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Posts posted by rfhsmom

  1. We just got back from the Grand Canyon(north rim) and it is amazing! You can do the South Rim and then drive to the North rim via 89. You will have to do a little backtracking from the north rim back to the main route(45miles one-way) We stayed in the North Rim Campground and could see the canyon from our tent, but never felt like we were so close that any children would fall. If you are driving north all the way through Utah you should try to stay at Goblin Valley State Park just north of Hanksville on the 95(turns into the 24) It was the coolest state park we have stayed in and we are state park junkies!!! If you can get site # GO12 it is private, close to the restrooms and has these amazing rocks for the kids to climb on and explore. The goblins are rock formations that are all in this one valley that you can hike around. Our boys are 12 and 14 and we turned them loose and they loved it. We saw another family with 5 children 8 and under that gave each child a whistle and let them explore! They were having a blast!!! Nice place to stretch your legs before hitting the road again. If you have anymore questions I could help you with let me know. Hope that you have a wonderful road trip! :auto:

  2. Just make sure you don't put it under the broiler on a baking sheet!!!:lol: I did this one of the first times I fixed DH breakfast in bed and it caught on fire! That was bad enough, but the smoke from the fire set of the alarm in our apartment building which was connected somehow to automatically send the fire department. YIKES!!! The whole building evacuated, the fire department came in to find the fire, and I hid under my desk in tears!!!!!!!!!!! Thought you may enjoy this funny story this a.m.

  3. My boys (12 & 14) enjoy the TT Math they are using, but I am seeing a bit of a decline in their math skills. We did Saxon up to the TT pre-algebra level and they scored very high in math on their Iowa tests last year( 93rd and 99th percentile) My oldest just tested this week and said there were some things he did not know on the test(he scored 99th last year). Is this because of gaps in TT? I do not want to lose anything by having them use TT! Could anyone give me some supplemental ideas that would help and would be reasonably priced? Thanks!

  4. SolaMichella got it so right!!!! Her son calls himself ALEX!:001_smile:My husband is black, I am very fair, and our children are right in between. My autistic sister asked me when I was pregnant if our kids would be like 'coffee with cream'. What a perfect analogy--because imho cream just makes the coffee better and I think that any "mix" of race just makes beautiful children. Of course, I may be slightly prejudiced that way!LOL I was so blessed to read this discussion and see how many of you are so color-blind. :grouphug:

  5. We did Yellowstone last summer and we camped at Henry's Lake S.P. ($20 or so per night)which is actually in Idaho. It was very calm and quiet with mostly retirees who were there for the fishing. It only took us 10-15 minutes to get into the park each morning. Mostly we only slept in our tent and spent our entire days in Yellowstone. Because of the layout of the park(a figure 8) we drove in a circle and did the lower loop one day, drove out to our camp and then did the upper loop the next day. You will only drive a very short distance more than once and because of all the wildlife it is different each time. We did take a lot of our food because it is spendy to even purchase milk at West Yellowstone!! Another very fun thing that we discovered was a dinner theatre at Mack's Inn(you can google it). My boys 11 and 13 thought it was hysterical! Contact me if you want more information.:auto:

  6. Okay, so I once ran across a site where I was able to print out(for free) different historical battle figures and implements. I thought that I had it bookmarked so that I could go back when we got to this point in history, but I cannot find it! Has anyone else ever found something similar to this that they would share? Thanks! Rhonda:bigear:

  7. My younger sister has been designing and creating custom boutique outfits for about 4 years. She was selling on ebay, but just set up her own website to sell her beautiful creations. She just made a couple of things for a baby shower I am attending today and they are awesome. Just thought that some of you may have little girls( I have 2ds) and would like to look at her site. Here is the link http://www.countrychickboutique.com Hope you enjoy it!

  8. If you are talking about the health food company based in Dufur, Oregon they are wonderful. They offer a ton of organic, healthy foods as well as many of the supplements you could purchase in your health food store. They have a website~http://www.azurestandard.com where you can view the online catalog. I love to order bulk foods from them and have found that I save a lot that way!I think that if you call them they could help you find out if there is someone in your area organizing a drop. They do that to meet the $550 minimum which can be made up of $50 individual orders. Hope this helps.

  9. Well, just to show some sympathy--our phone number is just one number difference from the hospital so we get wrong number calls at all hours. We just had one on Saturday that left a grouchy message on our machine because we didn't answer the phone to give her directions(to the hospital!):lol: We have started to turn off our phone during the hours we do not want calls. Maybe you will have to do that next time you place an ad. Sorry you had rude callers! Hope you get a nap.:001_smile:

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