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Everything posted by redgal

  1. I'm talking pencils, pencil crayons, markers and crayons for K - which do you prefer and why? DD has the correct grip on whatever she is using but I'm not sure which is better for kindergarten writing and drawing.
  2. OMG! We are HUGE HP fans in this house - and I have never heard of this. Off to google....
  3. I'm planning on lapbooking inside a binder notebook for my K'er as well because she loves crafty things.
  4. Thanks so much for sharing the link - that will be a handy resource for us as we go into K :D and yeah... that's some handwriting!
  5. Another vote here! I love Usborne books so I would be interested.:)
  6. Hi everyone, I've been lurking on these boards for a couple of months now, reading everything I can here and in the WTM and giving myself a crash course in classical ed after I grew dissatisfied with a pure waldorf/montessori approach. Classical Ed reminds me a lot of my own traditional (British) schooling so I was super happy to come across it. DD1 will be starting K in September (she'll be 5 in December). We have done a few workbooks here and there but mainly creative play and lots of arts, crafts, nature walks and read-alouds until now. Recently, she has been begging to learn how to read,trying to read books herself and sounding out a few letters here and there. She can write her name and count objects up to 5 etc. She has also asked to learn the piano, read about animals and do loads of art so is very keen to start school. Here's what I am planning, based on her interests and trying to make it fun: Reading & Writing: Jolly Phonics, Keywords with Peter & Jane, and games (e.g. Peggy Kaye Books and others I have on hand). Of course, I will continue lots of read-alouds too. Maths: Singapore Earlybird & Essential A & B (have both), MEP-Reception, and games (e.g.Cuisenaire Activity & Exploration Book, Peggy Kaye's Math Games Book). Science - Elemental Science's Exploring & Intro ( going to dip into parts from each here and there), Animals Around the World Study ( self-designed with lots of crafts/hand-on activities), Nature Study ( using Handbook of Nature Study/Outdoor Hour Challenges and field trips). Music: Piano - Children's Musical Journey Level 1, General/Singing - Pfeiffer House Music K and maybe later a study of musical instruments ( using Those Amazing Musical instruments or the Story of the Orchestra etc) Geography:Trip Around the World ( self-designed using Little Passports and doing a country of the month with cooking, crafts, stories from that country, discovering where it is on the map, looking at DK Children Like Me book, and DK Celebrations book etc) History: a Pre-history curriculum from big bang to first man to prepare for SOTW1 next year. Arts & Crafts: Artistic Pursuits The Way They See It ( to prep for AP1 next year), Drawing With Children (as a family) and other art books and projects along the way from the masses of arts/crafts books we have accumulated so far! Circle Time (rhymes, songs, stories, games, movement) - Enki K and Waldorf inspired activities. Swimming lesson x 1 per week and soccer class x 1 per week ( at her request) Continue with yoga, board games, read- alouds, play-dates and lots of trips to the local playground :) It now seems a lot now that I write it out and I won' t mention the stand-by's I have on hand, the number of favourites I added to my browser, or my huge amazon wish list...;) but any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated. I am so excited to find this forum and get started! TIA:D
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