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3lilreds in NC

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Posts posted by 3lilreds in NC

  1. Abbie didn't say much. I don't think she knew what to say! Abbie was telling MIL that she's playing Ode to Joy on piano for her recital, and can also sing it very well. She asked if MIL wanted to hear it, to which MIL responded yes, enthusiastically. So she sang that for MIL whose response is, "You can sing that at my funeral. How about that?" :confused: And then, when Abbie didn't respond, she kept going with something about singing it when she dies to help her get into heaven. :glare:


    Conversations like this make me so uncomfortable. It's probably good that I can't overhear the girls talking with ILs more often. They were on speakerphone outside my window.


    Of course MY OWN MOTHER said she and my dad are trying to plan a family vacation next year because it's their 45th wedding anniversary and neither set of their parents lived to be married for 50 years. You know, because apparently we wouldn't want to go on vacation with them without a nice helping of guilt.



  2. When we go to Michigan in the summer, dh can't usually stay as long as I would like to stay. He takes us up, spends some time, and then usually goes home and comes back when it's time for us to come home. It's just too far to drive, IMO, to spend less than a couple of weeks and he can't usually be away from work that long. I will say that after our time up there a couple of years ago, I am less inclined to spend long amounts of time up there with my dad. I love him, but we are too much alike to be together for an extended period of time.


    So, I may not be staying up there without dh anymore. I don't know. I would love to be able to go somewhere with just our family, but then I think we would not be able to go to Michigan and I'm not ready to give up having the kids see their grandparents yet.

  3. I *think* when we had an engagement party, gifts were not required. I certainly never asked people to bring any and I don't think there were written invitations. It's also entirely possible that I'm remembering bridal showers instead. I don't know. I do know dh's family though and I'm thinking we probably had an engagement shower.


    Of course, this was so long ago that registering for baby showers was a new, questionably tacky, idea. :lol:

  4. I am starting to get books for the iPad for school. I don't have a lot of curriculum, exactly, but we're getting ready to start AO and many of the books we need are available for the Kindle (which is the app I like best on my iPad). I can also open PDFs in iBook. I know SpyCar said he got a PDF reader that he really likes, and if I run into any trouble, I will look into that, but I'm doing well with iBooks so far.


    What I like about it is being able to take a lot with me on the iPad. No more hauling around a crate of books! I just got downloads of FLL/WWE 3 workbooks. I already had the print TMs or I would have considered those as downloads for my iPad.


    The one downside is that you really can't sell your curriculum when you're done if you put it all on your iPad.


    ETA: Most books that you pay for should have a clickable TOC that allows you to go forward in chapters, and you can bookmark your books. That's probably not true with a PDF, but for Kindle/Nook books it should be.

  5. I do not think preschool is necessary at all.


    That being said, all 3 of mine have gone. Emma went because she was able to get into a good program at 2.5 and with Abbie being only a year behind her, I was losing my mind. I really needed a break. It helped me a lot.


    They both went the following year, and finished up when they were 4. Emma stayed at the same school, but Abbie went to a learn-through-play program when she was 4 that was FABULOUS and is where we would have sent Isaac if we still lived there.


    Now, the girls went before I had even an inkling that I might want to homeschool, but I will tell you that it made my life ever so much easier when we started K at home that they already knew their letters etc.


    Schmooey goes now because dh wants him to go, and because he likes it and also wants to go. I really didn't want to send him back this year, but honestly, the 2 mornings a week he's in school, the girls and I are able to get a lot done. I have not done a good job of teaching my girls to be independent in their school work, so I have to be involved in most of it, and Schmooey gets into every.thing. when he is here. Someone told me it should get easier to homeschool with him when he turned 3.5. They lied.


    I really did want to homeschool preschool my baby boy. I might consider it again for next year. But, it's made our homeschooling this year a lot easier and I know dh will want him to continue. It's also nice that we've met some people and made some friends there. That was a big help after moving here.

  6. :grouphug: Praying here.


    I don't think you are self-absorbed. I think you have a lot going on and a major event coming up that will affect you and your family significantly. Keep trying to let God handle it, though, so you don't have to carry the burden by yourself.

  7. I really like Juliet Marillier's Sevenwaters Trilogy. The first book is based on the fairy tale of the seven swans. They are basically fantasy and romance, and they are lovely books. These are some of the few I read that are actually written for adults. :D


    I really like the Fablehaven series by Brandon Mull. The Sisters Grimm are a lot of fun too. Rick Riordan, who wrote the Percy Jackson series, started a new series based on ancient Egyptian mythology that I like - the first book is called The Red Pyramid, second book due out soon, I think.


    PB Kerr writes the Children of the Lamp books and I like those a lot.


    I have recently read and LOVED The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett, as well as the other books in the Tiffany Aching series - A Hat Full of Midnight, The Wintersmith, and I Shall Wear Midnight. They are fabulous! They are part of his Discworld series, which is supposed to be really good, but I haven't read any of the other ones yet.


