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Posts posted by coralloyd

  1. I find that there is quite a bit of review. Three pages worth for every lesson in fact. After a whole year of division, my dd doesn't need to have long division practice in every lesson! There have been plenty of lessons though with long division, multiple digit multiplication, finding the area, measurement, etc. The review is just the right amount. I do believe a whole year of addition, multiplication, etc... has cemented them in my dc minds. I can't really answer the Saxon question, since it has been so long since I did it; all I know is that I hated it and never understood what I was doing.

  2. We have done a trip like this (2 months) and are planning another. My dh is really into maps so he would have them help look up where we were going next, explained how to read map, etc.. I did have my girls journal. They ended up really loving it! They have something personal to look back on and remember. They read them over and over. We made the point of doing every Junior Ranger program we came across. Your's might feel they are too old for that, but you could try it. I also tried to buy a kids book a each gift shop, of the major places, and read it to them. We did some math but it was not everyday. Oh yeah, I also took a book about the 50 states to answer any questions we had. Finally, I took books for them to read during down times.


    A really great website to look for places to visit is http://www.familydaysout.com/. Just pick the states you're going to visit and you will have a huge list of awesome places to go. Have a great time on your trip. It is an amazing experience!


    ETA: For the journals I just had them write about their favorite part of the day, not everything we did.

  3. We don't hide that stuff at all. My kids are so used to it that they have no reaction at all. Just this morning, we were sitting on the couch and dh was kissing my neck and grabbed my bottom. Dd10 stood there talking to us about her VBS project and didn't bat an eye, just kept talking lol!

  4. If the kids are well behaved enough to stay at B&N without you, they are well behaved enough to go to TJ's with you. The stuff should be fine in a cooler for 2 hrs. Don't make this decision based on convenience. It probably won't be as bad as you think.

    8 and 9 is too young IMO. They would probably freeze or freak out if something bad happened. They probably would not be level headed and calm. Until they can be, I would not leave them.


    4 kids at Trader Joe's!!! :boxing_smiley::willy_nilly::svengo::smilielol5:


    It's 80 degrees already. I don't think the cooler would hold all the cold/frozen stuff for two hours.


    I'll probably go later. We shall see.

  5. I do not curr. hop on skill set subjects. I have not changed our math, english, spelling, or reading for 5 years now. Not to say I don't supplement. I have changed history, and science almost every year though :tongue_smilie:.


    The skill sets I don't change, because growing up I was all over the place with my education. I went to private, public, and was homeschooled. I think the biggest detriment to my education was all the different methods, curriculums, and teachers; even within one school year. I would jump into a new curr. that would teach things in a different way or order; and have to catch up or just feel lost. I want my kids to have consistency and feel comfortable with what they are doing. If they feel comfortable and know what to expect, we can place our time and energy on working on weak areas, instead of learning how a new curr. works.

  6. Mon.- Wed.

    9:00- Bible time and read History

    9:40 or so- I work with dd 10. Mon.- We go over the math lesson for the week, R&S lesson, dictation exercise for the week. Right now we are also reading The Secret Garden together. Tues.- read, R&S lesson, go over mistakes in math. Wed.- Is the same as Tues., except I also dictate her dictation lesson.


    Dd8 does independent work which is copywork and on Tue. & Wed. math. Then she goes and plays till I am ready for her.


    DS 5 likes to do Kumon maze and cut and paste books while I work with his sisters.


    Around 10:45- I work with dd8. Looks pretty much the same as as what I do with dd10 it's just a lot shorter.



    11:20 -12:00ish-My time with ds5 (phonics and math).


    At lunch I read our read aloud, we do memory work (Scriptures and poetry),


    Spanish flip books, & picture study twice month.


    1:00ish- Science


    The rest of the day is chores, outside activities, play time.


    Thurs. are different we do a lot more together: Bible, History projects, Science projects, vocabulary (not ds but dds both

    together), read aloud, and math games.


    The things the girls do on their own on Thurs.: TT CDs (not our main math program), write and illustrate their own stories (they love doing this), typing, and read.

