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Posts posted by sparrow

  1. Nope. I teach dance classes. I refuse to go back to the days of lugging around a boom box and multiple CDs. My Bluetooth speaker fits in my dance bag and connects to my phone? If the choreography is too fast, I use an app to slow it down, or repeat the same loop of music. I embrace the technology. I could go back if I had to. I could also haul water if I HAD to, but I REALLY prefer indoor plumbing.


    This is another reason I like hanging on to that Nokia Lumia. Music!


    Yeah, don't get me wrong. I'm not going off grid, nor was I ever fully invested digitally, I'm just enjoying the extra time I'm getting because I don't have the will power to not go to FB when I'm waiting for my kids.  It was just too easy to kill time that way. The little things I've done have been good for me!

  2. It looks like I'm in good company!  Thank you for sharing your stories. So weird to think I'm missing the simple times of the nineties!


    I can recognize that part of my problem is that I'm an info junkie. As a kid, I was obsessed with dictionaries and encyclopedias. Constant access to the internet can be too much of a good thing for me.  I have lots of useless information floating around in my brain, when what I'd really like to do is slow down, learn something new, and apply it in my life. 



    I also recognize my laziness! I never get my pictures printed!

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  3. It started in January. My smart phone was acting sluggish and it was time for something new. I suddenly decided I really didn't want another smart phone. I used to always carry a book with me and read while waiting for a kid at an activity.  I had the Kindle app on my phone, but when it came right down to it, if I had a spare 10-15 minutes, I'd log into Facebook. I was tired of always being connected.  I bought a plain vanilla Tracfone with triple minutes and year-long card off eBay. I haven't missed the smart phone in the least and I've read FOUR more books than the same time last year.


    Now I've started thinking about pictures. We have zillions of meaningless digital pictures. What am I ever going to do with all of them? Is it possible I could lose all of them in some solar flare? Maybe. I look at the photos my mom and grandma had.  They're often not organized and stacked in boxes, but sometimes in albums, and it felt like each picture meant something, because it had to. You only had so many pictures available on the film. I've decided to go back to using the old 35 mm Canon AE-1 my parents had while I was growing up. It's also something new to learn.


    Full disclosure, I do still carry an old, disconnected Nokia Lumia in my purse because it has a working GPS chip in it. I will occasionally connect to Wi-Fi if it's around and sometimes snap a picture, but overall I'm not missing my connected, digital life and I'm definitely feeling much more in the moment.  Anybody else growing weary and feeling the call of analog?

    • Like 3
  4. My best friend was recently diagnosed. She is forty-seven. We think that extreme stress (divorce from a narcissist followed by sexual harassment/rape in the job she needed to pay her legal bills and child support) might have had something to do with it, or it could have just been bad luck and recessive genes.


    Oh, no. That is absolutely horrible. I'm so sorry.

  5. Unfortunately, it feels like a crap shoot to me. In my mother's memory unit there were former college professors, blindsided by an Alz/dementia diagnosis, and those that lived an unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle.  I'm just trying to not help things along and I'm also most interested in Blue Zones/Mediterranean based eating. We are moving more and more to a plant based diet, with only occasional meat, and whole grains. Our whole family feels better eating in this manner.

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  6. I have the opposite. I'm fairly introverted, but give off an extroverted-vibe. (I'm not extroverted though; my energy comes from books, animals, music).


    Yet, because I come across sometimes as an extrovert, I have introverts tripping all over themselves apologizing for not wanting to do one thing or another.


    I'm constantly reassuring someone saying, "I completely understand if a, b, c is too much" or you're not into it or whatever.


    My point is that the most introverted seemed to assume they'll not be understood.


    I wish more introverts -- and this includes myself -- would say with gusto and ownership, "I need down time and can't do blank that day." Period. (Talking to myself, folks.)




    I do think this is where the recent media attention about introverts has been helpful. I feel a little more free to say, "You know, I had xyz going on this week, and to be honest, I'm just kind peopled out right now. Do you mind if we reschedule?" People actually seem to understand, unless they're snarking behind my back!


    • Like 4
  7. Oh, yes!


    Youngest DS is starting his junior year in an early college high school program.  He's never made less than an A in any of his classes, and with only a couple of exceptions they've all been high A's (95 or higher).  And yet one teacher had the nerve to tell me during a conference that DS needed to talk more, because studies have proven that kids who participate (by talking) in class tend to make higher grades.  Ummm . . . really?  How much higher can he go?






