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Posts posted by nrg

  1. In the early day of the internet, we found a website that had an hourly writing challenge. Each hour had an assignment ranging from essay to poetry, from silly to serious. Our family, two parents and boys ages 15, 11, and 6 had a BLAST with this. We all wrote, submitted to the website, and then read our creations and ate a fun snack each hour between board games and taking down the Christmas decorations. Sounds a little bizarre, but we all remember it as one very fun new year's eve.

  2. Do it right now!


    I have been hemming and hawing about an online PhD for years. Your post may be just what I need to get started.  I completed my master's at age 49 while still homeschooling and working for a charter school. Now I am significantly older and need to get on with it while I still can.  I m not biased against online programs as long as they are accredited.


    Be my good example, Joanne!

  3. My children are adults now; my two oldest with not-so-obvious special needs, including HF ASD. AS I tell them, I will tell you, do NOT be me. I was a wimp--backing away with my tail between my legs when things like this would happen. Please write a clear letter to the co-op board describing the situation, emphasizing the need for regard of special needs. Then go do something else with your children. Next time, meet with the adult stakeholders and offer to train them in working with ASD children, especially your own. Gauge their responsiveness and then decide on the activities for your children. 


    Enjoy your littles; they grow up all too soon.

  4. We had an adult son diagnosed and therapy begun at age 22. Find a local psychologist specializing in  ASD in young adults and have an assessment. Use the results at the university disabilities department and to guide therapy decisions. A good therapist will recommend a psychiatrist for medications as needed. Anxiety and rigidity play a huge part in limiting school success in people with ASD. Both the psychologist and the school will offer therapy.


    To address the poster above, when our son was a child, no interventions existed in our area. Please speak kindly to parents making hard decisions in unknown territories--we can't turn back the clock, but we can continue to learn and to make ever better choices.

  5. Hah! This speaker (can't remember his name) must be my brother's former mission president. B mentioned he would be speaking this afternoon and predicted he would say something about health and fitness; guess he knows him well.



    Elder /President Klebingat was my son's mission president just this year in Kyiv. 


    I love conference!

  6. I found a rehabilitative Pilates studio in my area and it has changed my life. Pain from degenerative disc disease had caused me to over and under use certain muscle groups resulting in more pain. The work in Pilates isolated target muscles and restored balance.  I still have 8 bulging/ruptured lumbar and cervical discs, severe central canal stenosis and foraminal stenosis, lots of annoying radiculopathies and altered sensations---and almost NO pain!  I have been doing this progrma after completing prescribed post-surgical PT.

  7. We have a roomba. His name is Ruby and he works very diligently whenever we go out. He makes living with 2 indoor cats a reasonable endeavor. Sometimes, if we are not careful, he gets himself tangled up in a bathroom rug or under a furniture edge and has to be rescued. Otherwise, he is our favorite family member. We love him. 

  8. We have an adult son with mental illness. Like your son, he is academically brilliant, but struggles with high functioning autism (not like your son) and depression (also diagnosed once with Bipolar 2) an d anxiety. He refused all services until he had a psychotic break at age 22.5.


    We found support through NAMI: The National Alliance on Mental Illness    http://www.nami.org/


    We took a class for families and learned LOTS about how we can help, the limitations put on parents, local services, good communication skills, and the details of various diagnoses. If this organization exists in your local area, I recommend contacting them. All services they provide in our area are professional, high quality and free of charge. 


    Finding a psychologist who is a good match has been key for our son. It took a few failed attempts to happen, but when it was right, he knew right away. 


    You can do this. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


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