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The Girls' Mom

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Posts posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. Oh! Cord babies! Maybe I need a poll about cords around the neck? Maybe my babies have unusually long cords or something because every single one of them has had the cord wrapped at least once around the neck. Mostly hasn't caused problems but does seem like a statistical oddity. Maybe this one will buck the trend.

    My oldest didn't have the cord around her neck, but she DID have a true knot in hers.  We are thankful that she never pulled it tight until delivery.  She was a big baby, and had to have done it a month or so before she was born, at least..because the last month her head was wedged into my bladder and pelvis. (I could actually feel her turn her head the last few weeks and she broke my tailbone!)

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  2. I *think* my shortest was around 10-11. It was with my twins.  I can't really remember the time I went into the hospital.  We were at the car lot buying a car when I started having some irregular contractions.  I had been on bedrest for several weeks prior, and had just come off it the day before.  I was already dilated to 4 and had been for weeks.  An hour or so after we got home I had dh take me to the hospital because of the regular contractions.  I was transferred to another hospital fairly quickly (my OB had been drinking and couldn't come in, and the twins were 6 weeks premature so they sent me to a hospital with a NICU).  The twins were born at 3:50-4:10AM.  Super easy delivery.

    My oldest was an induction and it lasted around 13 hours and ended with a forceps delivery.

  3. I used to have horrible dreams of awful things happening to one of my daughters.  I had them so often that I really worried about what would happen to her.  They seemed so real, and so graphic.  She's almost 17 now, and none of those dreams ever came close to fruition, thank God.  Looking back now, she was my hardest kid when she was small.  She had sensory issues, and rages.  I think my brain was just processing both the stress of raising her, and the worry that something bad would come of all the struggles we were having.  

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  4. When they "can't find" something, and have been staring straight at it for ten minutes.  I'm convinced that there are things in this house that do not exist on this plane of reality until *I* look for it.  


    The biggest culprit? Dh.  :glare:

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  5. My cabinets now are white, and I've had them for three years. I love them.  I had a completely white kitchen for 9 years in another house (cabinets, counter and backsplash).  I never had any trouble keeping them clean or looking nice, even with three small children.  To me they are easier to keep clean because you can see the spills/splatters much more easily to clean them up.  

  6. I voted on what we used to do, because everyone here has outgrown the hunt.  


    We always did plastic eggs, and the easter bunny came to visit early Sunday morning (and brought baskets) when the kids were small.  The egg hunt lasted until a year or so ago.  Usually we did the hunt over at the in-law's house, and the kids could spend forever hunting eggs.  (lots of yard with trees/plants/etc. to hide eggs well)

    This year, I threw a chocolate bunny at them earlier in the week, and we've been well stocked in Peeps.  (which get toasted over an open flame, or "exploded" in the microwave before consumption).  

  7. It is over hyped, but yes my dd was the recipient of one.  Thankfully, hers was not public, and it was from her boyfriend.  He knows she loves puzzles, so he set up an elaborate scavenger hunt at his house that involved 42 hand folded paper cranes.  She loved that part, and enjoyed that he was so thoughtful about it.  However, she thought the whole prom-posal thing is overblown.  She would not have liked some big public display.

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  8. I see a bunch of baloney, honestly.


    I live in a very poor rural area.  Our schools are NOT affluent.  The population is pretty homogenous, so my kids actually have met a much more diverse population because of homeschooling.  We are pretty firmly middle class, and were probably on the lower end of middle class when I started homeschooling.  I started homeschooling because I was very unhappy with the education level my kids were getting.  The schools had programs for kids that were struggling, but nothing for kids that were even a little accelerated.  Extra-curricular activities were very limited.  

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  9. We've talked about our income a lot.  Sometimes I think too much with my oldest because she's depressed at the thought of trying to make it on a single income.  

    But, we've tried to show them/tell them that they cannot expect to start off at the level we live at right now.  We've told the stories about how dh and I started off dirt poor (I mean REALLY poor), and worked our way up to the level of relative comfort we have now.  We've discussed different careers and the salaries attached.  We've always explained to them why we couldn't do X Y or Z when their friends could.  This was usually because of our unwillingness to go into debt for things.  And now with college searches, etc., money and our ability (or inability) to pay for things has been a big topic.  They've also seen my own job search lately and seen what is out there.  

    With my oldest, as we are trying to prepare her to leave the nest, I even set up a spreadsheet that has a sample budget on it.  She can plug in different income amounts and see the effect and how much she needs to make.  


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  10. DD16a - Local community college, Business major.  Why - she decided that the Biology/Forensics major she's been planning on for 4 years is not her thing any longer, and she's really not sure what she wants to do.  We get two free years of CC, so while she's figuring out life she will get her Associates debt free. She picked Business as a major because it gives her the most job flexibility.  

    DD16b - MTSU, Elementary Education major.  Why - her first pick was Union University, but even with several good scholarships, it was still going to be significantly more expensive than the state school, MTSU.  With plans to be a teacher, she knows that she can't afford to carry a bunch of student loans, and we can only help so much.  She chose MTSU over the local university because 1. she wants to experience life without being part of a set (twin) and 2. MTSU has a much smaller campus than our local school.   

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