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Posts posted by coralloyd

  1. Well I do Spelling, Literature, Science, Math (in the early years), and I have done History before too.


    For Spelling I use the 6,000 most common words list. I randomly quiz the girls on how to spell their current words and let them play games on spellingcity.com with them.


    With Literature I have a shelf for each girl that they can choose a book from. After they read each day they narrate to me about the chapter.


    For Science I get a spine book and lots of books to go with it, including and experiment book (and supplies). Right now we are using "The Complete Book of Our Solar System" as a spine. History is done in the same way.


    Math in K-2 is very easy with lots of manipulative, and a white board (math facts + -, skip counting, solving for the unknown, recognizing groups of numbers, etc...).


    ETA: Oh yes, I forgot the easiest subject to do without curr., Handwriting & Copywork.

  2. This makes me feel better! The only thing I am scared of is I have read that some people think MUS is behind or its hard to switch from it once your child has learned that way, is this true? My ds is 5 will be 6 in July and is having a hard time with addition, we are using SM EB but I am not wild about it do you think its just his age and it will come with time? Sorry I am full of questions but I will stop there!



    Sorry I am just getting back to you! I don't think MUS is "behind" at all; different sequence, yes, but not behind. For example when my oldest was in Gamma (3rd grade), she was doing multiple-digit multiplication. Her peers were no where near her ability in multiplication, they were just learning their multiplication tables. Just because she had not done division yet, does not constitute behind. My goal isn't that my kid is doing what every other kid is doing. I want them to really understand what they are doing before moving on. I was a kid that would have benefited from being able to focus on one thing till I got it! :blush:


    It is harder to switch to a different program from MUS. However, I think Alpha is the perfect program to start if you want to give it a try. I say this because Alpha is single-digit addition and subtraction. Most 1st graders are doing the same thing. Their is very little difference at that grade level.


    I have had my oldest recently start other math programs on thursdays, because we are done with or MUS lesson by then. She hasn't shown signs of not understanding different ways.


    It could be your son's age or it cold be the way it is presented. Make sure he is doing lots of hand-on addition with beans, blocks, MUS blocks, c-rods, etc...So that he can begin to "see" the numbers in his head.

  3. Mr. Demme does not say to call them that for good. He just says to think of them like that. In future lessons he does not continue to use those names. So, I suggest calling them by the names we all use, but if your child shows signs of not understanding place value just mention the concept of their "real" names to them.

  4. I was right where you are when I started hsing my oldest. I am now on on my third go around with MUS. I have learned so much from Mr. Demme. I am now more confident in my math skills because of MUS. Math used to scare me. Now I can't wait to go through algebra because I want to learn it lol!

  5. Who cares what other kids think? Kids should feel comfortable being themselves. Dd still takes her AG doll places. She is 11.


    This is exactlly what I was going to say! My soon to be 11 yr. old does the same.


    ETA: My other two bring along dolls or stuffed animals, too.

  6. I have girl 10 -girl 8 -boy 6. The exact ages as yours.


    My middle dd and boy fight the most. My oldest is more maternal toward her brother. It must have to do with personality. My middle dd has a little tomboy in her. So her and her brother play more together, but are more at the same maturity level. Thus, more fights insue. Oldest, uses her words more to communicate or explain things to her little brother. She helps him more readily and just all around has more patience.

  7. My book list to add to SOTW 3 for those ages:


    The Story of Jamestown (cornerstone)

    If you Sail on the Mayflower

    If you lived with the Iroquois

    If you lived in Colonial Times

    Welcome to Kaya’s World

    Breakfast w/ George Washington or Meet George Washington

    The Eve of Revolution

    Winter at Valley Forge

    And Then What Happened Paul Revere?

    If You Lived in the Time of the American Revolution

    Where Was Patrick Henry on the 29th of May?

    Abigail Adams: The President's Lady (Piper Books)

    Welcome to Felicity’s World

    Heroines of the American Revolution

    Shh! We're Writing the Constitution

    If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution

    What’s the Big Idea Benjamin Franklin?

    Life on a Plantation

    Meet Thomas Jefferson

    The Industrial Revolution (All About America)

    Lewis & Clark, How We Crossed the West

    Boomtowns of the West

    Unfading Beauty- Molly Madison

    The Story of the Trail of Tears (cornerstone)

    If You Lived With the Cherokee

    Andrew Jackson, Frontier Patriot

    Welcome to Josefina's World

    The Story of the Gold Rush (cornerstone)


    Read Alouds:


    A Lion to Guard

    Almost Home

    Sign of the Beaver

    Ben & Me

    The Story of Eli Whitney

    Madeleine Takes Command

    Naya Nuki

    The Boy in the Alamo

    By the Great Horn Spoon

    The Cabin Faced West


    DD8 will read all the American Girl books for this time period.

