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Posts posted by Jerico

  1. We are planning on using Saxon 1, but now you have me nervous.



    Good for you! Sometimes I suspect we all over-think our math curricula. While there are a few kids that definitely NEED a certain style of curriculum, most kids will do just fine with most curricula. If you like Saxon, and your kid is learning with Saxon, I see no need to switch.


    This is helpful- thank you!

  2. I didn't read through every post sorry. Here is my 2 cents. My sister is in a similar situation. she has recently broken up with her partner... but right before last christmas told my parents her and her g/f were coming to visit. My parents passed this info along to us 2 weeks before Christmas since we were also going to be there (we live in the same city as my parents). We talked with my sister. We reminded her that we love her but disagree with her lifestyle (she is not a believer). We told her that if there were any signs of anything more than them just being pals then we were leaving and not coming back. She agreed to this and all went well. I do disagree with how my parents deal with it for the most part. My situation is a bit different because I am not the parent and it isn't my house. That is a bit trickier to me.

  3. When I get a job I only want to work with people my age. Life should be segmented into age groups by decades.

    Geez, hope you got my sarcasm. We haven't attended a church with a youth group in a few years (even though our kids are young) because we don't feel like that's a good thing. Kids need to be around older people for many reasons. I'd be concerned. I'd also be concerned about why the youth group is playing video games like that... but that's IMO.

  4. Me and my children lived with my parents for 3 weeks while we were prepping our house for sale/moving to a different state. It was 3 weeks too long. I can barely stand to be at my in-laws for more than a few days. Both families have a tendency to smother and try to make decisions for us. It would never work. I want my children to go out and have their own place and space for their family.

  5. I just noticed the part about TVs. Really? Most families have 3 -4 TVs in the house? I have one. A 19" TV. I don't even, I mean, where would you put more than one TV? In bedrooms? But, then, wouldn't your kids maybe not want to leave their rooms if they had access to TV in their bedrooms?


    We have 3 TVs. One in the living room and 2 in the basement. I couldn't find anyone to take them before we moved, goodwill would not accept it, and apparently in our new city it's illegal to throw them away? So, there they sit... at least for now. However, we only watch one.


    I have 3 areas of clutter that I struggle with right now. The kids' stuff- mainly toys in the main room. We just moved from a house of 2600 square feet to probably 1200? square feet.

    Papers- I need a better system but I have seen improvement since getting a different file box.

    And, the kitchen. It's pretty small and I feel like all I do is make food and do dishes but the dishes still pile up!


    Clutter makes me freak out and I get so crabby!

  6. 3 maybe? I threw away all of my dresses when I was 8. :) I am one of like 3 women at church that wear pants. Sometime I do wear make up (trying to get better). Hate patterns, hate pink. My nails are shameful. I take less time getting ready for church than my husband. :001_huh: My hair is long because it looks terrible short! So I usually just put it up.

    I live in a houseful of boys so I fit right in :)

  7. I can't imagine life without legos! My 5 year old plays with them for anywhere from 1-5 hours a day. No joke. He started playing with them about age 3 and really ramped it up at 4. He has some that he follows directions on and then a bunch of random ones that he uses his imagination for. I like the mix of that. He does it in the office on a white sheet and the legos must stay on the sheet. I put in some classical music for him or, if the baby is sleeping, I will often do our read alouds then. My 3 year old is allowed in there with my supervision while the baby is sleeping and we have a gate up so the baby can't get in there.

    We only had a few duplos and he has always been more into the fine motor skills so legos have been great for him!

  8. The fastest way is to stop eating flour altogether. If you can't stop eating flour altogether, at least stop eating white flour altogether and only eat whole grains and even those in limited amounts- not with every meal. Whole, natural foods as much as possible. Don't bother with low fat or fake sugars etc. I lost 60 lbs that way.


    I'm sorry that happened to you, that's embarrassing and just being 25 lbs over doesn't sound all that bad!



    I've cut out grains and sugars (except for in my coffee!). Keep my carbs low and fat high, protein moderate. Fat is a great filler upper :) I've been eating this way since may and have dropped 15 pounds (I'm always a slow loser and I'm breastfeeding). I'm eating like 1800 calories a day and not hungry! I hate being hungry. Good luck. I'm sorry you had to go through this. I see this becoming more of an issue and weight is not a good indicator of health! And it's no one's business.

  9. It does seem like a lot has changed. My husband's grandmother got really burned when she was a little girl. Her parents paid off the medical bills until she was 18 years old! Why can't places now allow people to take longer to pay it off? We have a bit of medical debt- after every birth, surgery, and ER visit. I always call and get on the payment plan. Right now the baby will be over 2 by the time we pay off the hospital bill from his birth.

  10. We waited and I want my children to do the same. This was for religious reasons primarily but I love not having to worry about sexual diseases (I actually had shingles in a sensitive place and the doctor told me it was herpes but I was able to confidently laugh him off) or an untimely pregnancy. We also have a wonderful time together if you know what I mean... very compatible ;)

  11. Hello,

    I found this forum and need help! I'll give you a little bit of information and will appreciate any advice you can give me. We have a 5 year old. My husband and I spent a year deciding whether or not to homeschool or send our son to a private, Christian, classical school. (Let's just say decisions aren't my strong point!) Finally we decided and enrolled him. Then my husband got a new job and we moved very suddenly. Private school is no longer an option and we are homeschooling. I feel very unprepared. I've read The Well-trained mind several times but it was never a pressing issue! I love the book and will be rereading it again very soon.

    We are currently doing "Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons." We had started this last year but forgot about it when the baby was born :) We have a very limited budget so I want to make the best choice for us right now. I'm looking into Veritas Press and Memoria Press. But I think we want to use Saxon for math. I think I want something pretty structured but I do need to be flexible as I also have a 3 year old and a 6 month old. I know we'll end up having to find out what works best with us but I would like a continuity of a program. And any ways to get used curriculum cheaper would be helpful.

    Thank you!

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