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Posts posted by coralloyd

  1. My suggestions:

    Rod & Staff English


    Math-u-see, is awesome! I always HATED math. I was hsed and did

    Abeka, BJ, and Saxon. None of them worked for me. I have a daughter that is very much like me and she is doing great in math, with MUS. Also, I am finally understanding some of it now.


    Have you concidered Sonlight for History and Science? If your dd loves to read SL is basically a bunch of great books that she can read. We just finished Core K, we're taking a break right now, since we do year around school (it's too soon to start Core 1 for us). We love SL. Buy used (on this forum), and you can get great deals. You can also use the library. I'd start her in Core 1 or 2 (don't go by grade level).


    Hope you find what works for your dd :).

  2. I really only read the descriptions of the 3 "personality types" in men,( a friend was reading the book, and wanted to know what description fit my dh). That was enough to send me running in the other direction. While I agreed with some parts of the descriptions, other parts really bothered me, especailly the - “Mr. Command Man”. I found this quote on the web:

    “They are known for expecting their wives to wait on them hand and foot. A Command Man does not want his wife involved in any project that prevents her from serving him.”…”Command Men have less tolerance, so they will often walk off and leave their clamoring wife before she has a chance to realize that she is even close to losing her marriage.” …”She is on call every minute of her day. Her man wants to know where she is, what she is doing, and why she is doing it. He corrects her without thought. For better or for worse, it is his nature to control.”


    This is not a description of a "personality type". This is a description of an insecure man, and his sinfulness.


    I wanted to add my recomemdation of a good books to read: For Women Only; Power of a Praying Wife; Proper Care and Feeding

  3. I definately would not let your 7 yr.old, (possibly 12 yr. old also) watch. There is a part where it shows a girl pop up on his screen inviting him to come look, it shows his stuggle in choosing to not click on it.Then, if I recall correctly, in the journal his father writes it mentions porn. This stops him from clicking on the image of the girl, he then takes the computer outside and destroys it with a baseball bat. These are all things that would cause many ?'s from my kids.

  4. Do what fits your family & dd's personality. We always do very BIG parties. The girl's B.D's are only a week apart, so we do one big one for the both of them. Last year we had a Doll party. We went all out, we even made a life (kid) size doll house out of cardboard boxes (we spent hours painting it :)). Dh gets into it just as much as I do; I couldn't do it without his help. We all LOVE parties, so that's what we do. Do what is comfotable, and what you have time and energy for.


    Have fun on your mommy daughter date!

  5. I am one of those girls that knew I wanted first and foremost to be a wife and sahm, so I never went to college. Instead I chose to focus on working with children in every way I could (respite work with disabled children, day care, live in nanny etc...). If I would have gone to college, I would have picked something that would have helped me as a sahm. I will tell my girls if their desire is to be a mom, they should plan carefully. If they want to go to college, there are many college majors that could be of great benift to a sahm.They should choose one that won't conflict with that desire. I am very happy with my choice. I have no debt, I'm doing exactly what I always wanted.

    I might just be odd -I also haven't worked outside the home a day since I was married, even before kids. This was both mine and dh's desire.

  6. Recent things we've done-

    -A trip to the Grand Canyon in our RV. We made a Grand Canyon lap book along the way.

    -Trip to the zoo with our mammal handbook. I answer questions as we visited each animal. (What do they eat; Where do they live? ect...)

    -Nature walks, hiking or camping on weekends.

    -Pick a poem each week to enjoy and memorize.

    -Observe and try to draw Mary Cassatt's paintings (one a week).

    - Oldest dd showed interset in sign language. I went and checked out a bunch of books at the library, she's eating them up.

    - Just stopped writting this to answer a question (my dd is reading a book about animal senses on her own).

    - Lots of family game nights.

    - Girls help me cook, and bake.

    -The list goes on.

  7. For my roast-

    Cut slits into the meat and place garlic inside then season liberally with favorite seasoning (usually I just use Essense from Emril).

    In a deep pan pour olive oil and brown the meat on all sides.

    When it is browned, place a cut up onion ( in big chuncks) underneath the roast.

    Pour half water half apple juice, (juice makes a huge difference in taste) about half way up the meat.

    Bring to a boil then lower heat to low, simmer for 7 hours.

    In the last hour to half hour add veggies. I just add carrots and potatoes.

  8. I don't know anything about CLE Math or LA. However, we love MUS (Math-U-See). It is VERY good for a visual learner, because of the use of the blocks. Also for a busy mom like you, the video that comes with it explains everything. If your son catches on easily, you can have him watch and then do the assignments, with very little instruction from you. If you're going to try MUS you should start at an early age, because the way they do things is so different, from other programs. Different but better, IMO :001_smile:. Hope you find what works for you.

