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Amber in AUS

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Posts posted by Amber in AUS

  1. My DD is younger, but does the same thing. She has reread Narnia, Harry Potter, Deltora Quest and a number of others more times than I can keep track of. We have assigned reading for school where she must read a set amount, 2 chapters, or whatever is appropriate depending on the book, from a book of my choice every day. At the moment its a children's version of Don Quiote. She can read whatever she likes on her own time. I also try to limit the 'fluff' that I buy and tend to just let her borrow it from the library and only buy classics so they are around all the time.

  2. Hi TJ,


    Thanks for bringing this to our attention, as it is something that is not addressed on the website. With home educated children that requirement would have to be modified. My guess would be that more emphasis might be placed on ensuring that the student could make the transition from learning at home to studying abroad, while also making sure that they can keep up with our curriculum.


    I'll bring this up though, and hopefully we can get it addressed on the website in due time. Thanks!


    Thankyou. Good to know it will be addressed in some form or another. I've talked it over with my DH and we might just be in contact in a few years time :D

  3. She was born at 30wks (2 lbs 14oz). She was a late walker (17.5 mos).

    ETA: She's smart as a button, but I learned long ago not to look at the developmental milestone charts for this one:) Most of the time, she can be completely wet and not notice. But lately, she's very particular about being wet, strips naked every time she pees in a diaper. I've seen her go thru these stages before, and thought maybe I should catch this opportunity to try. Plus, she's been super excited about the bag full of undies I had packed away from her older sisters, and putting them on herself. Seems ready, right? She can pee on the potty, but it isn't a daily thing (most of the time, doesn't want to bother). If she pulls on the panties and decides to try, she might sit on the potty for a few minutes, not pee, and then hike off somewhere and pee on my floor. Not cool. So I was trying to figure out if this was a "not ready" thing, or a behavioral issue thing. After the experience I had training my 1st dd (sheesh!!!), I know now in hindsight that not all potty problems are related to readiness issues.


    Certainly sounds like she's plenty interested. Perhaps just easily distractible which could be developmental. She's ready when she's thinking about it and concentrating on it but when occupied doesn't even realise she's going or needs to go.


    If you have an outdoor summer option, I'd get a little plastic potty and put it out there :). There are rewards for making it to the potty (one m&m or some such thing).


    Honestly, for most of them it took a few days for the general idea to sink in. Well, it varied: my first was a nightmare, at 3.5 y.o. - extremely strong-willed - and ended up with a UTI. Took about a week.


    #2 and #3 were premie twins, 33-weekers, one of whom was small for gestational age (3 lbs 13 oz). They had a number of other delays. I trained them around 3y1m, right around the time one of them was proclaimed to be severely developmentally delayed by the school psych (now, he's 2E, FWIW). He took the whole week before he was making it to the potty. Thank goodness for hardwood floors - it was like having wildlife in my house. (Later it turned out that he had some voiding dysfunction issues, long story.) I was 7 months pregnant, chasing them around....:tongue_smilie: I'd say it was a good 7 days, and just when I was about to give up hope, they got it. Going number two was very scary for them the first time or two.


    #4 practically trained himself, right at 3 y.o. He got it the first day, after peeing on the floor maybe once. My all-around easy baby/child :). Except then he refused to wear pants for months while inside the house. The cold weather came eventually and fixed that.


    #5 I'm not sure I remember, even though it was only last summer :lol:; it wasn't too bad. It probably took about 3 days for him to get it, and I probably kept him naked the whole week to make sure.


    I usually make a big production of how the diapers are going away starting on a certain day. I buy underwear (for later) and pull-ups for night (remove pull-ups first thing in the morning). Then, when they wake up that morning, they stay naked on the bottom. This does require several days in a row when you will not be leaving the house. I'd put on a pull-up if you have to go out, and then remove it as soon as you get home.


    That's a good plan and pretty much what i did with my other 3. Works well but lots of mess to clean up initially.

  4. Thanks ladies. I feel the same way. Just a lot of red flags. :( I want to talk to my friend. I don't know what to say, without freaking her out. She is very sensitive.Their little girl is their world. They have already noticed her speech going downhill and are worried. :( I am pretty close to her, but I am still not sure how I should approach it.

    My friend has mentioned the changes to me, and they are a little worried.


    I've not read all of the responses, but perhaps you could say "I was reading a parenting book/magazine and it made me think of your DD as they were saying any regression of skills should be evaluated by a pedi."


    I really think this little one needs an evaluation. What you have raised is concerning. I know from experience with a friend who's 9mo had a severe B12 deficiency that until it was pointed out she didn't really realise the severity of the situation. Her DD spent weeks in hospi and she went from everything is fine, to OMG and hospi in a matter of hours. Once Mum realised she acted fast but it's coming to the realisation that they sometimes need help with. It's a sensitive issue :grouphug:

  5. From memory your DD was an early preemie right? From what i've read it is VERY common for early preemie's to toilet train quite late. I don't know why. Several people in my support group are only just training their 3.5 - 4 year olds because they just were not ready sooner or couldn't get it despite showing signs of readiness. They don't have any 'issues' from their prematurity. Perhaps try again when she's a bit bigger???

  6. I carried on life like normal with each and every pregnancy. With my first i saw my OB on my due date and he did an internal and said i was 2-3cm and perhaps i might go straight home and not the the shops as we'd already discussed i had a busy afternoon ahead. I think he was trying to save me the embarrassment of my waters breaking in the line at Coles LOL. I didn't listen and went about my business as normal. She didn't arrive for 4 more days :D

  7. I got the complete set from Horrible Books. We got the text, answer key, 2 workbooks, that answer key, flashcards, audio cd and a puzzle book. DS was only 8 when we started so I was glad to have all the reinforcement. For us the expense has been spread out over 2 years, and DS absolutely loves his Latin.


    Thankyou. DD is still working on GSWL but i'd like to get a head start and work my way through Latin Prep before her. Good to hear that it is doable at that age because she will probably be 8.5 when she starts it.


    Why are there so many things (workbooks, cds, etc) with level 1, but nothing for 2 & 3?


    I have no idea, that's a very good question.

  8. I have no real grammar understanding. I'm finding that a challenging place to teach from :lol: So i'm looking for a program that will start with the basics and take me all the way. I don't want to study grammar for years on end, perhaps some kind of 1 year course? Anyway i was thinking maybe an upper level of Rod and Staff might work? Which year should i get? Any other suggestions for me?



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