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Posts posted by TXMary2

  1. I totally feel your pain. Sorry about the huge mess and damage.


    We evicted a family once and in retaliation they stuck used sanitary napkins all over the walls, and hung used tampons from the doorknobs. We just stood there wondering HOW they had so many- were the mom and both girls on their periods at the same time? Had they been saving them? It was even more gross than the time we were found that a tenant had been raising chickens in the basement. Free range. No cages.



    That is disgusting. When I hear things like this, my faith in humanity decreases.

  2. I beleive they interviewed on Today show and People magazine both saying the doctor said no more pregnancies, but they decided to give it another try. She acknowledged she was under the care of a high risk doctor and a C-section was expected.







    OK- then I stand corrected.

  3. Have the Duggars shared Michelle's reproductive health in detail? I had no idea it was public knowledge that her doctors recommended she shouldn't have any more children. Or is that just assumed? :bigear:


    I think it is just assumed. There have been plenty of doctors (not her doctors!) that have said she shouldn't, but I didn't see anything from her doctor saying she shouldn't.

  4. My mom just lost her diabetic cat :( She gave him insulin twice a day for a year. He recently went down hill and the vet couldn't get him regulated, he crashed, then had a stroke so she put him to sleep to end his suffering. He was 14 years old.


    Sorry I don't have a positive experience for you. I am sorry your kitty is sick.:grouphug:

  5. I received this in the mail a few days ago and have been going through it. It is wonderful. Thank you for the recommendation. I think this will work really well w/my dd.


    Yay! We are really enjoying it - well I am moreso than ds, but that's because he is a science guy. :)

  6. First of all I give my kids permission to defend themselves. If they are assaulted they are allowed to fight back. If it is just words, I instruct them to walk away and not respond. The rule is, if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything. If a person followed them around after my child walked away, that is harassment and at that point they are allowed to be a "tattle tale" and I have no problem stepping in and involving the offenders parents.


    I have had to step in on a couple of occasions at homeschool park day, because we used to have a mother that brought her children, and she was oblivious to how obnoxious her kids were. She doesn't come anymore.:D

  7. Also, in an attempt to be PC, schools developed that odd little entity called "peer mediation" or "peer counseling." Whose brain child was that? Here we have kids who are in conflict and can't work it out, so whom do we ask to help them? Other kids! What type of message does that send? That bullying is the kids' problem and they better work it out amongst themselves. In peer mediation, all sides are given equal consideration, and no one is painted as the bad guy. The point of peer mediation is to make everyone feel better. Oh, how sweet. :glare:


    Last year my dd had to go to peer mediation because another girl decided that my dd liked the girl's boyfriend and threatened to beat up my dd. My dd claimed she didn't like this guy, but even if she did, so what? The teachers caught wind of the problem and sent the girls to peer mediation so they could work things out. My dd was made to sign a statement that she would "try harder" to be "more understanding" of the other girl's point of view. The other girl had to promise to "not tell lies" about my dd. NOTHING was said about this girl telling my dd she would wait for her after school and kick her @$$.


    I was shocked, really shocked, I tell you, to hear later in the year that the girl got suspended for punching another student in the cafeteria. I mean, she had been sent to peer mediation and told to be nice! :001_huh:




    Did you find out about it after the fact? I would tell administrators to shove it and that as the victim my kid wouldn't be signing anything.


    The policies that schools have in place are beyond ridiculous. I am so sick of the victims being assigned equal responsibility. It's bs.

  8. I personally feel that they should be put out of school and the parents should be held accountable for their education. This makes the parent address who their child is becoming. Yes, some kids just are so beligerant naturally, that about nothing the parent does will ever change their course. But, the reality is, the rights of other students - even alternative ed - to NOT deal with it, trumps the parents' right to not deal with it.


