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Heather in Neverland

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Posts posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I big fat puffy heart loved the kiss with Molly. And I loved the change in Anderson's character. Perfect.


    And the big hug Lestradt gave Sherlock when he saw him alive. 


    And when Mary said, "I like him" speaking of Sherlock to John.


    And the whole thing with the mustache. So funny.


    And at the end of episode 3 when Sherlock said there was something he has wanted to say to John for a while and then says "Sherlock is actually a girl's name." :)


    And I actually liked that Sherlock shot Magnussen. I was actually screaming "John, just shoot him!" to the TV. Does that make me a bad person? So I was even more glad that Sherlock did it.


    And I really hope that Moriarty is back because I love him as a villain. I never really "felt" it with Magnussen. He was just sort of ho-hum to me.



  2. No I'm serious. :) I'm Christian myself but I live in secular country that places a high value on diversity. But it's still largely a nation of Christians, especially in the province I live in. If I go to a non-Christian event and only Christian prayers are offered it is often because there's an assumption that everyone there is Christian and it makes me uncomfortable. I find that when I go and prayers of other faiths are said as well it's generally because there's an acknowledgement that there may be people of different faiths or no faith present and I appreciate that.


    I don't think Christian prayers should not be offered and my feelings on this may be entirely subjective, being based on my experience.Hope that helps.

    I see now. I misunderstood you. I thought you meant you were only offended by Christian prayer and not prayers by any other religion, when what you meant was you were offended if only Christian prayers were offered. Thanks for taking time to explain!

  3. No. Generally I just get upset when Christian prayers are offered and no other because there's an assumption behind that, in a predominantly Christian culture, that isn't behind the offering of prayers from other faiths and beliefs.

    This is supposed to be sarcastic, right? Not serious? Just checking. It's hard to read tone on the Internet and I don't want I assume.

  4. I hear the Muslim call to prayer 5 times a day every day. There are Buddhist alters with incense burning in almost every business I frequent. I will not be able to go anywhere for the next 3 days because of the Hindu Thaipusam holiday. And I am a Christian.


    First, I think it is unrealistic to expect to go through life without ever being exposed to a religion that is not your own. Secondly, I think being exposed to these other beliefs has made me a more well-rounded person.


    I don't get angry or indignant because the mall has a prayer room for Muslims but no alters for Christians. That's just ridiculous. I wouldn't be offended if someone quoted the sacred text of their faith or prayed to their god/goddess/higher power in front of me. People need to stop being so easily offended.

  5. I'm doing well so far. I am using Powered by 4 which sends readings with commentary 4 time per week. I am also using the GoTandem app which sends me bible verses with thought-provoking questions after them, 3 times per day. And I am also listening to an audio bible each morning while I get ready for work. I am going through the NT first.

  6. SPOILER....









    I found the scene with Anna to be horribly traumatic to watch/hear. I have not been a victim of rape myself but I know victims. The scene in Mrs. Hughes' office was SO SAD. I love Anna and I want Bates to get that guy. Ugh! The way he said good night to them at the end like everything was fine was CREEPY and made me so angry!


    Also, the new guy flirting with Mary is so cute. I always that matthew was rather petulant and not my type. And I love that Mr. Greyson caught Sampson cheating at cards and beat him at his own game.

  7. It felt like I was going to die. Seriously. Worst pain ever. Hence the two adoptions that followed. I'm not kidding.


    I know lots of people have a much easier time of it and I am truly jealous.


    As to how one knows if the contractions are real or just BH... I wouldn't know. I was induced and went immediately into hard labor.

  8. My mom always says, "You young people and your new fangled ideas..."


    The first time she said this to me is when I wouldn't let her put whiskey on my baby's gums for teething pain.


    Honestly, though, she has a lot of wisdom and raised three kids to adulthood so I try and listen to everything she says. I may not give my baby whiskey but she WAS right about the "diaper genie" being a stupid idea. :)

  9. After implementing a rating system last year, I decided to abandon it this year. In the final analysis, I just could not reconcile in my own head books that were given the same number of stars but being of such different quality or having such a different impact. I hope I don't regret this though. My memory is not what it used to be so I may be doing more shoulder shrugging when someone asks down the road what I thought of a particular book.


    I know what you mean. My first thought is that I may end up with more categories than just those four! :)

  10. I think this year I should add some sort of rating system to my list. I am terrible at writing book reviews but maybe if I gave a rating it would help? Nothing fancy. I think I will use "Excellent, Good, Average, Blech" as my scale. :) But I won't rate them until they are finished. OK, here goes...
    Started reading:
    Unwind by Neal Shusterman

    Still reading: 
    The Rage Against God: How Atheism Led Me to Faith by Peter Hitchens

    Finished reading: 
    1. The Curiosity by Stephen Kiernan (AVERAGE)
    2. The Last Time I Saw Paris by Lynn Sheene (GOOD)


  11. I am so sorry.


    When I first started teaching a very good friend of mine, also a teacher, was involved in a very similar situation. I found out about it on the evening news. It was shocking and heartbreaking not only to find out that someone you really care about is capable of something like that, but to find out about it on the news...


    I'm just really, really sorry.

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