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Posts posted by JVA

  1. I would so hurt and angry. No, I would be absolutely furious. I can't imagine opening someone else's presents.


    :iagree: Honey- In case there are things that cross the boundary lines even today- get yourself to the library and look for the Boundaries book/s. It really helped me know where I could draw the line....



  2. Here is the truth about boundaries. There is no way to assert them that aren't uncomfortable and that create negative feelings.


    You have a choice. You can keep going like this. Or you can assert reasonable boundaries.


    I'd personally vote for the boundaries.


    :iagree: Joanne is so wise. We have to realize ahead of time that asserting boundaries can make for hard feelings and loneliness. We have to be willing to endure that for our sanity. The loneliness can come in the form of others (the rest of your family?) not agreeing with you and turning their back on you. Setting boundaries helps us grow a spine. BTDT. Sorry you're going thru this. :grouphug:

  3. I've had several and think the prep is the worst of it. You will be glad they give you Versed- the amnesia drug.....

    I've not had cramping after....I've been starving and loved eating a good, healthy meal afterward.

    They'll take pictures of anything funky- polyps, diverticulitis etc....so you can see what they saw. Truly, the prep is the worst of it....stay home and near the bathroom. Oh- someone HAS to drive you home because of the sedation.


  4. Hi. Our son was born with extremely bad club feet- as in twisted around nearly backwards.

    The protocol we chose was to have him casted every week to stretch out the feet- especially the inside part. Wish I could draw that for you....

    His first reconstructive surgery was at 11 and 12 mths of age. By then the feet had been casted for long enough and could lay fairly flat and straight. He also wore splints for part of that time so they weren't always in casts. Makes it easier for bathing etc....

    He wears braces even today at age 14 to help hold the correction. He also had a slight revision done at 4 yrs. of age. We expect one of the feet needing to be done again when his growing is complete.


    Most cases are not as severe and acute as his were- some can be merely corrected by special shoes or wearing a bar at night to hold the shoes in a certain position....There are different degrees of how 'clubbed' they can be. My advice is to talk to more than one pediatric orthopedic surgeon. Don't let anybody touch him unless this is something they do a LOT. Our doc is at National Children's Hospital in DC and people bring their children to her from Europe and Africa as well as the East coast. She's reknowned in her field and I just love her. We saw a doc early on that wanted to cut/do surgery immediately. She had already explained the pitfalls of that. (We met and talked with her -brought her ultrasound photos- while I was still pg) Get LOTS of advice. We have a friend at church who is a physical therapist and he put me in touch with great folks. They are my go-to people when I have questions. I hope you can collect the info and advice you need. Be careful about going online- some folks' stories and pictures are heartbreaking and would freak me out. My dh banned me from snooping around that way because of the effect it had on me.

    Walking/running/swimming etc....are all possible and with early intervention your baby will probably do well. Lean on the Lord and not your own understanding - Proverbs 3:5. Let me know how I can pray for you. :)

  5. My dh had the personal experience of two sisters-in-law, who had rather nasty "run-ins" with his mother before they married into the family. So when it was time for his mother to meet me, he told her in no uncertain terms that if she ever said anything to upset me, she would never see us again. And for some reason, she believed him. Even to this day she tip-toes around me just a little and that's just fine by me.



    THAT is my kind of man. He's a keeper. Reminds me of my dh. He has had to do the same things with b/sil to no avail. We've had to cut contact.

  6. Stacie- First of all- it's no one's BUSINESS what you and your dh decide about your son's education.


    Secondly- they should NEVER disparrage your decisions in front of your children


    Thirdly- you MAY have to tell them all that this issue is off limits for discussion if they continue to be disrespectful. I would draw the line after the FIRST comment and tell them "NO MORE". No second chances. Otherwise the children are off limits. Seriously. Yes, you want a relationship for them but there are limits and boundaries that you should enforce. Hope the situation improves. We've BTDT.


    Have you read the Boundaries book/s? Check it out:


  7. Wow, I remember your other posts when you FINALLY got them out of your house. Will your DH agree to some counseling?



    Sweetie- Get yourself the Boundaries book/s and read them together. He needs to get a grip on reality. He is first obligated to YOU and your children. Does he have a man in his life that he respects who could talk with him about this? Moving them back in with you will only enable them. I hope he sees the light.


    Check out the book: http://www.amazon.com/Boundaries-No--Inspirio-Zondervan-Miniature/dp/0762421029/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1311880350&sr=8-2

  8. Two things--

    If it is Fairfax County, forget the reputation. It is highly dependent on the area--we have a large gang problem in several schools. Watch out for "secondary schools," which are middle and high school in one building.

    In the "wonderful, new secondary school" that will soon just be a high school in my area, there's a huge number of teenage drinkers.


    And, in that same school, there was one of the worst cases of bullying I've ever heard of; it happened to a dear girl at our church. A bunch of kids (boys mostly) decided to nominate her for Homecoming Queen as a joke. She won, because they egged on others to vote for her. They planned on humiliating her at the coronation ceremony. She ended up finding out about it, was so distraught she ended up in the hospital with an ulcer, and finally talked about it in a youth sermon two years later--


    Do not go on reputation alone.


