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Everything posted by Briva

  1. On our way to 2nites Nativity Paraclesis (whatever that is) I told dh is what something related to advent. Picking up his disciple (a non-practicing ex-RC). I can relate to what Patty Joanna said: I had my own dragons to slay--and some of them were very much related to fear, because I had come to a point where I knew that if Orthodoxy wasn't true, nothing was, and that scared the tar out of me. I believe I am afraid to just let go, and let God. I want to know what it is all about before allowing myself to be taking in. Just very weary, I am getting to old for this. I feel like if I let go, there is no turning back because there is nothing to turn back to but emptiness. God wouldnt leave us empty, would He?
  2. To Patty Joanna, like Leila, dh and I devoured the history part of the Orthodox Church book. I believe what I am hoping for is some kind of guided instruction in 'praxis'...is that only for catechumens? I am not ready to be an official catechumen. Been there, done that soooo many times and really believe I never will be ready (paralyzingly gunshy). Another part of me is doubting there is ANY church left on earth aside from the relationships we have made with other Christians in our journey. I envy Orthodox children because as babes in Christ they get to receive instruction in the 'praxis' of the church, experience DL with their parents and participate in the Eucharist and be guided along as they grow. I have been listening to AFR, and I agree that I have been robbed of 3/4 of my faith...that shakes the core of who you are, you are crumbling and need some hope. I have found Steve the Builder's website, Our Life in Christ, and listened to the first of 3 podcasts on Convertitis. Before listening to them I had already realized that dh and I need to stay away from newbee converts. We come away from DL feeling drained not strengthened. We have switched EO churches for the interim while we attend a book study. Already feel a little hopeful as two couples our age (cradle and one RC married to a cradle) picked us out of the crowd to come and talk to us. I would love to know what this Feast coming up is all about. Are those children books used in Sunday school detailed enough for an adult to get what is going on and why?
  3. (((Handmaiden))) I am grateful that dh is inquiring with me, even if its for very different reasons, theological/spiritual. He sympathizes with me and my frustrations. I tend to zone out when frustrated. We read through Ware's Orthodox Church and started his Orthodox Way and I just had to put it away for now. We do have a very nice lending library...I just dont feel like reading anything because I am not getting any benefit from them, just more frustrated. Dh did find another EO church that just started a book study with about 15 other people. So we are going to be attending DL there while the study is going on.
  4. meant to add, I found advice on language learning at Trivium Pursuit, The Bluedorn's website http://www.triviumpursuit.com/articles/three_levels_to_mastering_greek.php
  5. Hello, I am new to this forum. I am a retired homeschooling mom. I was raised bilingual in a home where we spoke English with my dad and Spanish with my mother. I was also taught Spanish phonics and how to read and write it. My husband and I are both bilingual but we spoke only English with our kids. I was successful in teaching my kids Spanish phonics, vocabulary and getting to them read all the bilingual Scholastic books I could find. Then I stepped it up with Rod & Staff Spanish readers. I found an old turn of the century Allyn & Bacon Spanish Grammar book (Castillian) that I used for Spanish I, II, & III levels with my older two kids. They can translate from English to Spanish and vice versa. They can understand anything spoken to them in Spanish (or overhear, lol) but are not fluent in speaking but can get by.
  6. We just started reading through a book (with discussion) Clark Carlton's The Faith: Understanding Orthodox Christianity. Just saw the reviews at amazon and I feel fortunate that we found this and can attend. Been drifting along and hope this will anchor me a bit.
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