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Posts posted by flyingmommy

  1. I forgot some....


    I'm gonna knock a wart on you a bullfrog can't hop over!


    My mother always used to threaten to "Tie our tails together and throw us over the clothesline"


    Nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.


    I'm gonna knock you a-windin'! (I'm noticing a slightly violent trend here. LOL)


    I'm gonna skin you alive! (Yep, definitely violent)



  2. Some of my mother's favorites: Can't never could do nothin'


    Ain't seen hide nor hair of him (can't find him anywhere)


    Well, I'll be! (when my son was little, he asked me if I'll be was a cuss word)


    So ugly she'd have to sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink.


    Don't y'all be in there a-messin' and a-gommin' (to this day, I don't know what gomming is).


    Don't dispute my word! (don't argue with me)


    I'll pay you back when I shear my frogs (I guess this one goes along with finer than frog hair).


    A hoopin' and a hollerin' (making lots of noise)


    In case you didn't notice it, my mother was a major hick! :P



  3. I read that article this morning. Ugh! I don't even want my girls to participate in public school activities and I am irritated by this. Seriously, if they can prove to me that every athlete in the public school system can read and write as well as or better than my home schooled children, then they have a leg to stand on when they question the grades of home schooled children. I cannot tell you how many football players I knew in high school who could barely write their own names. They all managed to meet the grade criteria to stay on the football team.


    Purely and simply, this is the school system's bias against homeschoolers. I applaud the effort that went into getting this passed, but giving the principals the final word was a bad idea.


    Oh well.....progress comes slowly.....



  4. I'm afraid I'd be tempted to say, "Yes, dd is reading The Hobbit. You mean your children haven't read The Hobbit?" Then I'd tut tut like it was a real tragedy that her children were so deprived.....


    But that's just me. Sometimes I don't feel like being nice. :P


    One childhood school memory that really stands out for me---I was in 2nd or 3rd grade. I was a very advanced reader and I chose a very interesting book from the library. I think it had something to do with travel in foreign countries. Anyway, I took it to the desk and the librarian would not let me check it out because it was "too hard for me." I am 42 and I still remember how frustrated I felt that day. I read books like most people breathe air. :)


    I say Good For Your DD!!!!! If she's interested in books like The Hobbit, good for her. If she only reads a few chapters and puts it down, no big deal.



  5. Welcome to the boards! I am convinced that there is nothing that can't be answered by the Hive! :)


    I also want to say that I am from Louisiana (NW) so I'm pretty southern! :P I am a member of several homeschool groups. The homeschoolers in our area are very accepting, regardless of race. That being said, I only know of one African American homeschooling family and they are military. The sad reality is that homeschooling is not a concept that is promoted within the southern African American community. My one and only regret with homeschooling is that my children are not spending a great deal of time with minorities the way they were in public school. I don't want them to grow up in an "all white" world. We do have quite a few Hispanic homeschoolers in our area, as well as other nationalities. Please hang in there! The homeschooling world needs you! And don't forget that no one cares as much about your child's education as you do. Therefore, you are the most qualified person to teach your child.



  6. My 3rd grader is really enjoying CLE grammar. I go over the new part of the lesson with her and then she does the rest. Very little work for me! She's a work book kid, though, which helps. The really nice thing about CLE grammar is that it is inexpensive. Yay!


  7. I recently moved all our homeschooling supplies to the dining room. It is a similar set up to yours. Smartest thing I ever did! The beauty of it is that it forces me to put things away so we can eat at the table! Before I moved everything, I had it all in my bedroom, which is large, but way too comfortable. The girls are getting their work done much more quickly at the table than they were when they were kicked back on my bed or the love seat. :)


    Congrats on getting your stuff moved. It looks wonderful!



