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Everything posted by Taz007

  1. You did not answer the question of "how much is enough"? You do not have to have children in order to be lacking in stewardship.
  2. How do you quantify how much is "enough" (for schooling, extracurriculars, etc)? What is that exact dollar amount? And how "poor" must one be to receive a hand out and how much should they receive? What price would you (collective "you") for your child's privacy and safety?
  3. :iagree: Now, I do agree with the your statement that money forgone is not the same as money spent but there were a few other posts that stated othewise. And as far as who should spend $480,000 on their child's education? That is the decision of the parent and I will not disparage that choice.
  4. Hotdrink's description of opportunity cost is spot on and a term used in Economics 101. Yes, staying home and/or homeschooling is a choice but with every choice there is a cost. In my case, the opportunity cost is several times the cost Suri's school. Is it worth it? Right now, yes. Ask me again when the kids are having a meltdown over having to write a paragraph :001_unsure: I will not begrudge another parent's choice.
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