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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. tell me why not. I am not arguing ...I am inquiring. I have heard both really good and some not so good thing about TT. So I am curious as to why you say this. Competing with my son would not work...he is slow...and he gets really frustrated at the idea of being rushed or raced...so this would totally backfire with him.
  2. do you think watching one video is enough for the kids to decide if they might like or not like a certain program? I guess if the teacher's voice is hard to listen to...or if they speak too quickly that is picked up right away...but what about over all teaching style...that can't really be determined in one video, can it? And, that is assuming that the same person does all of the lessons...I noticed in video text that there were 3 different algebra lessons with 3 different teachers...is that normal? or do most of the programs have one teacher that does the whole year...if not the whole program? I was sort of thinking about having the kids vote by secret ballot on the programs....if I decide to do that. And maybe it would be better for me to narrow the field down to 3 programs instead of 5. But also not all of the programs show how the practice work is done. TT does...but I dont' recall any of the other ones doing that in the demo...just the videos. Are they all basically done the same? That piece of information might be helpful too. Or, maybe I am just missing something...which is possible...each website is different and all aren't that easy to navigate through. thanks again for your thoughts.
  3. thank you so much for your thoughts... I appreciate it.
  4. that's the problem, I don't know if it's all the same to me or not. I, mean, I think they are all good programs and for some family's one might be better than another...I just can't seem to get a feel for if one is better than another. Sure, I could ask the kids, but we can't really afford to buy 3 different programs (if they each liked a different one)...for some it wouldn't matter too much because it is all online, but others it does matter because there are books and DVD's involved. But most of them offer some sort of sibling discount...and I really sort of need to take advantage of that. This is just so overwhelming to me.
  5. which of about 5 different math programs to go with? I think all 5 would probably work with my kids, and all would probably would be just fine. I have looked at the websites, watched the various videos (multiple times), made a spread sheet comparing them and I am about to the point where I am going to draw a name out of a hat and not look back. But that scares me too. There must be some sort of way for me to decide which way to go. Please help me decide. If you are curious or if it will help...here are my choices... Teaching Textbooks Thinkwell Videotext Tablet Class Mr. D help me before I go totally crazy!!!!!!!!!
  6. this is very interesting...however, the geometry set of DVD's is like $471....and the pre-algebra was only one disk. Could that be the whole thing? the second set of links were also interesting for algebra...but I really need pre-algebra and geometry right now. thanks.
  7. Video text....at first I thought it was expensive...but as i think about it...the algebra one covers 3 year of algebra, yes? But is the $229 for the online version for a year...or for the duration of the course...which I would be 3 years...pre-algebra, algebra 1 and algebra 2. Is that right? Does anybody know what year this edition was published? thanks.
  8. Looking at a couple other suggestions made...it appears that Math Without Borders doesn't have a pre-algebra...but rather uses Math mammoth grade 8...but that is not video or DVD. and, Ask Dr Callahan also doesn't have a pre-algebra, is that right? He also spoke kind of quickly, so that might not be a fit anyway. Mr D...is still nearly $200 a year...still out of my price range for 2 or 3 kids. Does he have sales or multiple kid discounts? Looking at Thinkwell...but I didn't see a pre-algebra there either. And does it have extra worksheets if needed? I was really close to buying CTC, until I realized the upper level math wasn't to be used as a core. And I am getting so many mixed reviews from people (off and on this list) that TT is complete...or not complete...will prepare you kid for ACT or not... yes, I know it really depends on the kid and his/her goals...but wow...this is a tough decision. thanks for all of the suggestions...and if anybody can address the above, I would appreciate it.
  9. Derek Owens is too expensive...as is Chalk Dust. MUS has never worked for us, so that one is out. I have heard of Thinkwell, but dont' know much about it. Just heard about Tabletclass...so I need to check that out further. Have never heard of Math Without Borders or Ask Dr. Callahan. video options are not out, by any means...in fact, I actually prefer them...but online options are also ok. thanks.
  10. Has anybody used this as a full program for upper level math? If not, what did you use along side of it?
  11. I am looking at these 2 programs...and I want to hear what you guys think about them. Pros and cons would be great. thanks.
  12. I have a fairly solid Algebra 1 and 2 video based Math program. (Math Relief). (at least I think it's solid...especially for non-math kids) What I don't have is a pre-algebra or geometry program. Math Relief does have a geometry, but I didn't care for it. And there isn't a pre-algebra. Video form is best for my kids. I know about Teaching Textbooks, Video text (although I know NOTHING about it yet). What other options might I have? thanks.
