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Posts posted by rfhsmom

  1. You have a wonderful boy!!! Enjoy him! The things that seem a little "different" are what we are hoping to install as we teach them at home--right? My DS15 and DS13 are still like that even at the high school sports level. The coaches always comment on their maturity and intelligence. Sounds like you are just doing a great job!:)

  2. My DH surprised me by taking me to a place called the Anniversary Inn which is a bed and breakfast with wonderful, themed rooms. He made me think that we were lost until we pulled into the parking lot! He chose the Romeo and Juliet room which was amazing. We had such a nice time that we have gone back for the last four years!!!! They are located in Boise, ID and the Salt Lake City, UT area. Look at them at http://www.anniversaryinn.com I have used the photos on there website as inspiration to do some fun, inexpensive theme things in our bedroom at home to celebrate other special days as well! Have a wonderful time celebrating your love!;)

  3. :grouphug:

    Lead by example, love the sinner, not the sin. Treat him the way you would want to be treated. As long as you feel your children are safe, you have the opportunity to show them how to love even when someone has done something wrong.


    When we are able to love someone through something like this I think it speaks volumes to our children. Don't they want to know that we are capable of loving them when they make mistakes! We all fall in life, some people's falls are more in the public eye than others, but there really isn't a scale in God's eyes!:grouphug:

  4. I appreciate the input! Mom A and I actually are friendly(her children come with us to Sunday school each week) Mostly this is just heart-wrenching for me to watch these poor kids get hurt because no one bothers to pay attention to where they are. I will mention it to mom A and drop it! It helps to have some outside insight. THANKS!

  5. We have two moms of children under 8 who do not watch their children in our neighborhood. Mom A has a 5yo and 2.5yo. Mom B has a 4yo and 8yo. We have had ongoing issues with all four children playing in the street, leaving trash in our yard(and other yards), and the list goes on! Neither mom comes out to check on the kiddos when someone cries or yells and no one is teaching them how to deal with their problems with one another. I had a talk with both moms when we came home from vacation to some damage/garbage in our front yard. One(A) was understanding, the other(B) was MAD! How dare I talk to her about her children(or maybe her lack of parenting?)


    So, yesterday I saw mom A get in her car with her children and leave. I went out back to talk to my dh and while I was in the back yard the children of mom B come over to mom A's backyard(we have chain link fencing) and started playing on the trampoline. They were completely unattended for at least 1/2 hour before I left and my boys said that they never saw a parent come over. The children were pushing one another and the 8yo fell down and was holding his leg and crying. I finally asked if he needed his mom and he said "no, i am okay." Should I just mind my own business or speak up. It is such a liability to Mom A and such a lack of parenting by Mom B(who by the way is not speaking to me since I talked to her about the vacation damage) Am I being to protective to think that these children need some supervision? I am so afraid that one of these children will be hurt because their mommy's are on the phone, texting or watching Desperate Housewives! Please tell me if I should just butt out.:confused:

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