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Posts posted by GraciebytheBay

  1. It would be easier to list the things he doesn't chew. That would be... I'll get back to you on that. He particularly loves anything that can embarrass us, such as underwear (preferably from the hamper) and things from the bathroom trash can. He is VERY naughty, but we love him anyway - most of the time.

  2. I wonder if a diaphragm is worth investigating. If your cervix isn't able to be covered, it wouldn't be useful, but if it is, the diaphragm might be a good option. I have used one for over 20 years and haven't had a problem.

  3. We use State Farm and have been very happy with their service. I will admit that I haven't shopped around for over 10 years because SF has proven themselves to be worth whatever we're paying. We have hit a deer, had an accident and totaled a car. All have been handled professionally, quickly, and have given us great customer service. We also have our life and homeowners insurance with them. Hey, they should be sending us a Christmas card for all that business!

  4. Okay, that is realllly weird. Definitely sounds like a game of truth or dare to me. What other explanation could there be? It surprises me that he didn't feel nervous when you came out to question him. That would be the normal reaction, but it sounds like he was pretty secure with his decision to stand there. You must not seem mean enough! ;) Strange...

  5. Yes I would! Whether rational or not, I would be upset at the waste of ingredients, milk and time! It doesn't matter whether it was 4 hours or 1 hour...it was still your time that I presume you spent on your family, not just one person. To have it wasted is really a shame. Yep, I would have been really angry that one child thought he could take what was meant for an entire family. Do you usually permit him to eat the equivalent of a box of cereal in one sitting? Maybe he is used to doing this??

  6. I use a portfolio similar to this one: http://www.amazon.com/Samsill-70820-Professional-Zippered-Pockets/dp/B0013CLTKE/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1355106613&sr=8-16&keywords=portfolio


    It is letter sized,has pockets for "pending" things (right now has license renewal form, a birthday card I need to send this week, a receipt I need to return something, and the kids' Christmas lists), is zippered so when I take it somewhere, nothing falls out. It is also difficult to lose because of the size. Another benefit is that it uses the vertical type paper, so I can just flip the paper under. All information is there to look something up if needed.


    I will give you an example of how I use it. I have my basic to-do list. One thing on the list was "call cable company to check rates". So, when I did this, I wrote the information on the right-hand side of the page along with the name of the person I spoke with. I can't tell you how often I have looked back at past information.


    I hope you find something that works for you!

  7. I can't imagine trying to sell a lot of individual pairs of shoes -- too much work. Maybe if you sold them in a lot, that would be worth your while. However, I voted "give away" not necessarily because it's the season of giving (although that is a great motivator) but because when I want something out of my house, I want it GONE. Clothes and shoes are things that can easily get re-assimilated or sit in a big black bag in my basement if I don't take it away immediately.


    The other thing is that unless they are very high quality name brand shoes, I doubt they'd bring in much money. You have to think of the advertising time (answering questions), packaging time, post office time...will you make much? Just a thought.

  8. I do think it's a good idea to say "First one to commit gets it". However, I disagree that one should wait 24-48 hours for a "Is this still available" email. If I really want something, I am pretty vigilant about checking email to see if I have a response. In the age of the internet, I think waiting 2 days to hear from someone is unreasonable. When I am giving something away, certainly I am trying to be generous and helpful, but I also want it out of here! You want it? Tell me soon and come get it. Otherwise, it goes to the first person to take it off my hands. I don't think you did anything wrong at all, OP.


    On the other issue, I think she burned her bridge. My dh has a relatively high profile position. Our family is mindful of how we appear to others in public out of respect to dh and his position. He is not in business, but I think this is the same type of thing. How dh behaves in his "off" time and even how his family behaves could definitely have repercussions on his professional life. The woman you dealt with should know this. I probably wouldn't put my kids in a class with someone who was rude to me by email unless she offered something that they just couldn't get somewhere else.

  9. I have had my phone number for two years now. Apparently, Amanda (the who person had the # before me) was amenable to 2-5 a.m. booty calls. I used to get at least two texts overnight for the first few months. Sometimes her "suitors" would argue with me, trying to tell me that I was, indeed, Amanda! I finally started texting back, "This is NOT Amanda. I promise. Do not text again." Believe it or not, 2 years later, and I still get at least one text a week for my friend, Amanda. She was VERY popular! :rolleyes:

  10. That really stinks. I know what you mean - even though it probably needed to be said, that doesn't mean you're instantly relieved of that burden. I find that in my situation (similar to yours), I do get sad from time to time just thinking of how it could have been and what was missed. On the other hand, I also find that certain occasions are much less stressful and I get to the end of the day feeling much less stressed than before.


    I hope your holidays are beautiful, full of appreciation forAND from all you choose to spend them with!

  11. Just a thought - you may want to have her keep them on until you can pay for further treatment. She will need a retainer immediately after getting the braces off, or her teeth will shift significantly. It would be a shame to negate the benefit of her braces. I would think the braces would keep them in place until you can get caught up.


    Oops, I see this was mentioned above. It took about 20 minutes to get it posted due to so much wonderful activity on the board today!

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