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Posts posted by rdj2027

  1. What our children do with their money is their business.  We would only intervene if it was spent on illegal items or activities.  I don't necessarily agree with their purchases but neither do they always agree with mine.  

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  2. As others have said, it depends.  For my daughter's 1/2 credit Ancient Egyptian language course I looked into how many hiragana/katakana/kanjii a Japanese class (or any other syllable/symbol based language) would assign, she had to learn basic grammar and acquire the ability to form basic sentences in writing and speech.  We used the book by Sir Gardiner as well as some newer ones.

    For geometry next year we will work through Juergensen and I will assign the chapter tests as a means of assessment.  I only assign grades for tests.

    German: I am a native speaker and my kiddos grew up with the language.  We primarily read literature and articles across the spectrum, discussed them in German and every so often they had to write some basic essays or letters to Grandma.

    Medieval History: we watched Philipp Daileaeder's Great Courses lectures and they wrote a few longer essays on them (usually the essays were analysis or compare/contrast, I didn't bother with biographies, we focused on politics and culture to show how Europe became what it is today. 

    Literature of War for English: picked books who either had war as a theme or were written by a soldier.  Discussed, wrote a few essays.  This one really was more a combined history/English credit.  I had the essays looked over by someone else though because I refuse to grade English essays.

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  3. It will be expensive but if you ship with UPS or FedEx and the box cannot be delivered they may add "storage fees" (just had this happening to a box I shipped to Germany with UPS).  I also had to pay fees in addition to customs because UPS charged for "calculating the fees".  I do not know if this is country dependent but it might be worth to check on before you ship.

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  4. I don't think we had any misses but our best classes were:

    Calc AB with Wilson Hill (Mrs. Stublen)

    Honors Physics2 with Wilson Hill (Mrs. Story)

    Honors Chem with Wilson Hill (Mrs. Bailey)

    WTMA Early Modern Lit (Mr. Hummel)  This is a good class for those kids who are interested in the topic.  Signing up my my youngest two would not go well.

    Clover Creek Physics (Our very own Morning Glory)  Probably one of our best classes ever.

    Intro to Lit and Comp with Blue Tent (my daughter hit a lot of snags this year and Mrs. Thompson was incredibly supportive.)

    English Honors 1 with Blue Tent (English is my son's weakest subject.  This class is a lot of work but he made great strides.)

    • Like 3
  5. My sons took Wilson Hill Honors Chem, my daughter will be doing Clover Valley Honors Chem.  Clover Valley will offer the first class this fall so there are no reviews yet.  Wilson Hill has two 90 minute lectures per week, a quiz before every lecture, 5 or six labs, some will be full fledged lab reports, others will be simplified.  There are chapter tests, mid-term and final.  The lecture divides the students into groups with breakout rooms where they work on problems together.  Though Wilson Hill is Christian, it has not a problem for us (who are not).  There is a prayer at the beginning of class and sometimes comments go into that direction though more often from students than the teachers.  It is a solid science class.

    #2 son had Mrs. Jester, #3 son took the class with Mrs. Bailey.  They each liked the class and teacher though I could swear Mrs. Jester's class was a lot more work and moved much faster.  However, when my son took it, she taught the class on short notice because the assigned teacher quit.  Both learned a lot and discovered that chemistry is not their forte (both prefer physics) even if they like chemistry as a science.

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  6. I looked at college entrance requirements from various colleges and universities and covered those.  They will have 4*5 +2 (math, English, science, social science, foreign language plus fine arts and PE times 4 years) and after that they can do whatever they wish for their electives.

    I do have to say that ours are all in college or headed for college.  If I had a student with disabilities or one who is not academically inclined, I would have pursuit a different path and required more in the scheme of vo-tech classes and a job/volunteering as an extracurricular activity.

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  7. My son has taken Medieval Lit and Early Modern Lit although by recording only because of the time zone we are in.  He had a quiz every week and three papers per semester.  He thought the discussions were interesting and we had some good conversations coming out of this class.  However, literature  is not one of his favorite subjects and medieval and early modern lit even less so yes, I do think it was worth taking the classes because otherwise he would never have read this type of literature.

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    • Thanks 1
  8. It seems to vary greatly.  I was told not to eat any fruits or vegetables 5 days prior to the procedure.  Only pasta or white rice, fish or chicken, only clear yellow or green liquids, not more than 8 ounces of dairy per day.  Only water or broth the day before.  Not only was I ready to take my doctor's head off, it took me more than a month to get my digestive system back on track.

  9. My son has had a 504 and several evals by (neuro)psychs since 8th grade.  Two different high schools and I have tried to get accommodations for AP and SAT.  They refused at all times.  ACT on the other hand was very generous.  He received what we asked for and they came back telling us if he needs anything else, it would be no problem.  It also only took two weeks for them to process our request.

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  10. We won't be renewing because we really don't use any of the services and I tend to buy used books from 3rd party sellers.  Shipping to our place is not faster with Prime and offers like Prime pantry, Fresh and delivery are not available here anyways.

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  11. I really don't care what people call me and if I had been the prospective employee, I would not have been happy had someone else intervened on my behalf.  When I was still working in a corporate office, there were set guidelines on how to address other people.  Everyone followed them whether we liked them or not.  My best friend worked in the same office, we had known each other since 5th grade but at work it was still Mr. and Mrs.  There was no discussion on what was appropriate or not, if you did not follow the rules repeatedly, you received a reprimand.  A certain number of reprimands meant loss of job. 

  12. That would be my recommendation.  We don't do spiral review but frequently work with different books because they forgot something or need a little more depth.  #3 son is very much a visual big picture person.  First he needs to have an answer as to why do I need it and what does it do?  Then we do a general overview of the path that leads to the solution and then go into the nitty gritty details.  He is now in 10th grade and I still sometimes have to use visuals from him to truly understand why a mathematical rule is what it is and why it is. He does well in math but needs to get down the last detail to have the feeling he understood the material.  It is getting harder in the upper grades, a couple of books we found helpful were Calculus Better Explained and Math Better Explained by Kalid Azad.  If the student is in Algebra1, he is a long way away from pre-calc and calc, just thought I throw those in for good measure.  Both books are fairly thin paperbacks.

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