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Posts posted by Jerico

  1. I had migraines in high school. Going to the chiropractor is what helped me. I was always bending over the computer or a desk doing work and had terrible posture (even though I was also active in sports and stuff). So chiro plus some stretches they had me do helped.

  2. I have no idea. I got some testing done at my 6 week post-partum visit so I could get incentive money through my husband's employer. They told me my cholesterol was high and to see my primary care doc (which I don't have). I wasn't planning on taking any script anyways but I saw fathead a few days later and after reading Dr. Peter Attia & Gary Taubes I feel even more justified about it :)

  3. I think it depends. I once had a teacher (he wasn't my teacher but a chapparone (sp?)on a trip) call me a b(*#&. I reported him for that and other reasons (other inappropriate things that happened on the trip) and he was fired. Our basketball coach cussed all of the time but he never called us names and I cussed at him just as much (shamefully, and I have sought him out to apologize!) But I never reported him as he never called me a name...

  4. Week 1 total: $80 for groceries.


    Week 2: Nothing so far, but I am working on a shutterfly scrapbook. 50% off and I'm using up the rest of my Christmas money. I'll probably order it tonight. Won't be leaving the house until saturday at the earliest. :) So no other expenses most likely.

  5. My parents listed their house sunday, they are already under contract, I believe. We used the same realtor when we sold our house (listed end of august. under contract twice, the final time oct 5 and finally closed dec 7- stupid bank). She had professional pictures done- they looked fab! Also, pricing! you can't expect to make a killing on your house in the market now. Is it competitively priced? Did you look at comps? I'd have a meeting with your realtor and see what they are doing about it. Also, I'd probably ask another agent or two what they think to get a consensus (check on how you can do this, you might have to release your current agent first; so do talk with them about it). Some of it might be timing.

  6. I think it depends. If you are dead set on a certain area or a style of housing you might want to start earlier because you are more specific. if you don't have any idea at all, it would be alright to start looking around some to decide location or style.


    we just sold our house. under contract 10/5 and didn't close until 12/7. It was all the bank! and it was so stressful!


    Good luck!

  7. The check I'm getting tomorrow is considerably less than normal. Between the 2% payroll tax increase, and the increase in benefits costs, it's not pretty. The worst part is that only 4 days of this check have the new rates. Next check is going to hurt.

    Ugh, is this really true? and how can I figure out what our next check will be?


    LOL, or maybe it is... My dh's SS deduction was up where it used to be on today's check, but I guess we make a lot less than most folks here. The change is very little, when you make very little.

    We don't make much at all and are barely breaking even so even this "small amount" is really hurting us.


    I understand why the tax is there and I'd probably be okay with it if it was actually helping the country's debt! But we can't run our household at this level of borrowing and deficit so why should the government be able to? And I'm scared to know what's going to happen with the insurance tax stuff.

  8. We had to run out on the first to get toilet paper- whoops. I grocery shopped for the first week on 12/31 as I like to shop early in the week. So total spent this month is $80. I already fueled up my car for this month so I don't have to worry about that. I'm not counting anything hubby spends- this is just for me and I'll challenge him to a no spend month (again lol) later!

  9. Commiserating here too.


    How do you keep hubby's carbs low if you don't eat any meat?


    Even if they don't up his pay or give benefits maybe he could get out of his contract? That way he can find some side work as tutoring or a 2nd job?

  10. I'm feeling overwhelmed lately. I feel like years of reading forums has warped my mind into a very not normal view of how things should be. I should start by saying I was a latch key kid, had a very dysfunctional home life, and never learned any sort of cooking/cleaning/budgeting/parenting stuff from my mother. I am starting to realize that it truly is putting me at a disadvantage and now I'm in over my head.


    From my reading here, and at other homeschool and at natural parenting forums, it seems that everyone:


    Has a super clean house

    Homeschools a billion subjects with a billion children, and also adds in a bunch of outside activities and homeschool/church stuff

    works out

    cooks everything from scratch

    cooks mostly organic food

    has very low grocery budgets.


    Our house is liveable. Not super clean. My kids store their toys in boxes or laundry baskets so we're not martha stewart.

    We go to church once a week and most of sunday is set aside for that.

    We go to the library once a week and we do nothing else outside of the home other than that.

    I have 3 children, we do phonics and basic math with the k'er. This will change obviously.

    I do not work out- occasional walks to the park- more in nicer weather.

    I cook from scratch mostly cause it's cheaper (I buy bread for the kids)

    Our meals are very simple. We do not eat organic foods.

    We do have a low grocery budget but only because we don't have much to work with right now. I keep everything around a dollar to two a pound. We use frozen veggies. Mainly bananas and apples, unless other fruits on are sale/in season. I buy chickens by the whole and roast, and then make broth. Only 98 cents a pound at aldi. I do all of my shopping there. I spend about $75/week (including diapers and toilet paper).

  11. We know a lot of families that never will, or have used birth control. We personally decided against that as we always have medical debt from paying for our babies and we wanted to move to other things (like being able to do some things with our older children). It definitely is a personal decision, however, if we wanted more I would have. You only really have a short amount of time to have children in life.

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