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Posts posted by RoughCollie

  1. I would not tell this dentist what the other one said, if at all, until after this one has done his x-rays and examination.


    I don't think it matters if you are on antibiotics.  Just go to the dentist, tell him you are on antibiotics, and if it is a problem, he'll let you know.  Find out if part of your pain is caused by dental issues.  A person can only take so much pain, and maybe this visit will lead to alleviating some of it.


  2. The problem is that some dog foods are made with *ingredients* from China.  You won't find that on the bag.  What you will find is that some brands specifically identify the sources of their ingredients by country.  I consider Canada, Australia, and the U.S. to be safe sources.  Of course, I take into consideration the manufacturer, the brand, and the reputations of each.

  3. If the 4Health is cheaper, buy it.


    Here are reviews for 4Health, 4Health grain free, and TOTW:






    Carefully check expiration dates.  When I used to feed my dogs food from TSC, I'd check the dates and often find expired dog food on their shelves.


    TOTW and 4Health are manufactured by Diamond.  The 4Health grain free is manufactured by Ainsworth.


  4. My advice is to go to the prison's website and read their rules for visitors and rules about things you can send to prisoners. 


    :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

  5. It is difficult to find high quality dog food that costs only $1 a pound. 


    I'm not sure what it costs, but you can buy Kirkland dog food at  Costco.  http://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/dog-food-reviews/kirkland-signature-dog-food/


    If you have a Tractor Supply near you, the TOTW and 4Health brands are decent ... they may be cheaper there.


    You can use this dog food calculator to make sure you are feeding your dogs the right serving sizes.  Often the dog needs fewer calories than are in the serving size suggested on the bag:






  6. Thank you all so much!  I will go to that CPAP forum and check out the links posted by LibertyH.


    We are going to form a solid plan for exactly how to go about this intervention.  The wrong approach will shut DH down and it will be like banging our heads against a brick wall.  He has to feel loved and appreciated, not criticized.

  7. DH underwent a sleep study 2 years ago, and was told to use a CPAP machine.  He refuses to do it, no matter what.


    He "sleeps" for 11-12 hours a night.  He takes a 2 hour nap most days.  He wakes up frequently during the night.  Last night was typical:  He woke up around 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.  I know this because I woke up, too, as I do every night.  I don't know if he wakes up more frequently and doesn't wake me up.


    He takes NyQuil every night because it helps him breathe somehow.  This is also not good for him.


    The kids and I are really worried about DH's health, so we have decided to have an intervention.  We want to present anecdotal evidence from actual CPAP users, as well as facts from reputable sources, and our feelings about the matter.  DH is pre-diabetic and won't change his diet -- he eats out or buys foods he likes (mostly junk) during the workday.  DH gets no exercise because, due to having had strokes, he can no longer play racquetball.  He is 50 lbs. overweight.  He is 64.5 years old.


    We are all really worried that he will die sooner rather than later.


    So, how has the use of a CPAP machine improved your life or that of someone close to you?


    Thank you,


  8. The breeder after getting a hold of her said her grandkids who he'd been around, not lived with were my oldest's age or older, agreed that he could be scared of my youngers, willingly took him back to find him a more appropriate home.


    Great!  That is why reputable breeders have a return the dog to them clause in their contracts if anything happens such that a family cannot keep a dog.  I think you made the best decision for your family, and I applaud you for asking for advice from various sources, for getting the trainer out there, and for making a well-informed decision in which you took all factors into consideration. 


    I also think that if you had given the dog a longer time to adjust to being a member of your family, it would have been much harder on both the dog and your family to return him to the breeder.  From the dog's perspective, there is no difference between him staying with your family for a few days, and being taken care of by others while the owner was on vacation.

  9. Oh, and she's a teacher in a public school.


    This doesn't surprise me.  When my boys were in high school, one of them had an English teacher who reported him to the principal when DS1 sent a picture of Cthulhu to another boy.  The teacher thought Cthulhu was a Death God, this was a death threat, and he wanted DS1 to be expelled. 


    DS2 had a science teacher in high school who taught that evolution was "just a theory", and was not true.  When DS2 told him the difference between a scientific theory and an untested idea, the science teacher said he was wrong, that there is no difference.


  10. I believe in the invisible pink unicorn.  Nobody can talk me out of it.


    I'll have to introduce you to the parents of one of my kids' friends.  They believe mermaids are real.  They watched a tv show on Animal Planet, which led them to this belief, from which they will not be budged.  They don't understand how two of my kids can be science majors and refuse to believe facts.




    I figure mermaids and unicorns would get along well. 

  11. I have one friend who believes some weird things -- all conspiracy theories.  The lastest is that the Vietnam War was created by the government as a means of population control (ours).  Since it wasn't a popular war, the govt changed tactics and "invented" HIV in a lab as a means of targeted population control.


    He told me this 2 days ago, and I was flabbergasted and (odd for me) speechless.


    He doesn't tell me his theories very often, thank goodness, because I am always speechless, and have to change the subject so that my mouth will work again.  If these tidbits weren't only occasionally dropped into our conversations, I could not be friends with him.  Luckily, 98% of our friendship is based on things we have in common that are not controversial.


    I don't think his conspiracy theories make him interesting ... I think they make him sound stupid, and I cannot abide intelligent, well-educated, stupid people.  I can waste my time proving that these outlandish ideas are false, and supply them with facts, and their beliefs don't change.  I'm not rude to these folks, I just steer clear of them.

  12. Try holding down the on/off button for 30 full seconds.  Then let it go.  Take a deep breath and turn it back on again.


    My former Kindle "died" several times and this brought it back to life.  It's a standard fix, not something I made up.

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