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Posts posted by lollie010

  1. Yesterday, I had a few minutes alone with DS6yo. Our conversations are always fascinating so I innocently tossed out the "what kind of work do you want to do to provide for your family when you grow up" question. His response, with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes was "I think I'm a little young to be making such big decisions. I have a lot to learn about myself and the universe before I could even make a guess. Ask me again when I'm in first grade!" I love these kids-never a simple answer. He could have just thrown out a simple "firefighter" or "police officer."😃

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  2. This is the first encouraging thread I've read on this topic. DD started at 9 a few months ago. It really has been "no big deal." She is handling herself very well so far. I started at 9. I've spent my whole adult life blaming my mom who fed me junk food and never encouraged physical activity. We ate and drank pure junk. Lol. So, I was going to fix all of that for my daughter, including a primarily organic diet. I have been highly conscientious about everything that goes into her mouth. She dances, plays competitive sports and has done a lot of gymnastics. She is VERY active. And guess what--she started within 2 months of the time I started. Lol. And she has the exact same body type. I ate powdered donuts for breakfast every morning of my childhood. Its uncanny.


    It does hurt my feelings when I hear other moms with children who are slower to develop laughing about 9 year olds with breasts and how horrible their diet must be. I usually just walk away from those conversations. I am trying to help her embrace it all as the strong and beautiful girl she is!

    • Like 7
  3. Is everyone referring to the WTMA PreA class or are some referring to the AOPS PreA class? Is the WTM class new or does anyone have experience with it? Is the WTM class slower paced?

    I think the WTM class is new. That is the one I am considering for my 6th grader. There is a syllabus up. The materials list also includes the practice books from singapore 6a/6b. I think a lot of the discussion in this thread seems to be about classes through AOP. Im glad for the discussion either way, because it really helps to know what is available. I think I will call WTM academy today and get the specifics on the course. I'll post what I find out. I heard that there was a delayed viewing option for their live courses, so that might help my guy who may be a bit slow on the typing and responding.

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  4. I'm trying to make this decision too. One thing that has been helpful for me it to take a look at the syllabus to get a feel for the speed of the class. I think ds may need more than a week of continued work on percents, for example. It looks to me from the syllabus that more of the work is from the AoPS text and less from Singapore 6. I'm really wishing for a solid, online Singapore 6 course.

    This was my primary concern with the online class. If the pacing turns out to be too much then he is going to be disappointed. I'm very comfortable with teaching math, I just run out of time. I can definitely supprt him with instruction if he runs into issues. Decisions, decisions.

  5. I need a little advice on how to proceed. I know there have been threads in the past, so I've been trying to pull those up. Here is the situation. I have a 5th grader finishing up Singapore 5a/5b. He did the placement test for aops prealgebra and had no problem except that he has not covered addition and subtraction of negative numbers. It doesn't look like that is covered in 6a/b either.


    I wouldn't necessarily consider him a gifted math student, but he does catch on easily and gets bored with a lot of practice. I would love to place him in the Welltrained Mind Academy aops prealgebra. I think he would excel with some good instruction. But, I certainly don't want him to be overwhelmed. Any thoughts on whether an above average math student, who sometimes gets frustrated, could go from Singapore 5a/5b to aops prealgebra? If so, is there a quick resource for introducing negative numbers? Or should we wait a year before starting the welltrained mind academy class?

  6. PS. My dd had a bloodtest done for lupus today because of this thread. She's been having issues and for some reason this test wasn't done with the last two rounds of bloodwork. I mentioned it to one of her doctors (recently took over dd's primary care) this morning who agreed that she be screened and was surprised it hadn't been done yet.

    I'm sorry that you all are going through so much, also. But, I am glad that this thread might lead to her getting the care she needs. If you would like to compare notes at any time just send me a pm. :) keep me posted if you can.

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  7. It's going to be hard, but it's a good thing you got the recommendation to go to a practice further away. You don't want to start down a path with someone who might be OK and might have connections to other disciplines you dd needs and have it be murky with you managing it all. If you can work with a team and have appointments grouped in chunks on a visit and know that the team members are consulting each other it will be easier in the long run, even with the long drive.


    About the drive, years ago I transferred ds to a specialist 4 hours from home. The doctor I had been seeing was truly awful to my dc. So, I scheduled the earliest appointment of the day every 4 to 6 months. I got up at O'Dark thirty and drove arriving just in time for 9 am. I happened to have a friend who lived in the same city, so I would meet her for lunch or some play time and then drive back in the afternoon. The long day was worth the piece of mind I had with the doctor. If you know someone near the hospital, reach out, even if you haven't talked in a long time. You might find have someone for just small chat at the coffee shop on these trips, which actually is truly helpful. You might find you have much deeper friendship. But reach out.

    I can't believe I missed this kind, thoughtful post earlier today. I was going back through the thread and found it. Thank you. I went to college in the same city. I would love to reconnect with my old roommates. 😀

  8. :grouphug:


    I'm sorry, lollie.


    It sounds scary to be sent 5 hours away but it would probably be the best plan in the long run. Is there a Ronald McDonald house near there that you could stay at? It would be a lot of driving to do in one day. Depending on what your appt. is, you could drive in the night before or stay over the night of the appt.