  8. Well I had a 2nd grader last year. I try to be very CM, but like you I want a little more grammar. My dd's day was:


    Start school at 9.

    We read the Bible, and do memory work (poems and Scripture, using SCM memory system).

    Then I read our history, and the girls do oral narration.


    Then comes individual work-




    Copywork (from Living Memory book)


    Read (switching between out loud or to herself. I don't ask for a formal narration with this because my girls love to chat or tell me about what they read).


    Grammar (R&S. This is where I differ from CM. I feel that it is gentler to do a solid program that

    build a little each year than try to fit grammar into a few years. R&S English 2 is very gentle and

    conversational. It only takes about 5 min. in second.

    I only start grammar instruction if the child is a strong reader and has finish a phonics program. I

    will not start with my son when he is in second.)


    She usually finished early and had time to play before lunch (While I work with brother and sister).


    At the lunch table we switch off between subjects-


    2 days a week we read Science. 2 days we do Picture Study or Composer Study (one month Picture the next month Composer). We also do spanish flash cards, poetry and our read aloud at the lunch table.


    Science projects, nature walks or other projects are done in the afternoon.


    If I just had a 2nd grader I would use the time before lunch to do some of what we do at the lunch table and Science would just be Nature Study. I hope that all helps some.


    ETA: We start Spelling in 3rd grade using SCM Spelling Wisdom. Copywork and Spelling become one subject. So it doesn't add much more time to our day.

  9. I have a whole list of book that I will read to ds when we start our history cycle over. I only chose books that his sisters really enjoyed when they did Ancients.

    For Read-Alouds:


    The Shipwrecked Sailor


    The Boy of The Pyramids


    A Grain of Rice


    Tutankhamen’s Gift


    Usborne Greek Myth or D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths


    Aesop’s Fables


    To go along with history:


    Usborne Book of World History


    Archaeologists Dig for Clues


    The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible


    Seeker of Knowledge


    Ancient Egypt (Treasure Chest) or Hieroglyphics (Treasure Chests)- (These are not books, they are hand on kits)


    Mummies Made in Egypt


    The Trojan Horse


    Tut’s Mummy: Lost and Found


    You Wouldn’t Want to Be a Greek Athlete


    Alexander The Great by Demi


    The Great Wall of China




    You Wouldn’t Want to be a Roman Gladiator


    Pompeii: Buried Alive

  10. Welcome! I know it seems right now like you must do something with your oldest, but take it from a mom that did too much too soon- relax. Give yourself a year or even two before you start schooling him. Right now simply focus on establishing good habits and attitudes for your children and yourself. Begin slowly to bring order into the house. Start with ONE thing only (like laundry or obedience). Remember that this is a season. It will pass. You will be able to come up for a breath soon.

  11. Well if it were me I would make it real easy and go with Spelling Wisdom from SCM. I have my girls copy the passage 2-3 times a week then I dictate it to them on the 3rd or 4th day. On the first day we underline and discuss the words they might have trouble spelling. That is it. My girls are in the same book at different spots, so it is very economical. Plus, it's non consumable so my ds will be able to use it too.

  12. Have you shared the reading of a book together? My dd10 and I have done this. We read The Secret Garden together and now we are reading Little Women. She reads half the chapter I read the other half. My dd is a very audible learner. So to hear herself and hear me is very helpful. Plus, she can ask questions as we read. We have great discussion and it is a nice mommy daughter time.

  13. Nothing or anything we want. My dh runs his own company and works long hours so weekends are simply hang out and relax times. I don't do any chores, grocery shopping, laundry, etc...Today I took my dd8 to breakfast, then we went to a thrift store. When we got back my dh took our son to lunch and ice cream. Since I got home I have been on the computer. I do a lot of planning for school on the weekends. Dh is on his laptop. My oldest is on her laptop. We are all in the same room and we converse back and forth. Dd8 and ds have been playing baseball & boxing on the wii. In a little bit we will all play a board game together. Tonight dd10 will stay up with us and watch a movie. This is a pretty normal weekend for us.

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