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Posts posted by somo_chickenlady

  1. I would just start from the very beginning, as if she was a new puppy, until she is potty trained. At her age, it shouldn't take her long. In the kennel (she will get used to it quickly, but you may have to "put" her in it at first...treats work well for our dog) for all naps and any time you can't directly supervise her. She gets no free reign of the house at all. If you get her out of the kennel, and she goes potty, she can be out with you if you can watch her at all times. If you are worried about her walking off and going potty at random times, then put her on a leash and attach it to your belt loop, so she can't go far from you. Only keep her out for half of an hour or up to an hour at first, then have her go potty again then back in her kennel. Be very stern with her if you catch her going potty, so she knows that she isn't allowed to do that, then immediately take her outside, put her in the grass, and say "You go potty here!" You can also hang a bell from the door knob or next to the door, and when you go to take her out have HER ring the bell with her paw or nose, so she learns to do that.


    Like I said, at her age it shouldn't take very long, but it will take some time and patience. Good luck!! I'm sorry you are having to deal with this!!

  2. Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it. It breaks my heart to get rid of our pets, especially my cat b/c she is the best cat in the world (I may be biased haha). The only place we can really get into with our credit (nasty medical bills) is where both of DH's siblings live/lived, so they are already giving us a huge break with our other deposits. :( I really wish we could keep them. I'm just hoping I can find them loving homes. :crying:

  3. We live near Springfield/Branson, Missouri. My husband and I have run into some unforseen difficulties are having to sell our acreage and move back to Nebraska. We will be living in a town house, so we are unable to take chickens with us, and we cannot afford the pet deposit so we need to rehome our cat as well. We have already found homes for our dogs. I have contacted a local rescue about our cat, but have not heard back.


    Our cat, who we call Nora, is 4.5 years old (born on May 8th, 2008) and we have had her since she was 8 weeks old. She has never in that time gone outside of her litterbox. She is a great cat, just a bit overweight, and she likes to lick the fur off of her belly and back legs. She is spayed, but not declawed. She is really good about letting you trim her nails, though, and I will trim them for you before you take her. She gets really nervous around small children, so she would do better in a home with older children (she does fine with our 13 year old, just littles that move fast and make a lot of noise scare her). She has never been outside, so I want to find a home for her that will promise to keep her inside. She will come with a scratch pad and whatever food we have left for her. She currently eats Cat Chow Healthy Weight, and can also eat Cat Chow Indoor Formula, but has vomited on any other kind of food we have tried to give her, including the expensive ones.


    (I don't know why my pictures look so huge...at least on my end...the largest side is only 500 pixels. *sigh* I appologize.)


    **If you live between Springfield, MO and Omaha, NE, we would be willing to bring her to you when we move if you are interested in that.**








    As for the chickens, I have 5 hens - 1 Black Australorp (lt brown eggs), 1 Black Ameraucana (green eggs), 1 Brown Ameraucana (green eggs), 1 Ameraucana/Brahma mix (green eggs), and 1 Black Tailed White Japanese bantam (ornamental, most likely won't lay eggs). I also have one cockerel, a Gold Laced Sebright, who is tiny. Sebrights are ornamental and generally infertile. He does crow, but it isn't very loud, we can only hear him if he is standing right next to the house. I prefer for them to go together as one group, b/c the Ameraucana/Brahma mix raised the rest (except the Australorp) from chicks and she grew up with the Australorp, so they are all very attached to one another. They are used to being free range, and they are all disease and parasite free. They are "friendly" (meaning not aggressive, but only the Australorp will allow you to pick her up willingly) and will all come when you call them for food. They will actually follow you around the yard.


    (L-R) Brown Ameraucana, Ameraucana/Brahma mix, Black Australorp



    Black Ameraucana



    Black Tailed White Japanese Bantam (she is about the size of a softball)



    Gold Laced Sebright cockerel (he is slightly bigger than the white one)



    If anyone is interested in either our cat or my chickens, please PM me. Thank you!!

  4. We drink coffee. Well I guess technically espresso. DS has a latte every morning. For some odd reason I think it mellows him LOL. I sometimes drink a mocha at 8pm. I sleep like a rock.


    Coffee has always calmed me rather than hyped me up. When I was younger, if I couldn't sleep, I would drink a cup of coffee and I would fall right to sleep.

  5. I've been drinking coffee since I can remember. I think my first cup was when I was 5. LOL My grandfather would let me have a cup every time we spent the weekend with them, which was frequently in the summer. I like mine with cream and sugar, though. I don't think it did any damage to me to have the occasional cup.

  6. I had white dinner plates for quite a while, and I loved them. My set was a little different, b/c the dinner plates were white, but the salad plates were pale aqua and the bowls were pale blue. It was a pretty set, and a different twist on plain white. We packed them away when we moved here b/c the plates didn't fit in the cabinets, and now we have white Corelle plates with olive green and grey stripes around the edge. Someday I want to get a home that has no upper cabinets, only open shelves, and I want all white dishes.

  7. I can't edit for some reason, so I'll put this in another post...


    I understand what everyone is saying about the guests not being expected to help, and that they should just visit, but I guess my thought is that the person doing all the cooking and cleaning should be allowed to visit as well. If I can help, even in a small way, that allows them to do so, I will. It is a holiday for them as well, and I hate to see someone stuck in a kitchen all day long b/c no one will help.

  8. That's all served on paper plates with plastic forks too. Another thing that drives me batty.


    I feel so mean for saying all of that, but yeah it bugs me.


    Your gig sounds much better.


    Whenever we hosted Thanksgiving, we had upwards of 30-40 people at our house. We have nowhere near to enough plates and silverware for that many people, so we would use paper plates and plastic silverware. It was also to help in cleaning up, less dishes to wash. Were we supposed to go out and buy more plates and silverware to use for just one day?


    I understand what everyone is saying about the guests not being expected to help, and that they should just visit, but I guess my thought is that the person doing all the cooking and cleaning should be allowed to visit as well. If I can help, even in a small way, that allows them to do so, I will. It is a holiday for them as well, and I hate to see someone stuck in a kitchen all day long b/c no one will help.

  9. There were quite a few free loaders at our Thanksgiving this year. My SIL hosted it, and she had to rent out the fire hall b/c we had upwards of 40 people coming. Dinner was at 3, but we got there at noon to help her with cooking and setting up. I kept asking over and over again what she needed me to do, and after dinner was over I just found stuff to do. She thanked me for all of my help while I was washing the dishes, and I told her that I know how much it sucks to have people show up to eat and then take off. We hosted dinner at our house many years in a row. I could never, in good concience, show up to eat and then leave without helping at all, but there were many that did that very thing this year. :( I ended up helping with a lot of the food prep, getting the food out to the serving table (buffet style), washing all the dishes, cleaning all the counters, then helped with getting the tables and chairs back into their original places.

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