    I had a Girl Scout leader that told me it was her goal for the year to really get dd out of her comfort zone and out of her shell simply because she didn't participate with the other girls giggling about One Direction. We changed troops. It's like, lady, is *your* kid confidently doing solo musical performances? She's fine. Leave her alone.

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  8. So, I'm an extrovert.  I'll just say that first.   :lol:

    And I haven't read any other comments.


    I don't see any problem with being an introvert.  


    But I do feel like there is a lot of 'building up' of introverts that I see on the internet - sometimes to the detriment of those who aren't introverts.  I've seen a lot of pins/posts different places that are a little snarky and maybe meant to be funny... along the lines of extroverts being loud and obnoxious, etc... and I just don't think they're funny.  I think they're rude.  It makes me think that there is more 'extrovert-shaming' (for lack of a better term lol) than anything else, especially online.

    Note this isn't something that is so bothersome it keeps me up at night or anything.   :p  It's just an observation.


    I agree with you and I'm an introvert. I think introverts do a lot introspective thinking (really!! crazy, huh?) and are suddenly feeling validated by this big internet push for understanding. Some of it is being done at the expense of perceived obnoxious extrovert behavior. I love warm, extroverted confidence!  I wish I could be like that. The ones that make you feel their home is your home....not like me. I have to put on a brave face for the interloper!


    I actually just finished reading Quiet this week. I found myself nodding affirmatively throughout.


    • Like 4
  9. Yes!  My town now is very small and it's rare to go out without being stopped to chat and you wave at everyone.  Dh loves it.  I'm from a big city and it's totally foreign to me.  I like blending in when I go out.  I don't want anyone to talk to me more than is necessary and to ignore me.  It's actually kind of a relief going back home and being part of the background when I have to run errands or go shopping. 


    I turn and go down another aisle at the grocery store. Horrible, isn't it?

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  10. Nobody has told me if they have a problem with it, so I vote no.  I have been told that in high school I had an ice queen quality (is that a nice way to say *itch?) that made me seem unapproachable, but I had a small circle of friends, and a boyfriend in college, and didn't care to extend myself beyond them.


    I am a social introvert, so people have been surprised to learn I'm introverted when it's brought up. Then they have a light bulb moment about my past behavior.




    No.  It doesn't seem to be a problem.  However, I read once that the UK has many more introverts than does the US - I think the extraverts all got on a boat.


    I've heard that said about the high rate of ADHD in the US, too.  The genetic coding embedded in someone that decided to pack up their meager belongings and sail across an ocean, to an unknown land, seems like it could be related to hyper extroverts! I'd just be curled under a blanket, reading a book, and imploring them to write as they walked out the door.

    • Like 2
  11. Please consider not supporting Shedd Aquarium with your money, as they currently exhibit two wild-caught dolphins and two wild-caught belugas. It is extremely cruel to remove these intelligent, social animals from their families and force them to perform in captivity.


    There are so many other fun things to do in Chicago, including visiting the Field Museum, the Art Institute, or the Museum of Science and Industry.


    I hope you have a good trip with your family.   :001_smile:


    I did not know this. Thanks for posting, as we were considering a visit this winter.

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  12. Elsewhere in internetland, I recently told another mama that I never fully understood the definition of the word 'bittersweet' until I had children.  I am loving the teen years, but it feels like my feelings are always just under the surface reminding me that I only have so many years left of the four of us.  They are turning into such great people. I really couldn't be more proud or happy with them, but yeah, sometimes I find myself crying in the shower.


    You're not alone :grouphug: .

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  13. For those of you who like the lead actor, consider watching the UK series "Being Human".  He plays a vampire and is so great. I can honestly say that it is one of my all time favorite TV series ever. It isn't for young kids, this is late night BBC so swearing, sex and the show can get very scary (for me anyway) but I love it.


    It is streaming on Netflix


    Being Human is definitely in my top 5 shows!

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  14. The Nokia Lumia 520 is a smartphone with a stand alone GPS chip. I bought 3 of them in December, when Amazon put them on a Goldbox sale, for $19.99 each. I carry a "dumb" phone for talk/text and the Nokia, in case I get lost :001_smile: . I also carry it in case I'm somewhere with wifi.  If you can find one for cheap, they work great as a GPS/iPod Touch like thing! Highly recommended.

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