    For sort of historical fantasy, I like Stephen Lawhead. His Pendragon Cycle books are some of my all-time favorites. His Silver Hand Trilogy is also fabulous. He has a trilogy on Robin Hood that I really enjoyed, and his book Byzantium is excellent too. His most recent book is called The Skin Map, which is the first in a new series that seems very interesting. (these are adult books too, no s*x really, but more violence/wars and things)


    Terry Brooks is another of my favorite fantasy authors. I enjoy everything of his. He writes the Shannara books and Magic Kingdom of Landover. The Landover books are lighter than Shannara but all are good. Again, written for adults really, because of darker themes etc.


    Cornelia Funke's Inkheart books are great! I loved them on audio.


    I also really like Michael Scott's Nicholas Flamel series that someone else mentioned - I am waiting impatiently for the next book to come out in May!


    Chares deLint is amazing too. I also second that recommendation.


    OR Melling is a YA author who writes books based on Celtic mythology. I love them!


    I am sure I could go on all day here but I should probably attempt to educate my children. :D I'm going to come back though and write down some recommendations for myself!

  8. Well, they did say, no gifts and if you WANT to give money you can. It's probably tacky, but you should not feel obligated to give them anything. I'd probably bring a card and call it good.


    We did have an engagement party, I think, and we did receive gifts. It would never have occurred to me to tell people to just bring money. :confused: I suppose it's a sign of the times, but not a very nice one.

  9. I make my kids show their work. One reason is what you described. Another reason is so that I can see where they have made a mistake in their work and help them correct it. I think it is wonderful that he can do math in his head though!

  10. As a side note, I'm surprised your dad even said that to you. Does he support your hsing? Is he normally so socially inept? :)


    :lol: In fact, he does not support my homeschooling, or anyone else's, for that matter. He didn't have this particular conversation with me; he was talking to another guy who is taking volunteer firefighter training with him, I believe. I am guessing this guy had not experienced my dad's particular... Charm, shall we say, before and my mom said he was pretty upset.


    I am guessing that my dad told us this stuff so we could hear his latest round of reasons not to homeschool. A couple of years ago, he told me I was denying my kids essential life experiences by not sending them to public school. I told him to tell me specific areas in which he felt my kids were deficient, and we would discuss it. He told me I never want to admit when I am wrong and never will. Gee, I wonder where I get THAT from? :lol: I was livid after that argument, but I came here and my fellow boardies set me up with bean dip and readjusted my expectations, and Imstopped telling my dad anything except that my kids are fine and we are all doing fabulously well.


    After pondering why I even want a response to his nonsense, I realized that I am probably looking to argue with him andnwish to do so intelligently. There is no point in arguing with my dad (see previous paragraph). I need to let him think what he thinks and just not participate, no matter how badly I want to try to make him say I'm right. :D

  11. :lol:

    Loved the cake story. Here's our latest adventure.


    Last week it got pretty hot here in GA and 6yo dd wanted her kiddie pool to wade in. So we filled it up and the water started overflowing. I told her to turn off the water because the pool was overflowing into the yard. She looks up at me, then at the stream of water, and jumps up. Then she starts yelling.


    "We're having a flood! Where are the Dam People? We need the Dam People here right now!"



  12. This past weekend, my parents wee visiting, and we discovered that my mom can turn her tongue over like my middle child can. I said, "Well, Abbie, you're not the mailman's child!" (Where that thought came from, I have no idea, and it doesn't even make sense because it was my mom who could do the tongue trick, not dh's, but I digress.). Abbie looked at me, confused, and asked, "Mom, who in our family is even a mailman?" :lol:


    At dinner last night, Schmooey looked up at me and said, "Mommy, my fingers are people and they're feeding me!" :)

  13. from public schools by keeping my kids at home. I know passing the bean dip is in order - I'm not upset or feeling defensive, just wondering how to best represent the homeschool side of the debate.


    My parents were just here for the weekend, and we had a lovely time. However, my dad just could not resist sharing how he really nettled another homeschooler by telling him that by keeping his 5 children at home, he's keeping their local public school from receiving about $13K which would allow them to hire 2 more teachers (which it would not but that is not the point). He lives in Michigan, which has a very strong teacher's union, and my parents always were and still are huge advocates of public school. He says that instead of homeschooling, parents should be working in the system to improve it.


    I don't actually care if the schools get less money because I don't send my children, but that's probably not a helpful thing to say. I didn't argue with him on this (score one for me and my self-control :lol:) but I would love to be able to discuss this intelligently. You can point me towards books/articles if you want.

  14. My DD has made several non-Christian friends as a homeschooler. Good friends, not just acquaintances. She's not in a Christian bubble at all.


    :iagree: In our old neighborhood, I'm not sure my kids played with any other Christian kids. It was not a big deal. Here, I think we see more Christians because our neighbor also goes to our church, and our co-op is a Christian co-op. They ride horses, though, with kids who are from everywhere and other activities are not all Christian-centered.


    I have to agree with you about protecting their innocence. That is one of the biggest things I've noticed about my kids - they are still so sweetly innocent. They are certainly growing up and becoming less so, but I love that I have a lot of control over what I let them see and hear.

  15. If you can find Alba's Un-Petroleum Jelly (link to Vitacost), it's supposed to work really well. I have not been able to find any locally and haven't gotten around to ordering any yet, but a friend of mine here said she cleared up her son's eczema using it. He has really bad allergies. I'm hoping to use it on Em and get rid of her steroids. She has prescription ones as the cortisone doesn't work anymore.

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