot of R&S verbally 2-3 lessons a day to get caught up. I wish that I would have started with R&S English from the beginning~it seems to work for us. Any input would be helpful. Thanks!:bigear:

  2. Okay, I just posted and then went to read my devotion in With God at Dawn by E.G. White. This part seems to fit your situation with ds--"It is by small things that our characters are formed to habits of integrity.. Nothing with which we have to do is really small. Every action is of some acount, either on the side of right, or on the side of wrong. It is only by exercising principle in the small transactions of ordinary life that we are tested and our characters formed. In the various circumstances of life we are tested and proved, and thereby we acquire a power to stand greater and more important tests that we are called to endure, and are qualified to fill still more important positions." WOW!!! That is for you today! Blessings! Rhonda:D

  3. NOTHING is to trivial for prayer! If you and your family pray--try doing so together as a family before you leave for the game. My husband coaches the same age group and so many of the kids who throw hats, bats, etc are under intense pressure to perform. In our almost 10 years of coaching baseball teams it seems that the parents who are hard on the kids making mistakes are the parents of kids who cry and so on. We even had a 14 yo on my older son's team cry this year! But, then his mom, grandpa and step-dad are constantly expecting perfection and are critical. I will be at a game this evening and will be sure to send up a prayer for you and your ds(it is hard for us moms as well) Just know that you are really teaching him amazing values when he has to hang in there and pitch the last inning. That was so hard for me when my boys started out pitching but I have watched it help them start to develop qualities that will make them amazing men! Your son will be able to keep going when things are tough and the other boys may not learn that. Aren't we glad that our dh-s learned that even when things are hard you need to keep working! Blessings and prayers on your family today!

  4. Not sure where you live, but our small town library has a photography club that meets in its building. There are many members who are willing to help out new photographers(like my 13yo ds). They often enjoy sharing tips and ideas. Also, we have a neighbor who does photography who is willing to work with my son if I can keep an eye on her toddlers while she helps him. Most people who are passionate about their hobbies are thrilled to help!! Hope that you can find her some help.

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