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Posts posted by JVA

  1. But since this person is a "layman" as far as homeschooling goes, and has not done the research, read the materials, or studied anything of value pertaining to it, his opinion is incorrect, ill informed, and uneducated. He's just spouting off nonsense.


    Therefore, take his opinion for what it's worth...nothing...and move on.



    Hello. This :iagree:

  2. When we were early in our hs journey, I DID care what my mom and mil thought about it. I tried to convince them it was a great idea in several ways to win them over. After a while, my dh simply asked me why I needed their approval. Wasn't our agreement and the peace we had that we were in the Lord's will ENOUGH? These statements (done in his kind and loving way) really made me stop and think. I realized we didn't need ANYONE'S approval nor their agreement. I was in my late 20's and early 30's at this time and looking back, it was part of me growing up and becoming more independent. That line of thinking has continued and now I'm in my 50's. What other people think doesn't make a lick of difference to me now- except my dh and usually, the kids. We hs 5 kids for 24 years and just had to grow a thicker skin and a duck's back. You'll get there! :grouphug:

  3. Attitude is part of obedience. We disciplined for repeated bad attitudes. I explained to them that the rest of us should not have to suffer thru their bad attitude...it was selfish of them to inflict their noise and complaining onto the rest of us. It's also a sign of con-compliance. We didn't ask them to do anything unresonable and expected it done with a cheerful heart/attitude in a timely manner.

    There was more than one time when each of our 5 spent time in a corner AFTER their chore was done for a rotten attitude. Or, they were given MORE work.

    Don't put up with it. You're the mom, insist on your standards.

  4. We just finished!


    We hs for 24 straight years. I was 30 when we started with our twins. We had a newborn that first year. Baptism by FIRE.

    All in all, we hs all 5 kids, anywhere from 2 to all 5 in any given year. We always viewed it as a privelege, both in economic terms, as well as spiritual ones.

    We loved having lots of TIME with our children....it built strong bonds (our adult kids are good friends) and helped us work through personality differences. When you're together all day, you have no choice but to work at getting along. The academic superiority is un-rivaled, as well. Our youngest started at a classical, Christian highschool last year. My dh and I celebrated by 'retirement' and look forward to a new paradigm for the future (as in we're cleaning out the schoolroom. Anybody want some tables, desks and books?!) :lol:

  5. I think it IS correctable. I sing, play the piano, my dh plays the piano and trumpet....all five have had piano lessons and play other intstruments.....#4 child could not carry a tune or sustain a note for more than 2beats. He majored in Music Ed in college and I thought, 'oh dear- how is vocal technique class going to go?' Well, it was TOUGH. He needed private lessons to pass that class and the prof was a gem....our son needed voice strengthening exercises (LOTS!), tons of ear training and tone matching.....it sure helped because now, he can carry a tune- not a long one but it does the job. He's an orchestra teacher and needs to be able to hit notes and demonstrate intervals. It takes work but it can improve.

  6. My word. Does your husband attend church with you? HE needs to take this man aside and lay down the boundary to STOP pressuring you about activities. It is absolutely NONE of this man's business what you commit to or not. This is a sign of an unhealthy church and I would be out the door in a NY minute. What you decide is important to your family is YOUR business and none of his.

    Do not let badgering, questioning or continual harrassment make you feel guilty or change your priorities. There aren't any other churches that would suffice? I know it's important to find one that aligns with our beliefs, but if this is the closest one, then I think you should look around and re-evaluate what is most important.

    If your husband can't/won't put this man in his place, then you need to go to the pastor (Hopefully, this bothersome man is NOT the pastor!) and ask him to corrall him. This man is being extremely disrespectful.

    I'm so sorry this is happening to you. No one deserves this. :grouphug:

  7. Sometimes the most healthy thing you can do is to not have a relationship with a relative.



    THIS. My poor dh is struggling to get to this place with a brother. The guilt, shame (self-inflicted) and concern with how it will be interpreted by the rest of the family has him bound up. The 30+ years of disrespect and poor treatment makes the decision seem easy to me but, he's not MY brother.

  8. I Corinthians 7:4-5 is applicable in this situation. Our bodies, according to the Lord, belong to each other. No one is to deprive the other without mutual consent. Husbands and wives have a duty to maintain sexual relations with each other so that neither will be tempted by Satan.


    " The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. 5 Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control."


    If God's word is important to your dh, this would be a good place to start the conversation. Mutual submission is required for harmony and peace. Like others have said, I'd go nuts w/o for this long. Maybe he needs to talk to someone to explore his issues with it? I hope things improve for you both.

  9. Check out Love and Respect - its a book, but also a weekend conference and a DVD series. My dh and I went to the weekend conference and a few years later did the DVD series over several weeks (once a week) with other couples. My dh felt like this was the first time he had felt validated for his feelings as a man. We live in such a "pink" world.


    :iagree::iagree: I can't tell you HOW much this book helped us...and we had a pretty decent marriage before we read it. We also went to the conference...the DVDs are basically the conference, so if you're able, it would be good, too. My dh doesn't really like to read, so the conf. was helpful. He felt that his feelings and identity were finally validated . I finally understand a whole lot better.


    My dh comes from dysfunctional communicators and it has been a struggle for us to find a happy median to meet at for that area. I am happy to say he is the most emotionally healthy of all his brothers and 1 sister. I've given up on his mom...I just smile and do small talk. Nothing serious or of significance has ever been talked about with her. Don't give up- it's worth persevering. True understanding of each other helps the road go smoothly. It took my dh a long time to really know WHAT he thought/felt. He'd never thought much about it when we first got married. It was worth the hard work for both of us to get better.

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