    After talking it over with DH, we are going to go up as a family and take my mom. We will do some family things the day before the apt and then my mom can watch the little ones on the day of the apt. We decided in this route because Dd gets extremely car sick. A ten minute drive is torture for her. We told her yesterday about the trip and she refused to go, but when I told her there was an American girl doll store nearby, she warned up to the idea. :)


    I appreciate the hugs. I know we will all get through this and that she will be in good hands! She said "that sure seems like a long way to drive to see a doctor, when all they ever do is talk, talk, talk." Lol. Poor thing has heard a lot of doctors talking lately. 😀 I wish that I could meet and talk to the doctors without her having to sit through it all.

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  9. I added more cardio in at the gym. I get bored easily so I did 25 min on the treadmill, then the weight routine, then 15 min each on the elliptical and rowing machines. It was fun. My workout was later in the evening than normal and I really felt the effect of a poor nutrition day about halfway through. Today, more protein.

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  10. Katie, I cried, too. And then I put her on ignore because people who hate women are no friends of mine.


    Do the same, and then stay out here in the real world where women of all shapes, sizes, and health challenges are beautiful. You know you are beautiful. I'm beautiful, too. It's BETTER out here.


    I wasn't overweight in the slightest until about 10 years ago when long-term steroids changed me forever (lupus). I was never called fat or shamed as a child, teen, or young woman and it's a real good thing because I couldn't have handled it. Life was hard enough while still being visually acceptable to the horse's patoots of the world. As a grown woman, who has birthed babies and watched friends also go through normal, that's NORMAL, weight fluctuations through childbearing and menopausal years, now I can KNOW that women are beautiful. It's a good thing to know, and so much better than the idiotic idealism I had as a young person who had never been overweight. I'm smarter and wiser now, which is beautiful.


    You are wise and smart and beautiful. You are a woman. Truth is truth, Katie, and anyone can see that you are gorgeous.

    I haven't gotten through the whole thread yet. But, here is the point where I start crying. My sweet, amazing, dancing, tumbling, beautiful, soccer playing, 9 year old is heading to a pediatric rheumatologist because she screened positive for lupus and has other significant symptoms. I love her so much and know that she has so many challenges ahead of her. 😢

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  11. Thank you all so much for the support and info. I hope she can get an appointment soon so that we can start moving forward. I didn't Google anything except how lupus is diagnosed. After reading a little, I am a bit upset about how the doctor presented the results on the phone. I think it would have been better to say "one of the tests that we ran came back in the positive range for an autoimmune condition and we need to explore that further with a pediatric rheumatologist" instead of "your daughter tested positive for lupus and needs a pediatric rheumatologist to coordinate her care." I would have been much less anxious.


    Either way, we will advocate for her to get to the bottom of this. It's just a lot of systems and specialists to deal with for this "all natural" family. It's a mess but I am thankful for homeschooling. She can keep up with her work while we sort through all of this. 😃

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  12. This forum is always my go-to when I need to chat, but am afraid to google. My 9 yo daughter has had all kinds of health craziness off and on through the years, including migraines, issues with gluten, excruciating stomach problems, early kidney infections, hives and joint pain. She had an episode of facial swelling that we took her to the emergency room for.


    The er doctor recommended she see an allergist. The allergist suspected an autoimmune issue and ran blood work. For two weeks I assumed all was well because I had not heard anything, but tonight he called and said she tested positive for lupus!! I am trying to stay calm, but I am so anxious. She has a referral to a pediatric rheumatologist. I guess that goes well with the previous referral to a nuerologist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist. I probably shouldn't be shocked, but it just never even occurred to me she could be dealing with lupus at 9. I'm wondering how accurate the tests are and how likely she is to get a definitive diagnosis.


    Eta: she also has suddenly developed asthma. :(


    Update: Not much of an update, but I am realizing what a long process this is going to be. The allergist who originally did the bloodwork and referral is often an alarmist so we followed up with DD's pediatrician who tends toward minimalism. She obtained all the records and sent them to her friend who is a pediatric rheumatologist out of state. Her friend reviewed everything (medical records and labs) in great detail and suggested that DD not go to the pediatric rheumatologist that is at the medical center that's an hour from here. Instead, she suggested she actually go to the major childrens research center that is almost 5 hours from our house. She said that she will need the team based approach that the children's hospital can provide. We are waiting to hear when we will be able to get in. I'm stressed about DD's health and now about the details of traveling and being away from little ones. :(


    Update #2: got the call from the children's hospital yesterday. I expected that we would have to wait a few months which would give us time to get everything lined up and my teacher husband would be off for the summer. But, her appointment is for this Wednesday, April 1st. It will be great to get it done with, but we will not have time to plan a fun side trip with the family. It will have to be straight there and straight back because of everyone's schedules. Thanks for all of the support! I'll keep you all posted.

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  13. I haven't posted in a while, but I've been doing my gym workout three times a week and enjoying it. I feel like it's time to start pushing a little more so I will probably make an appointment with the trainer. :) He certainly knows how to push.


    I went with my mom on Saturday to the gym and watched her slam out a one hour ab routine--a bit intimidating to watch, but I was so proud of how far she has come in one year.

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