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Bay Lake Mom

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Posts posted by Bay Lake Mom

  1. As for science, have you considered Elemental Science?  It is aligned with WTM recommendations.  There is a Biology for grammar stage as well as logic stage.  Once your oldest reaches the logic stage, you could use the two simultaneously.  The author gives recommendations on how to move the units around so they're always learning the same topics.  The grammar stage has different book recommendations for the various ages.  They're also very affordable!  (less than $20 for the downloadable teacher's manual, student workbook and quizzes).

  2. We are using Confessions of a Homeschooler's literature units. There are lap book activities to go along with each chapter. I've read a lot lately on the benefits of reading slower. I would add a few of these to the year in addition to her free reading. They help with reading comprehension, vocabulary, story elements, ...

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  3. I have used AAR, and I was recently blessed with LOE Foundations Level A.  I have read through some of the material.  It is very detailed, down to teaching where the tongue should be placed and how the mouth should be shaped when saying the phonograms.  It teaches handwriting at the same time, but I believe you can do the phonics and hw separately if you wish.  The handwriting workbook is bright and colorful.  It looks like a lot of fun.  I'm not convinced it's the right thing for my daughter, so I'm not going to be using it after all.  If you're interested, I would be willing to sell the Teacher's Manual level A and the manuscript workbook for $20 ppd.  They are both brand new.  I was "gifted" this set, so I'm not looking to make money on this.  Let me know if you're interested.  There are a lot of reviews online that I've read through as well, and I believe some even compare AAR and LOE Foundations.

  4. My Father's World has 2 preschool level packages.  These both contain hands on toys and books to teach all of the basics at that age.  My daughter just turned 5 on Monday.  The first few years of her life were spent in and out of the hospital due to cancer, kidney failure/transplant...  All of the treatments and hospital time have caused her to have many delays.  She still can't write her name or hold a pencil correctly, but she has learned a LOT using the MFW preschool set.  I highly encourage you to check them out.  They teach :  Biblical values, the alphabet, pre-reading skills, character development, numbers, science (nature), community helpers, fine and gross motor, math and reading readiness, memory, patterns and categories, auditory and visual discrimination, and creative thinking.

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  5. This is on Cathy Duffy's website.  It's not a huge discount, but it's something!


    Sonlight has a Rewards Program I enjoy. If you decide to purchase from Sonlight, enter my Rewards ID CD20086130 when you register an account on their site and you'll get $5 off your first order ($50 or more).

  6. Following.  We started "Science In the Beginning".  We are only a few lessons in.  The experiments are a little over my 1st graders head, but I continue with them hoping she'll get something out of it.  (I think she is.)  My 4 yo sits in as well, but I don't think she understands any of it!  I am not too worried because I know that they will learn these concepts again at some point before they graduate.  My recommendation is to have fun with it.  Do the experiements.  If they ask questions, try to answer them.  At the very least, they're developing a habit and learning about the scientific method. 

  7. I just returned my Sonlight Core A set.  I purchased the Truthquest American History for Young Students.  We are starting Monday, but I like the look of it.  It uses living books and optional spines.  You can view samples and spine information on their website at : http://www.truthquesthistory.com/store/products.php?categoryParentName=Books&categoryName=American+History+for+Young+Students+I&itemId=35


    For Bible, we just found Grapevine Bible Studies!  I LOVE this!!!!  I have been searching for a Bible curriculum for 2 years now that I like, and I have finally found it!  We are working on the Old Testament overview.  I highly recommend this resource!  Check out the samples.


    We are doing Science in the Beginning by Jay Wile.  This is the first Science program that I am actually doing -- without that feeling of "ugh, we have to do Science today"....  ;-)  I know you're using Apologia Astronomy.  I heavily considered that too, but my dd wouldn't do well studying only one topic for a full semester or year.

  8. I am considering doing both HOD Beyond and MFW Adventures simultaneously with my 1st grader. She will be on the younger level for the guides, so I will make it last for about 12 or more months. (We hs year round) I have heard many people say they complement each other well. I want to know if anyone else has done this? Are there any blogs with information on this?


    I am considering other options as well, but I want to know if anyone has any information specific to doing these 2 together? Thanks!

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