  9. I'm in AZ. Hs laws are awesome here! Very very easy. Just affid. and birth certificate required. No testing required.

    This sight might help:



    We get all four seasons here, but we're about an hour from the greater Phoenix area, (the big oven). I used to live in that oven. The crime is not too bad for a big city. It is very well laid out, easy to learn how to get around if your new,(basically a big grid). Lots of shopping, everywhere you go. However, most activities are in-doors. We are an out-doors kind of family, this is the main reason we moved to a smaller mountain area, still close enough to Phoenix, for big shopping ever so often.

    Hope this helps:).

  10. My dh works at home. Has for 6 years of, our 9 years of marriage.

    First, we have defined spaces. His is his office, I have the rest of the house ;). The kids know that if daddy has the door closed, they are not to go in. If the door is open they may go ask something, then leave. If he wants to walk around while on the phone, he goes outside. He gets his own lunch, since the kids and I don't eat till around 1. He starts work between 8:00-9:00 and goes till 6:00 (when I call him for dinner). Sometimes he leaves for a meetings here and there, but most of the time he's home. It works very well for us this way.

  11. Welcome to the adventure! It sounds like you were hsed, were you? I was. It's exciting to be a second gen. hser.

    Well onto your question.

    I jumped around a lot with oldest dd. It's a miracle she reads so well now:blush:.

    With middle dd (4 yr. old)we found and use Phonics Pathways. I LOVE it! It is very simple, without a lot of bells and whistles. We just read a page or two a day, some days we slow it down even more. We skipped the letters and their sounds part, since she already knew these; so I can't comment on this part. However, the rest is great. This program is completely based on phonics. I don't have to assign readers to her. She picks out books on her own to read. I make sure, we have books lying around that she can read. She also likes to do the Explode the Code books (Phonics workbooks), so I let her :). she can read VERY well for a 4yr. old.

  12. HELLO! Welcome.

    I am doing SL K with dd6 and dd4 right now and it is going great! However, we are going to take a break fom SL this next term (going to do my own thing). After looking at SL 1, I feel it will be too much too soon for dd4 (will be 5) when the time comes. I wish I would have started with SL P4/5. It would have still been plenty for dd6. Dd4 wants to do school with us and I want to keep them together in the History and Science. So, my suggestion is either do SL P4/5 or stretch SL K to two years instead of one, if you want to keep them togeher.

  13. I would have been offended also. However, it sounds like you are not close to this women, and don't really get along to begin with. So, I would have let it go, let roll off my back, if she was not an important figure in my life. In my experience letters in these situations NEVER turn out good(even if you are close to the person). If you really felt like you should say something, it should have probably been in person. Even though you said your letter was gentle, without a tone of voice and facial expressions, things can be taken in ways that they are not meant. Just somethings to think about. Sorry, you have to deal with someone like this.

  14. Once every 2 weeks I shop at night I leave at 6 or 7 p.m.; while dh stays home with the dc (he puts them to bed at about 8). I get home late, about 9:30 or 10:00; this is because I take my time- look at things, calculate as I go, shop for birthday presents etc... I actually really like doing it this way. Where we live everything is dead by 8, so I have a very peaceful shopping experience without the dc. I'm tired by the end, but in the end it is so much better this way ;).

    I hit Super Walmart and Safeway, sometimes Bashas.

  15. Here's how we do things:

    Mon. Tues. Thur.-We do school in the morning from 10-1

    Wed. - school in the afternoon from 1-3, because we have a play day at the park with friends from 10:30-12:30 (we take a pack lunch)

    Fri.- I go to a MOM Time group at a friends house from 10-12, where the kids get to play (We don't do school on Fri. except for catch -up every once in a while at about 1:30 or 2).



    Tues. -my dd6 goes to a Choral group 2:30-4:30

    Thur.- dd6 to Pioneer Club 3-4:30

    Sun.- Awana (dd6 and dd4)

  16. I too have come to this cross-road after SL K. So to save money I came up with my own Curr. using the "Value Tales" books for History; and more of a CM aproach for Science using the "Christian Liberty Nature Readers". This is just a one year fill in program for us. I already have SL 1 it is just waiting for us to be ready to use it. I have only posted my lesson plan for the fist "Value Tales" book (under "My own Curriculum!") http://www.homeschoolfamily.net/, but I would be more than happy to post the rest for those who are intersted.

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