    I would never put my kid (if I could help it) into a Fairfax County middle school.



    You and hubby need to be on the same page. I would go to him and explain what you have heard, share your frustration, show him the curricula you have (if you haven't) and tell him about the co-ops in this area (or whatever area you are in). There's an excellent Classical Conversations group in Alexandria, and there's a good co-op at Harvester Presby in Springfield. There are other groups and tons of group activities. If you subscribe to ShareNet, you'll receive an email/newsletter that has pages of things to go to, and lists tons of homeschool groups. Perhaps if you can show both your son and your husband that you've taken your sons social needs into account, it would be better.


    Sorry if I sound harsh.

    :iagree::iagree: w/ Chris on both points.


    ShareNet will lists tons of groups, classes and field trips. I second CC, also. I hope you find a suitable solution.

  9. even in the "best" county middle school is unpleasant. Some kids do well in middle school, but in general middle school is unpleasant everywhere. If it were up to me I'd try to keep him home through middle school and give him the choice for high school.


    I suspect you are moving to my county.

    :iagree::iagree: I suspect you are moving to Fairfax county- close to me. The middle school situation is abhorent and I would never put a child in it..for the bullying alone. I suggest you check out the schools with your dh before you commit to them. Also- since when does a 13 yr old know what's best for themselves?

  10. Isn't it amazing how insensitive folks can be? We've had the same kinds of comments- we also have 5.


    After you've put them in their place a few times, they'll finally get the message to NOT mess with you. That's been our experience. Try to forgive their short-sightedness and ignorance. You know better. :)


    It especially irks me when CHRISTIANS pull this....don't they know their Bible?

    Psalm 127- Children are a REWARD and a HERITAGE

    Genesis 33:5 - Children are a GIFT

    John 16:21 - Children are a JOY


    Where does it say that circumstances or the number of children cancel out these promises?

  11. The difference in age, authority, and power between the two makes this sexual harassment.


    Furthermore, "I wish I were single" is a terrible witness in a spiritual leader who presumably is performing marriage ceremonies, doing premarital counselling, and such.


    If our pastor did this, I'd be quietly looking for another church.


    I wouldn't be QUIET. I'd go right to the Elder board/church council or whatever the ruling/government entity is and make a formal complaint. If they would not do anything about him, then I'd either go to the rest of the body or the media. He is predatory and it will only escalate. You can be certain what you saw was not an isolated event. I don't even think you need to be a member to go to the board. You witnessed it, as well as others, so you should inform them and demand action. All young girls are in danger. His poor wife. His poor kids. I feel badly for that young woman.

  12. You dh HAS to be front and center on this- it's HIS mom. So much depends on her personality. Know your expectations and hers.


    1. Set boundaries BEFORE she moves in: including parenting issues, food, housekeeping, space, opinions, privacy, pets, TV etc...


    2. Plan on regular breaks from one another


    3. Have an exit plan. Is this a finite time or open-ended?


    4. Have an escape. Your family AND she need a place to go to that is just for you/her. Is there another relative/friend that she can spend wknds with occasionally? Does your family have a place to go to by yourselves?


    5. Remember the reason WHY- she IS helping you out so try to keep that in mind when things get bumpy. Keep an eye on the big picture.



    I admire that you're willing to have her live with you. I could never do it. My mil is an extreme introvert (hardly talks) and my mother is NPD. I've not seen this work all that often but think it can, if there is an understanding BEFORE you get started.

  13. Alternatively, you could go totally snarky and inform her that if her public school education didn't teach her enough to answer questions geared toward 11 year olds, it's probably good you're homeschooling your kids instead. Ha ha. :)



    I SO agree with this. You'll get better at answering nonsense like her statement as you go along........ we've been hs for 24 years and they stopped making snarky comments at about year 6 or 7. Hangeth in there!

  14. I haven't read any of your responses but this has an easy answer for me.

    Creation (nature- the earth, botany, the animals, the food chain, how the human body is so complex and carries out so many functions, the weather cycle, the heavens and how glorious they are and on and on) itself declares it. The incredible intracacies, detail and layer upon layer of functions show me that this could not all happen due to chance. The beauty of our world and the universe show me that only a Creator with power, creativity and a love for the people he made could have pulled it all off. I am convinced by creation alone. Don't even get me started on His desire to be in fellowship with us and providing the way to do it. He is full of grace and compassion for us all. I hope you can come to know the Almighty God. He dearly loves you.

  15. We mainly do it when reffering to the group of them, and Yes and all of the triplets are identical, so are the twins :)



    Wow. To be so fertile. Congratulations. So happy for you.


    In order to have ours (including a set of twins), I became a CCU aka a Chronic Clomid User! I'm thankful that medical science could provide the help we needed to conceive.


    BTW- our twins outgrew the 'twins' label when they started having their own friends- ours are b/g and I'd say that was about when they were 5-ish.



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