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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. my current cell phone carrier is Verizon. It is a tracfone. I plan to stay with tracfone. I just need to find a phone that will match up with Verizon...and then I can get a SIM card that will make it work in my area, right??? Needs to be fairly inexpensive....but I would love these features: Android removable battery SD card compatible decent camera (would love to be able to zoom, but that might be asking too much) fair amount of internal memory 5 inch screen or there abouts and since I know very little about cell phones...if there are other features that would be nice to have, I am open. please link me to some phones that I might like. thanks.
  2. thanks I will check that out. the link, however, only shows me which carriers I can use...and then I have to buy a SIM card and have a serial number to proceed. i will however, do a google search like you did...and see what happens.
  3. I have way too much on there to wipe it out. (contacts alone is a lot of information)....the apps are easier to replace...except I have purchased some of them...so I am not sure about that. Oh, that is another question... if I get a new phone can I transfer any apps I bought to my new phone...or will I have to repurchase them?
  4. I want to change phones. The one I have isn't working well. But if I wanted to bring in my own phone and not want to use one of the limited options offered on the tracfone website, how do I go about finding a phone that would work in my area? I have to enter in a serial number of a phone to see if it will work...but I would only have that if I actually owned the phone. So, how do I go about doing this? Is there a list someplace that I can find or what? thanks.
  5. my current phone has a removable SIM card...so that makes it a GSM phone, right? Does that also tell me what carrier I use? or not.
  6. so just to double check...we live in a rural area...the next biggest cities are 2 1/2 to 3 hours away....and I could pick one of those to be my city. Would I have to change my phone number? Or can I keep it? thanks...this might open up some good options for me.
  7. it appears that pictures taken with the open camera app are just the same...or even a bit worse than with my regular camera ....unless I am doing something wrong here....not sure what to think. I was hoping for better pictures...but maybe my camera is better than I think.
  8. A friend of mine heard that you can buy a tracfone from a different zipcode as long as you claim that zipcode as the place that you will be using the phone the most....even if it's not where you live. Does anybody here know if that is true. My friend said people do that when they live in rural areas and the phone options for that area are poor...but in a bigger city, they would have more options. Can anybody see why doing that would be a problem? If you bought a phone in location A and then moved to location B, your phone wouldn't stop working, right? Just because you moved. I travel with my phone now all over the place....and , like many phones, there are places it works better than others. Truly what is the real reason for the certain phones for certain zipcodes anyway? thanks.
  9. I found on my phone under Mobile networks and then under network mode...it says, preferred network mode: CDMA/EvDo does that mean it's a CDMA phone...or not? But I still don't know if that indicates what service provider my phone hooks to. this whole thing is confusing me now.
  10. so for those who have and love androids...which phone specifically do you have? (especially Mandamom because you said your camera is really good).
  11. I did that....the first suggestion was to reboot the phone and the carrier might show up on the phone...so I did that...no carrier. so the next thing said to figure out if it's GSM or CDMA....well, I think I figured out that it is CDMA....but I have no idea what that means. So that isn't any help. And the manual isn't any help either. So, assuming that it is CDMA....what does that mean?
  12. I can't seem to find much out on the website....please tell me how you found out that it had to be a verizon for you? I would love to know what other phones besides the ones they list would actually work for me.
  13. not pregnant. Know that for sure. I drank a lot of water...and I just came back from a walk...and I feel better.
  14. I was looking at a Galaxy S5 on the tracfone website...but it's $300. Maybe that isn't a lot for some people, but for me it is...and especially if it's only going to last a year before starting to give me trouble. is there a cheaper place to buy this? and how trying will it be to make it a tracfone?
  15. hydration sounds possible. I usually drink lots and for some reason today, I didn't as much. I also checked the one of the side effects of zertec is dizziness....but could it really take a week...I thought side effects were usually pretty fast....
  16. I woke up this morning and went to my boys soccer games. I felt just fine. Came home and was doing some things around the house and all of a sudden just started feeling lightheaded. I nearly passed out a couple times...but I sat down before that happened. I ate breakfast and I ate a 1/2 peanut butter sandwich when we got home...so I don't think lack of food is the issue. I ate some lunch and went to bed and rested for a while. I feel some what better but not 100% and as I sit here, I fear that if I get up and try to do too much, I might feel bad again. What could cause this feeling? no other symptoms...no headache, or stomach upset....I feel perfectly fine. Oh, I am taking zertec and flonase for allergies...the last dose was last night when I went to bed. I started taking these right before Easter.
  17. I hate the thought of factory resets because i am not smart enough to make sure everything important is safe...and I will probably lose something I didn't want to lose.
  18. tell me more about the Open Camera App. I doubt I will be able to download it because regardess of the amount of storage I have, my phone says I don't have enough storage.
  19. this looks like my phone. How do I upgrade it? I did the upgrade process and it says that there are no more upgrades...but how do I know if it did what I want it to do?
  20. I am on a "needing a new cell phone" kick...and so I am researching iphones vs android. Currently I own an android. I have never owned ab iphone... so I need the pros and cons of both. thanks.
  21. The problem I had was that they simply didn't work. I contacted tracfone and was told they would work...but they didn't. I tried it twice before giving up. Please tell me how to know if a phone is compatible and how you made it a tracfone? Did you buy the little kit in the store? did you get a SIM card from tracfone? what did you do? I am assuming this will give me more options than the phones available for my zipcode than the website gives me. thanks for your help!! now that I think more about it...I bought unlocked phones that were supposed to work...but I don't know if that information was helpful or not.
  22. Has anybody here been successful bringing their own phone and using it as a tracfone? I tried about a year ago...and had so much trouble, I ended up buying a lesser phone that was already a "tracfone".... So I was curious if anybody here has actually successfully done this? Pros and cons to this option? thanks.
  23. mine has all of the latest updates and it is still sluggish. The camera is 5 MP which isn't horrible...but I am finding that I would like a better camera. What I have is a samsung galaxy prime core....and I have had it for maybe a year...but it just isn't responsive sometimes...when I try to add new apps it often tells me there is no room to do that, even though there is plenty. So I am just researching...
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