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lots of little ducklings

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Everything posted by lots of little ducklings

  1. And that someone was me. AMJ can't beat me up. Slache-Like-Rache is my new weightlifting-tv-ditching bodyguard. And she knows Greek so I especially trust her.
  2. Love it! So happy to have that clarified. If it'd been something in French, I'd have butchered it every time. Slache I can do. (edited for typo. up too late last night)
  3. Alright alright…. Tex -- in spite of your poor logic, you may have your 1000 points. You were indeed a benevolent dictator. Power-hungry, but benevolent. Slache - YOU ARE EXTREMELY GIFTED AT SCREAMING. I'm not really sure how that can contribute to my administration, but because you had me up laughing til 1am while dh was finishing that two-thumbs-down brad pitt flick, I'll try to think of something. Meanwhile, I MUST KNOW HOW TO PRONOUNCE YOUR USERNAME. Ch makes three sounds: /ch/, /k/, and /sh/. And that dang final "e" is sooooooo unpredictable. Ellie?????? Oh, ELLLLLLLLLLLLLie!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where are you when I need you?
  4. Infinity points for you, ZaraBelle. You are officially my top advisor.
  5. Nice try, tex--- BUT because you are a Texan, AND you are hilarious, I'll gladly appoint you to any office in my cabinet that you like.
  6. SWB - You are The. Best. Ever. And…. wahooo wahooo wahooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! infinity points for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Sorry, Former Queen Slache, but you're ousted. However, since I like you, I will not exile or hang you, and you may keep your points and visit my palace any ole' time you like. I like to keep my enemies close by)
  7. Night-night. It's way past my bedtime too. Signing off…...
  8. Alright. I triple-like this. Enough to forgive you for posting it HERE. Not enough to not overthrow you, but when I do overthrow you, you may still come over to my palace and watch the library copy of Sherlock on my VHS player. We did finally get cable this year (first time ever in my life that I've had cable and internet at home), but I'm not sure yet how to use it. So really, I think we could be BFFs if there wasn't this whole battle for the crown thing. Sigh. ETA: I have a bum foot too. Alriiiiiiight, I don't. But dang-it-all this thread is like potato chips.
  9. :svengo: Long Live The Queen. {sorry. it's the best I can do.}
  10. I prefer the term "grassroots revolutionary." :gnorsi:
  11. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I changed that -- oh I don't know -- at least a gazillion posts ago. Was wondering when you'd notice!!! Took. for. EVAH. Down with the Queen. And after the lego bomb that went off today while I was trying to teach ds… grrrr. Dinner sounds great. I'll be over at six. (just kidding. I really do like my waterfowl. alive, that is.)
  12. Now if he were wearing a kilt, it'd be a different story….
  13. this nonexistent thread is soooooo much better than that brad pitt movie dh brought home... :lurk5: clever. clever. :thumbup1:
  14. Did someone say Girl Scout cookies? Cupcakes over at the other thread that really isn't? Pie? :drool5:
  15. Loyalist. But I like you anyway. 66,000 points for starting page 6. And another 1000 for liking Spalding. I'm going back to the thread that doesn't exist, where nothing subversive at all is going on…. :gnorsi:
  16. Don't worry. No one's plotting any coup on this thread that doesn't exist. Really. :gnorsi:
  17. spin-off? CHECK. {I mean, spin-off?? what spin-off??} third page? CHECK. and CHECK and CHECK. SWB?????
  18. No worries… not in the least. :001_smile: Just a "Matrix" quote…. which I have seen a few too many times. ETA: Not that I know anything about Matrix, or any spoons, or the 25 points I will earn if I disavow this post….
  19. I spat out half a cup of decaf over this one! mimi and slache- 102 points to each of you, plus 5 extra for making dh's eyes roll.
  20. Quoted. With gratitude for lifting me out of my point plateau.
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