    I think some of them could be turned around if their bullying were not tolerated and the consequences were unpleasant enough to consider that behaving appropriately is far better in life than not. But, it needs to happen young enough that change comes fairly easily. By the teen years, I think these patterns a pretty well set unless acted upon by an equal and opposite force...this tends to mean encountering enough people that are tougher than the bully and who can exercise enough force to make them stop which usually means police and jail. Unfortunately, while you can incarcerate them to keep them away from society, the culture within juvenile detention facilities sort of reinforces a "survival of the fittest mentality". So, I really feel the best solution is expel them when they are in elementary school and showing their vicious or potentially vicious nature, and force the parents to take action. A good behavioral child psychologist, tracking that progress and reporting it to the school, etc. If they do well with discipline and counseling, then the school can give them another chance.


    Victims should not be further victimized by being the ones forced to move.





  9. i don't think it's a dysfunction or special need of the individual. Maybe of society.


    DD was at ps this year for the first time. She dealt with the name calling because she was a "teacher's pet", the ugly, mean kid making fun of her - she was coming home after Christmas, but I wanted her to stick it out a few more weeks. Then, the boy who had ALREADY been kicked out of school once for inappropriately touching a girl, touched my daughter. That's nothing except bullying taken to an extreme. He knew she was vulnerable and took advantage of it. The school didn't even let me know about the incident - dd came home in tears because she had had to go to the office - nevermind that she was the victim in the situation. When I went to withdraw her from school and talk to the principal, she said "It's hard to do anything to change the situation because the parents think it's funny."


    Really? Being suspended twice is funny for a 5th grader? It's funny to take advantage of smaller, weaker, quieter, different people? You know the parents laugh it off in a majority of cases. Even the mean boy who just used words, no touching was awful to dd, but no one cared because he was a "good kid". So now, my dd is home. She liked school. She was doing well. But leaving her in an abusive situation is obviously not acceptable to me. Nothing is going to happen to the abuser. Another two weeks out of school - no big deal to anyone on that end, but it changed my dd's course for the whole year.


    I am very angry that my choices were 1) deal with it or 2) bring dd home. Something of substance should happen to kids who abuse other kids.


    These are the kinds of stories I hear over and over and it is maddening.


    FTR- I think K-12 they should be kicked out. I am in the let parents figure out how they will be educated to the alternative school camp. At the alternative schools they should have counseling and character training. If they can manage to stay out of conflicts and behave themselves at the alternative school then perhaps they can return to regular school, on probation.


    I am annoyed by all the anti-bullying campaigning. It is a waste of tax dollars and does nothing to curb bullying. I am tired of hearing stories of children killing themselves because schools and parents do nothing to stop the bullies. Billboards, assemblies and PSA's do not solve anything. Maybe after an assembly children will be temporarily nicer, but after the effect wears off it goes back to the same old same old. Bullying will not stop, therefore the bullies need to be isolated and disciplined. I don't care if I sound harsh. If I hear one more story about a child kiling themselves over bullying, I might explode. Shame on schools who dare to say that bullies "have a right to education too." Fine, great, but not at the expense of good kids who also have a right to an education. A bully free, fear free, emotionally turbulent free education!


    Bullying was not a reason I pulled my kids to homeschool, but as a child I was bullied and I was always made to feel like I was the one with the problem. It is flipping unacceptable.

  10. What say you......should bullies (repeat offenders) be kicked out of schools? I am disturbed that it always seems to be the victims who have to leave to get relief. Why are bullies allowed to stay in school and disrupt the education and emotional welfare of other students? I say if you are a jerk who can't treat people right, then you're out.

  11. I love this time of year, when I start looking for what I want to use next year ( we purchase in February ). What are you using for 2nd? I know I will be using Sonlight Core C ( secularly ), Singapore Math, SOTW, Elemental Science Earth and Astronomy, All About Spelling, First Language Lessons & WWE. We are also purchasing a telescope and rock tumbler. We have a great microscope already. I need to find science and history readers and read alouds. I am unsure of where I want to head with Latin after SSL. Anyone have readers, read alouds they love, or Latin suggestions? Fun hands on things to go with Medieval that just aren't to miss?


    My 2nd Grader uses:


    Abeka Arithmetic 2


    ETC 4

    CLE LA

    Reason For Handwriting

    Song School Latin (love this!)

    OPGTR (almost done)

    TOG Writing Aids

    TOG History, Geography, Literature

    Weekly Reader Map Skills

    Real Science Odyessy

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