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Posts posted by coralloyd

  1. The other day my dh said he would be back in time to greet the garage door repair man. So I decided to take a shower. Of course the garage repair man was early by a few min. (When has this ever happened:001_huh:?). My dh is the -right on time or a few min. late kind of guy. So I ended up having to answer the door in my bath robe, with hair up in towel. Poor man he looked shocked, like a deer caught in head lights to see me this way. To make things worse, a little while later (after I was dressed), my dad stopped by. Turns out that this man was one of his customer where he used to work, and they're friends! Hopefully this man decides to never tell my dad. My dad would give me that I'm disappointed in you look :tongue_smilie:. We also live in a very small town, I will probably run into this man, again.

  2. First I just have a problem with someone touching my stuff. Second since I am home most days all day long, it would be weird for someone to be cleaning while the kids and myself were still here. I would feel like I have a servant, can't stand that feeling :tongue_smilie:. I have had dh offer, and have interview ladies, but I just can't get past my hang-ups.


    I have had yard guys in the past. However, they are not in my personal space, and they are doing something that dh and I are really horrid at. We just end up killing plants :blushing:.


    I have a 2700 sq. ft. home, and 3 small children. I somehow get what needs to be done, done. Dh at least says I do a great job :). I quess I also realize that this is a season of life and just let some things go. I get to washing the windows maybe once a year, I don't wipe the base boards on a regular bases, I wait till I can see the dust on the ceiling fans to clean them, etc...


    Things like the floors, kitchen, bathrooms, laundry, dusting; I can keep up with. However, if I did not have the before mentioned hang-ups, I would do it. So do what you really want to and feel comfortable with.

  3. Every Sunday we have bean burritos for lunch. I put the beans in the crock pot a day or two before. After they are done cooking, I place them in the blender with olive oil, garlic and salt and blend till mostly smooth. This takes the quess work out of Sunday meals, it's a tradition.


    Usually I just use the crock pot as a way to cook meat that I can then pull apart and use in other meals.


    Meat for:

    Shredded beef Tacos

    Beef with red bell peppers, onion, garlic over brown rice

    Chicken Tacos

    Chicken pot pie

    Chicken soup

    etc, etc...

  4. My husband is a coder and uses math all day long. After we went to our state convention, and saw the MUS presentation, he was sold. He was so excited about our girls learning this way. Just the fact the they teach counting from 0 to 9 instead of 1 to 10 was a huge selling point for him. I am horrible at math, yet could understand the demo :D, so I was sold. I love the DVD. So far it is really working great.

  5. I really like to look put together when I go out. I guess I see it as part of my artistic expression. I tend to be artistic in general. I do it all on a very tight buddget, but this makes it even more fun. My mom comes and ask me sometimes if something looks good or not, and I LOVE to help. I encourage my girls to express themselves through how they dress. As I grew up my mom only said I had to be modest. Believe me I have gone through a rainbow of styles, which has brought me to the style I have today. Some people dress a certain way to fit in, this is not the right reason. However, there are those like myself that find it to be an outward expression of who I am (my canvas). It is something I do for my self. Oh I guess my husband enjoys it also :D.

  6. Your example is does not apply. "Encyclopedia" is a generic term to apply to type of publication. World Book Encyclopedia can be very different Encyclopedia Britannica. These two publications do not vary only in translation or whether or not certain books are included and where. They can differ significantly in content.


    To say that The Bible (which is shorthand for "The Holy Bible") is just a generic category of book because of differences in translation or inclusion is like saying the Illiad shouldn't be capitalized because there are many translations and versions out there. It is a title of a significant work of literature/scripture, so it should be capitalized according to grammatical rules of English.


  7. When I was a teen I had these ever so often, yet in general was a good kid. I remember one particular time yelling "I hate you!" to my mom then trying to hit her(very uncharacteristic :blushing:). She caught my hands in hers pulled me to her and hugged the anger right out of me, as she said over and over " I love you". I will always remember this because my mom could have reacted in anger, but chose to see past the anger to my hurting heart. It brings tears to my eyes now just thinking about it. I have never doubted my mom's unconditional love for me, and I know I can go to her with anything :).

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