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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. great!! My kids are 5, 8 and 9. Kathy
  2. please someone...I know that there are people on this board who use this program. Thanks. Kathy
  3. THAT was very helpful. Thanks for your response.
  4. We have just started this program this year and I am finding that I probably should have bought some of the supplimental books for the year. We can't even begin to afford all that are recomended, and was wondering if someone here could tell me which ones they found to be the most helpful. THANKS!!! Kathy
  5. We started Homeschooling last Janurary. We started out with using SOTW for history. We got as far as Ancient Egypt, the pyramids and mummies etc. I thought the kids had a good understanding (ages 8,6 and 4 at the time). For a variety of reasons we decided to swtich to VP this year. This program starts out in a similar fashion...using some Bible History stories first and then going into Ancient Egypt. I am surprised by the lack of knowledge (or remembering) that my 2 older kids have of things we talked about last January-Aprilish. Should I be surprised...or is that to be expected of at this age. My children are not that fond of History (I am not either), so I am sure that plays apart of this. I really like VP and don't plan to change...but I was really hoping to skim through the parts that we covered last year..but now think I better not. WHat do you all think??? Kathy
  6. We are using Saxon for math and there is a huge emphasis on skip counting and my daughter is having a huge mental block....she can do 10, 20, 30, 40, etc...but then when they ask her ___,___, ___, ___, ___, ____. 230, 240, 250, 260...she just shuts down...especially if she needs to go back into the 1 hundreds. Does that make sense? So my question is does anybody have any way to help this click with her that might be sort of fun too? Thanks. Kathy
  7. also, if you put it in a bigger pan, it will harden faster...I figured this out the hard way once...for what it is worth.
  8. I am going to bump this because I am interested in seeing what other will say.
  9. Can someone direct me as to HOW to find a good dentist...what kinds of questions to ask, etc? Thanks.
  10. We do workboxes in our home...so maybe I could put in one of her boxes..."Go and tidy up your room".
  11. This thread has been very helpful to me...lots of thoughts, ideas and strategies to try. Thanks so much!! If you are so inclined..keep it coming...the more ideas the better!!!
  12. thanks for all of the replies on this one. The deal with us is we have been going to a pediactric dentist...she is so busy it's hard to get into her, so we have only been going about yearly (maybe a little less)...and she has X-rayed our kids' teeth the last 3 appointments. She also found 2 small cavities in my 5 year old...on his molars..on opposite sides of his mouth. She wants to fill them with a silver filling with 2 separate appointments...which means 2 novocaine shots, 2 doses of "laughing gas" and 2 scary expereinces. My 7 year old son was told he needs his 6 year old molars coated with a protective coating. WE have done that before with our daughter...but I wonder how safe that is too. All 3 got a flouride treatment (and we don't use floride toothpaste at home)...I admit I am very lax when it comes to flossing...so I probably need to step that up some. I am just debating whether or not we need to find a different doctor and if so, how do we go about doing that. We don't live in or even near a big city, so our options are limited unless we drive 3 hours away. ThANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR REPLIES.
  13. I don't know if this is a loaded question or not, but I was wondering if there are any of you out there that have questioned the profession of dentistry or your dentist. Do you think that x-rays are needed every year (for kids I am asking about)....or that even the smallest of cavities need to be filled with a silver filling?? And then the topic of fluoride..is it really needed. If this is an offensive topic or if you have very strong feelings one way or the other, please email me personally with your response...just to be courteous to the rest of the board. I have not come down on one side or the other, but I am just exploring this topic and how it affects my family's overall health. Kathy
  14. thanks, but no thanks...I love my 3 blessings...and would prefer not to be blessed anymore...:001_smile:
  15. I have wondered that too. I guess where I get so frustrated is when I tell her to take "x" and put it away, why she just simply won't put it in it's proper place, but rather under her bed, in the baby doll crib, on the floor in the corner, a small hole between 2 books on her book shelf...basically anywhere BUT where it is suppose to go...UGH!!! Why is that??? can anyone tell me???
  16. Yea, I guess that makes sense...is this something that is checked daily? or should I expect that her room is always clean and tidy and whenever I notice something out of place, I take it?
  17. Help!! I have tried everything I can possibly think of to help my 9 year old daughter to keep her room clean. It not from lack of organizational systems or plastic boxes for her things....her problem is that she has to stop being lazy and actually PUT her items away in the boxes and on the shelves...not just the closest horizontal spot. She is very artsy, so I don't know if that is part of her problem...I just threatened to put all of her stuff in boxes and totes if she can't keep it clean and organized...but I really didn't want to resort to that..unless there is no other option. Has anyone else dealt with this successfully? Please give me some tips!! Kathy
  18. I am with you!!!!!!! I have a 9 year old daughter and there is very little that i feel like I can buy either. It is getting worse and worse all of the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. A great big thank you for this link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kathy
  20. I went Lulu.com...but I wasn't sure where to find the meeting strips...can you please help me?? Kathy
  21. so, do you only have one child...in the third grade? What I need is to know how to do this with 3 children at 3 different levels. However, I do like the idea of the pre-printed meeting strips...I might check into that. thanks.
  22. Is there a link to where I can actually listen to a sample of this CD?? Kathy
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