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Posts posted by TXMary2

  1. :iagree: Well said, MissMoe. I had some of the same visions at the beginning and I thought my kids were going to be geniuses. LOL I realized several years ago that my job is to be their teacher, which means I have an active role. It is a full time job and I have accepted that I will just be very busy for many years to come.

  2. What about trying another program? Or a good tutor? What about making it relevant? I always struggled with math because I was intimidated by it. Having a math genius cousin and reading The Dancing Wu Li Masters really helped me. That and getting a decent math teacher. You can do science while struggling with math. You just have to work with it because you will use it often. The more you use it, the easier it will be. But most bio majors have to take calculus, so it's important to go into college ready for it.


    He has a math teacher/tutor we see once a week for two hours. Plus she is available via phone when he needs her. He has finally had some breakthroughs, but it is because he is putting in so much time. I am praying that one of these days it just "clicks."

  3. What about the kid who loves science and wants to be a zoology or biology major? My ds has big goals, but he struggles mightily with math and always has. He is a sophomore and still doing Algebra 1. He is almost finished, but he isn't strong with it. He spends about 2 -3 hours a day with Algebra - partly because he struggles, but mostly because he is determined and he forces himself to read, watch instructional lessons and work through several lessons a day. I am really worried about the SAT math portion.

  4. It's even worse than Josh and Anna Duggar's. Guess where I saw it? Yes, I saw it on a commercial for a new TLC reality show! :lol:


    Enjoy (or not). :tongue_smilie:




    For comparison, here is the Duggar wedding kiss, complete with Jim Bob's introduction to the kiss.


    Skip to 5:40.




    I saw the commercial and it was awful - it looked like he was eating her face!!!

  5. :iagree: And I will say that preemies are special. Not that all new babies in a family aren't special, but the birth and what they all went through with Josie might have made a very, very strong connection with Jill. I recall Jill being really very involved in all the day to day care of Josie from the beginning. Jana too, but she's not on the show anymore I guess. My take is that Jill has a special bond with Josie and just enjoys her. And Michelle might have also been advised to take it easy with the lifting and toting.


    I saw her on recent episodes. I think she may not be around as much because she is going to college of some sort. Isn't she the one who wanted to go to nursing school?

  6. I definitely agree with the bolded! How many years were we told to avoid butter and eat margarine instead? Some listened and some were smart enough to not listen. It is very hard to know the truth. :tongue_smilie:


    Yes, and your example is a good one. Why anyone uses margarine anymore perplexes me - especially since it is pretty common knowledge at this point that it is thisclose to being plastic. Yuck.

  7. Here's another article from that same site:




    Apparently this site considers fried chicken skins and pork rinds to be good for you. :glare: Would be curious who funds this site ... the meat industry???


    IMO soy in the form of tofu and others is just fine - it's the highly processed and genetically modified soy that's a problem. We still enjoy our veggie burgers and other meat substitutes.


    ETA: I forgot to mention that those chicken skins are fried in tallow or lard. lol


    Anything deep fried isn't great, but I see no issue with eating skins of baked chicken.


    This website is new to me and I am generally not picky about food, but I have a newfound interest in eating healthier. Problem is there are so many opinions, conflicting info and politics involved with food that it is hard to tell what's right.

  8. Thank you for all the suggestions. A few of the books look like the may fit what I think I am looking for. TXMary2, do you know if you need the student book if the TM contains a complete copy of the student text? Can you get away w/just the TM?


    Has anyone used the TC poetry lectures? I would appreciate feedback on those as well.


    Thanks again.



    Yes, you could easily use only the TM. The answers are separated from the student pages.

  9. One of our favorite road trip activities is to buy postcards along the way (available everywhere even gas stations). The kids write on the back of the postcard about the area we're in or an activity we did or something they saw. We hole punch the card and put it on a binder clip. And there is our journal of the road trip. As the years progress, so does the writing and what they choose to write about.


    That's a great idea! I could see getting extras to go in the scrapbook too - thanks!

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