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Posts posted by lmrich

  1. Enjoy it! I would plan, plan, plan your meals. I made a master list of what we would need for every meal and check off the ingredients or supplies (a lot of time I would make it before we left and just heat it up) because you won't have syrup for the pancakes in the back of the fridge like you do at home. Also bring serving utencils... I went to a thrift store and got a ton of silverware and pots and pans that just stay in the camper so I don't have to pack everytime. I know everyone says to bring flip flops, bring them, but I always bring a rubber mat for the shower, I can't shower in slippery flip-flops without twisting my ankle. If your bring beer, bring a bottle opener.:) don't forget trashbags, batteries, books, games, pillows, extra blankets, if you have ones that still wet the bed, bring a water proof covering and laundry detergent. First aid kit of course, a camera. Have fun!

  2. LOVE IT! It uses the approach of crossing out the prepositional phrases so the subject and predicate just pop out at you. There is no diagramming, but you can use a diagramming workbook to supplement. I have used EG for three years and I am convinced my kids know more grammar than I ever did.

  3. We will be praying for you as well. In my situation (not so scary only lasted a week), I found that being calm in the doctor's office worked the best. I also asked if we could go into the doctor's office not the patient exam room to talk about treatment/test options. I prayed before talking to the doctor to help me get centered and to help me listen better. I wrote down everything the doctor said and even asked her to spell certain tests. When we were in the hospital, I found that the pediatric nurse was incredibly helpful, she could describe each test with remarkable details.


    Good luck and know that you are not alone.

  4. I kid I tutor was the EXACT same way! I finally told him before we started to sharpen three pencils and that is it! He now uses mechanical pencils and I tell him the same thing - three pencils ready to go. I told him, basically deal with it. I know he has OCD tendenancies so I hope I have not ruined him for life, but he would seriously waste 10 minutes out of every hour sharpening his pencil.


    Good luck and I can't wait to see if anyone else has had this experience.

  5. I had a group of parents who wished for me to start a school. They were even willing to fund it. BUT...the building cost way more than they thought, finding staff was way harder than they thought, finding students to pay tuition was way harder than they thought. So I ended up with 12 students in my home with one helper. I now run a tutoring service for homeschool kids and it is so much easier.


    To open a school on your own you need MONEY! You need a ton of time, you need students, you need an incredibly supportive spouse and kids, you need more money and more patience than you ever thought. But seriously, you need to have a very clear vision of what you Want.


    Good Luck!

  6. After they understand the concept, I draw a little house figure and put the "family" in the roof and then the kids make the number sentences using them in the box of the house. My daughter likes this exercise and draws little flowers in front of the houses. It is a great way to keep her busy on the white board while I am working with someone else.

  7. I would not use Latin Rosetta Stone. I want my kids to learn Latin because it is a base for so many languages; it is not my goal for my kids to be Latin experts, but just to appreciate words. We use Rosetta Stone for Spanish and have someone come in to converse with them. That is what we do - don't know if it successful yet!

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