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Doodle Mom

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  1. I have a similar issue. I don't think I actually learned grammar as a kid or in college, just squeaked through somehow... The best grammar curriculum I found was the First Language Lessons written by Jessica Wise (http://peacehillpress.com/grammar/). I decided that I want my children to be able to write well and with ease. Susan Wise Bauer writes better than anyone else I know, so I use her writing curriculum with my kids. It works really, really well for us. Based on that success, we discovered it works wonderfully for my possibly-dyslexic child. It also is the first of many choices I looked at that makes sense to my science/math-based brain.
  2. Mine (both 6th grade) do 1 hour with me individually (lesson time), 3 hours together for general shared subjects that I lead (fun time), and 3 hours alone (break time) at a minimum each day. Then they each have evening sports and music activities every weeknight, as well as instrument practice. I feel like my kiddos end up schooling constantly while they are awake. We have just made it into a lifestyle so they don't think of it as schoolwork. I think it works because we mix things up during the day and don't call it school time. Also I noticed this year that things are going so much better now that I have blocked out a lot more time that we need for general shared subjects. That way I don't feel rushed and can embody my calm and happy mamma, instead of tense mamma. Then the kids end up being happy and calm too. I think that whatever works well for your family is the right approach for you to take. Every family and every child I have met works differently. And that, afterall, is the beauty of homeschooling. (that, and the ability to wear PJs all day!) :001_smile:
  3. Absolutely loving this busy homeschool life!

  4. Last year I loved reading these to my 10 year olds who loved them: The Pony Express by Ralph Moody The Cruise of the Arctic Star by Scott O'Dell By The Great Horn Spoon by Sid Fleishman
  5. Spent the summer planning and now excited to start the school year.

  6. New to the Board, it is nice to meet everyone! I have been living the completely full paper/cardboard recycle bin thing also! I keep wondering why no matter how much I clean up and organize, the house keeps generating more stuff. Finishing up the second year of homeschooling, but I feel like I could open a supply store! :D School, laundry, playing popsicle stick houses with DD, and nursing DH who is home with a fever today. Totally unproductive but beat!
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