  8. Hi,


    I will have a 9th grader next year. We have thoroughly covered American History over the last two years. I would like to cover Ancient History next year. So here are my questions:


    1. Could ancient history count as world history?


    2. If not, can someone recommend a world history course that covers ancient history?


    3. Ideally, I would like to include my upcoming 4th grader in the lessons. Does anyone have a recommendation for a program that would work for both a 4th and a 9th grader? Any necessary tweaking is fine....


    Thanks in advance for your advice! The hive never lets me down.



  9. I just wanted to add that we have two Corgis, Sam and Rosie, and they are wonderful, loving dogs. Ours aren't rescues, but if you have patience with yours, I think you will see great results. Both of ours wouldn't "tell" us when they needed to go out, they'd just go sit by the door. We figured out that that was their way of telling us. Corgis have short legs, so stairs can be difficult. Treats on the steps should work well. Corgis are major treat hounds. :) Also, they have a tendency to become overweight, so be careful with too many treats. If you have a fenced back yard, your Corgi might enjoy exploring on his own. We did have difficulty taking ours out on leashes. Corgis are very strong and often stubborn. Now, my son can take one of them out for a walk without a leash at all. He still uses one, of course, but Rosie doesn't need it.


    We do have a mixed breed who was a rescue and she was very, very nervous for about a week after we got her. It took her several months to get used to my husband but now she adores him. She reacts badly to anyone who holds something in their hands, like a hockey stick or a broom. She and her siblings were born on a farm and a drunken neighbor used to mistreat the puppies. The owner found out and brought them to town to be adopted. One of her siblings couldn't be adopted because they couldn't get her to stop being frightened of men. Our dog would hide in small corners and under my desk for about a month after she came to live with us. Within a few months, she stopped doing that completely and is 100% part of the family.


    Anyway, I just wanted to encourage you to not give up on them. I can't imagine our lives without Sam and Rosie.

  10. LIB=Well, I'll be!


    I taught my children this one:


    There's a place in France

    Where the naked ladies dance

    There's a hole in the wall

    Where the men see it all....


    What was I thinking?


    My daughter came home from 3rd grade singing this one:


    Oh, Christmas Tree! Oh, Christmas Tree!

    Why did you fall on me?

    You broke my arm, you broke my back

    You gave my mom a heart attack

    Oh, Christmas Tree! Oh, Christmas Tree!

    Why did you fall on meeee?


    Then there's the old classic:


    How dry I am

    How wet I'll be

    If I don't find

    The bathroom key...



  11. This wasn't something my child said, but I have to post it anyway!


    My friend's husband was playing a little game of "what's the opposite of..." with their 5 year old.


    "What's the opposite of out?" "In."


    "What's the opposite of up?" "Down."


    Then...."What's the opposite of good?" "Happy."


    Out of the mouths of babes....



  12. The thing that struck me about your post is that your husband would like for you to buy and use the make up. I can tell you from experience that if he said it was ok with him, what he probably meant was that he really, really wants you to buy and use the make up. I think you will find that make up doesn't get used up all that quickly.


    I know what it is like to worry about every dime spent, and to always pass up things for myself in order to save money. I can tell you that I have found that my children notice when I actually do spend money on myself. Their reaction tells me that I should be doing it more often because I am worth it. And they believe I am worth it, too. Oddly, I think they respect me more when I act like I am just as valuable and important as everyone else in the family.


    It sounds as though you have a hard time with changes. I know how that feels. Start slow. Don't try to change everything at once. You could start wearing make up every day for a while, so you can get used to it. Not just getting used to wearing make up every day but also getting used to taking the time out every day to do it. Eventually, what you fear will be time consuming and costly will not be so bad.


    After you get used to make up, maybe you could try a new hair style or some new clothing styles.


    Good luck!



  13. Hate the show, hated the books even more! It is my opinion that only a really poor writer will drag violence against females into his plot line over and over again. If he had any actual writing skill, he could come up with something better. Or at least more original. I also thought the writing (I only read the first three-couldn't stand any more) is inconsistent and reads as though written by more than one person.


    On the flip side, my dh loves them and loves the show. Go figure!

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