    This takes about the same amount of time, sometimes a little more if the

    projects are big.


    ETA: I forgot to add that the girls work on their own (independent work) when I am done with one on one time with them.

  7. WOW! Tacky and low class, really? To the people that have such a bad view of tattoos, I want to say, you are missing out on some amazing people! Such prejudice shocks me :confused1:. I don't have any tattoos. However, I think they can be so beautiful! My dh has hired guys to do very high paying jobs (desk, business jobs) with tats. My very best friend has tats; and she is one of the kindest, sweetest, most godly women I know. God does not look on the outward. He looks at the heart.:crying:

  8. Fideo:


    broken up spaghetti noodles about a pound


    15 oz can of tomato sauce


    3 1/2 cups chicken stock or water


    olive oil (can use veg. oil also)










    Brown the noodle in the oil. Then add the stock, tomato sause, and seasonings. Stir to mix well, bring to a boil, then cover, and reduce to a simmer. Cook for about 15 minutes, stirring once in between this time.


    Mexican cheese tastes great on top.

  9. I never paid for dates. Never even thought to offer. I figured if they asked me out (I would never ask a guy out), he want to spend time with me so he would pay. Most of the guys I dated weren't very traditional guys either (a few ex cons and ex drug addicts). However, I think they realized I am a traditional girl. They treated me very well. I always had doors opened for me. They never pressured me for sex. Now, I know for a fact they did not treat all their dates this way. I was shocked when I saw how they treated other women. I think the way they treated me was a form of respect. One guy told me, I was the kind of girl he wanted to marry; not just the kind of girl he wanted to sleep with. So because of my experience I do want my daughters to be treated the same way.


    Oh, and by the way my marriage is far from one sided. My dh still treats me like a queen, and with utmost respect. We are partners and best friends. But Mother's Day would make most women green with envy :D.

  10. I have gotten both teen guys and old men who whistle, check me out, or ask me out. Just yesterday, at Walmart, I kept bumping into a man in his 50's who kept wanting to carry on a conversation. I was quite cold to him in my responses, or ignored him. Then later he asked me out while yelling across check out lanes! He said "Hey, we keep bumping into each other. Maybe we should just meet up again and make it an official date." I completely ignored him again.:glare:

  11. I thought I would mention something, that I haven't seen mentioned yet. You said that she tries to make friends with the quieter girls. In my experience the louder more outgoing girls would be the ones to befriend her. I am that loud girl :D. Growing up most of my close friends were (and still are) the quiet/shy girls. I know you said they scare her. However, she might find that they are exactly the kind of friends she needs. My quiet friends have taught me a lot about humility and thinking before I speak; where I have encouraged them to come out of their shell a little. She might not be on the outgoing girls radar right now. If she could get past being scared and if they are truly nice girls; she might find them more willing to include her.


    ETA: I was hsed. We homeschoolers come in all personalities. This is just who she is.

  12. "Take a deep breath." used for many things.


    "All you need is 20 seconds of bravery.", when faced with a situation that has the potential to be embarrassing.


    "Do all things without grumbling or complaining."


    "Which consequence are you going to choose?"


    "Nothing, is not an acceptable answer."


    "Do you like yourself right now?"or "How do you feel about yourself right now?", when talking bad or complaining about others or acting contrary.

  13. You should stop reading the passage over and over, and shorten things up a bit. What I mean is; tell your dd that you are only going to read the passage once, but it will only be a few sentences at a time (or whatever you think she can do). Tell her she must give you her full attention. Read only a little then require the narration. Gradually lengthen the amount you read, until she can do the whole thing. The habit of attention is a very important skill to teach her. If she knows you will read it again, she knows she doesn't have to fully listen the first time.

  14. Well we do things a little different.


    Monday-We the watch DVD, I reteach using part of page A, and the teacher's manual. Then they finish A and do all of page D.


    Tuesday- They do page B and the review problems only, on page E (usually, unless they need more practice).


    Wednesday- They do page C and the review problems only, on page F.


    Thursday- We play math games. I am planning on having them do the Teaching Textbook CDs on Thurs., this coming year.

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