  13. is this something that people use as their math program....or as a way to catch up to their math program...or a way to work on math during the summer months? Please give me your experience with this program....and tell me why it's worth the money? Could I use for the next 6 months for my son to prep him for pre-algebra next year.... (coming off a previous thread I started). give me your selling points on this. How long is the free trial?
  14. Over the last 8 years of our homeschooling, I kept seeing people HIGHLY recommending TT for math. we were content with our math at the time, so I didn't pay any attention. But now that I am looking at new math I am having people tell me that TT isn't that great. Why is that? 1) because it's great for lower grades and not upper? 2) because it's great unless you need something more rigorous? 3) because those who thought it was so great and now discovered not so much? 4) other? why is this??
  15. My son just told me what he loves about Khan is that he only has to see one problem at a time....not the whole page....he said that is so overwhelming for him. With that, I am now thinking TT is a good fit...or something like that. What other math options might I have that is like that...one problem at a time?
  16. he loves hands on mechanical it works. He loves building things...he asked for a model engine kit the other week. Builds other things too. If we lived in an area where I could get him involved in something robotics, I would do that. I think he would love that. How much math does that involve?
  17. I will admit, I didn't look at each and every item on the list...but the ones I did, I know my son will find childish. Were there any on the list for an almost 8th grader? He is excited to do Khan...I just don't know how much he will actually learn...I am not familiar enough with Khan to know for sure.
  18. I think a DVD program will do us better than just a book. I guess that is why I was looking at TT. I had read some reviews saying that helped kids who didn't like math, learn to like math. I just wish I knew if he was even remotely serious in his desire to "blow things up". He is still just a little boy...and it's hard to know if this is an area to push or not. At any rate, he still has many years of math ahead of him, regardless... thanks.
  19. I just signed him up for Khan Academy and bought the book "Everything you need to know to ACE math" (for middle schoolers). Wondering if that would help with "changing things up a bit" to instill a bit of excitement. Would that be enough do you think? I am thinking about using TT for pre-algebra next year. Is that an ok thought?
  20. would I look at 5A, B or C. There is no way we can start a new program and finish by years end...so what did you mean exactly?
  21. Rod and Staff.....he just finished the 6th level...and after looking at the level 7, I can't decide if I should that or pre-algebra.
  22. My 12 year old son (7th grade this year) thinks he wants to go to a state school and do something in science...he is currently talking about "blowing things up"....like in a Chem lab or something. But I am not sure if that is just a 12 year old boy's mind thinking that sort of thing is cool or not. He has always loved sciencey things...reading non-fiction books on science topics. Science is by far his favorite subject. Always has been. The only reason I am even thinking about this is: if he seriously plans on going into a science related field, math will also be a huge part of that. well, math isn't his strong suit. He actually doesn't like it much at all. He is a young 7th grader... It's not that he can't get it...he is simply not motivated to work harder. No matter what I do, he just is lazy when it comes to math. I have told him that the 2 go hand in hand...but that doesn't seem to motivate him...it actually sort of depresses him. I think his age has something to do with it. Had we not homeschooled him we might have held him back a year...and if I knew then, what I knew now i wouldn't have told him he was in the grade he was....but all of his preschool friends were going into Kindergarten...so that is what we told him too. He will do all of the science stuff and more...but not math. So, my question here is...what do I do with that? Do I push him harder in math, knowing that if he wants to do something related to science, he will need to do as much upper level math in HS as possible...do I let him dictate how much math (to a reasonable degree) he wants to do. Yes, he will do the basic HS math before he graduates...but I fear that if I don't push him into pre-algebra now, he won't get far enough in the end. Do I need to worry about this now? Are there any science fields that do not rely heavily on upper level math? what do I need to really be thinking about here?? thanks.
  23. that is what I thought too. thanks.
  24. my daughter was making a meatloaf for supper tonight. After she was done making it and had it in the oven she says...."does this smell funny to you?" she was referring to the Panko bread crumbs she added. They have sort of a rancid smell...and the date on the box was July 2016...but the bag was not opened previously She didn't use them all...so I tasted a pinch...they are crunchy and taste fine. What would you do? Do I get rid of the meatloaf and start all over again? It wouldn't hurt us, right? There is soybean oil in the breadcrumbs...(from the ingredient list)...if that matters.
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