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Posts posted by TwoEdgedSword

  1. Ok.....Think we are going meat free since we have already been dairy free for a long time. Just want to make sure since we are not doing this from a vegan perspective, do eggs cause anyone to break out with acne like meat does? She needs to get protein for sports and our farm eggs are big here.


    Also, she wants to continue being grain free (which I'm leery of) and just continue her psuedo-grains which includes amaranth, quinoa and Minnesota wild rice (which is really a grain free grass).


    What should we make sure she gets in her diet for protein and vits if she insists on remaining grain free and removing meat?

    All I can think of besides the fruit, veggies and beans, is b12 vitamin and protein powder.


    Thanks for any help!

  2. Like Texasmama and some of you, I sometimes feel too impacted by the news. I've taken news fasts for months here and there and I'm definitely a happier person when I do. I even start singing and dancing more with my kids. I don't watch news on tv at all, but when I'm not on a news fast, I go back to being a news junkie and read many news sources online.


    As a child and today I've always had a hard time when people do evil to others. I get the problem of evil from a faith perspective theologically, but I still struggle with it personally. For me news is either all or nothing. I hate that it's consuming and addicting, but I definitely balance what I share with each of my kids based on their unique personalities.

  3. Thanks for that Pegasus. I had never heard of him. Interesting about the testosterone. She is a varsity sports player. I wonder what effect that plays on her hormones. She always washes her face right there after practice. Also she has been using progesterone oil for some time at the reccomendation of her doctor because her blood work showed her progesterone was very low.

  4. Does hubby have any clue that he is potentially playing a large role in her anxiety and decreased mental health?

    With what she has going on, I would work on the healing first and let all those fear based news stories take major time off.

    Only when she is STRONGER down the road, would I reintroduce news items written with teens in mind, like GWN if you are Christian or another appropriate news magazine that suits your family.


    He really needs to not be the educator in this area before he does more harm. I'm really sorry your daughter is suffering so.


    Some kids do have more of a hunger for news and politics, and want and are ready for adult, non-parent filtered news. I share this kind of news with my kids when they indicate they want and are ready for that.


    eta: I just reread the part where you asked for help in staying calm. My post doesn't really do that, so feel free to disregard if it's not helpful!

    • Like 1
  5. Haven't tried the zinc and we have some here. Just the standard dose or more?


    And yes Amy it's cray cray. But my daughter is a trooper and she's already self limited so much I think she would do this for her skin and it might actually give her more choices because of allowing grain, but I'm hesitant bc of the limited or no fats. Feel like trying it on a short term basis though.

  6. This morning was coffee with chocolate almond milk. And dairy free scrambled eggs. Forget there a bit of sweetener in the coco almond milk. Oh well.

    Lunch I always skip, too busy.

    5pm ish had a couple of sushi wraps with prosciutto, healthy mayo, lettuce and hemp seeds. Yum. I'm addicted to those wraps. I just hope they aren't contaminated by the nuclear disaster in Japan years ago! Try to be healthy and ya never know!


    Dinner will be 9ish. Late and light. Probably a salad and lots and lots of water.

    • Like 1
  7. My teen is doing almost the opposite. She does good healthy fats like cocunt oil, avocado and lots of nuts. She is dairy free, sugar free and grain free. She is on topicals and an anibiotic that I don't think is doing anything. Her acne isn't worse, but isn't totally going away.


    This would be a radical change. These girls have a diet that literally looks fat and oil free. I don't see how that can be good for the brain. But their acne sure looks better. Thoughts?



  8. Not a wine expert, but I think wine may have a glycemic impact because of the natural sugar. But hey there's no "added sugar!"

    Depends how strict you want to be with yourself. It's almost Thanksgiving, so my advice...don't get too strict. ;-)


    Fwiw, pecans roasted on a cookie sheet sprayed with olive oil Pam (and sprayed on top) or braised with olive oil and sprinkled with Truvia when they come out, are pretty yummy.


    I started the day with pumpkin pancakes that one of my kids made that were delish, but I realized later that there was a bit of honey in them. So I started the day having blown it.


    Dinner was chicken salad rolled up in seaweed like a sushi hand roll.

    • Like 3
  9. I agree honey is sugar and a no no. Same with agave, which some say is just bad for you for different reasons. I can't remember why. I experimented with different brands of stevia and I don't find it bitter. Maybe it's an acquired taste. I also don't find that I have a sweet tooth anymore. We make that skinny chocolate with coconut oil, cocoa and stevia and have it as an occasional treat. I totally crave veggies and meat, nuts etc. now, so I'm not "jonesing" with a sugar addiction anymore with some stevia in my diet.


    I hope ya'll have a good "sugar free day" and that life rolls with you on this adventure with no tough days for the rest of the week! :-)

    • Like 4
  10. I skimmed the replies so I don't have the whole scoop. OP will you be doing stevia? And for those that don't, please share what your objections are, as it doesn't raise blood sugar and is herbally sourced. Perhaps that it's been altered from that form?


    Eta: I'm happy to join in, and besides occasional stevia, I've been sugar free for about six months.

    I feel way better this way.

  11. Looking to connect as one of my kids has two years of varsity play left before college. He really wants to play college basketball, most likely at a small college. He is good enough to play at a larger school, I think, but that's not what he wants.


    I'm concerned because since it's a homeschool league, the stats, kept by volunteer parents, aren't kept very well. I'm thinking I need to keep accurate stats on him for his games. I'm wondering if a small college would even accept a supplemented record.


    Besides baskets, rebounds, steals and assists, is there anything else I need to keep track of?


    Any further ideas or sources to help this process?


    Thank you.

    • Like 1
  12. My daughter is not a morning person at all, but can't do caffeine, so no coffee or caffeinated teas for her.

    I'd like to recommend a wonderful tasting non-caffeinated tea to her that she can look forward to in the morning, with maybe some herbal pick me up in it. Something that smells and tastes great and won't make her feel sleepy.

  13. Anyone else have a hard time watching or enjoying the football game your son is in because of anxiety about severe injury?


    If my son wasn't such a bean pole, I wouldn't be as concerned. But he loves the sport and has been playing since he was very young. Guys on the other teams can be over 250llbs. I've seen too many concussions, broken ribs, wrists etc. It's always some one else's kid so far, who is usually much heavier than my son too.


    I'm seriously contemplating not going to next year's games because of this dread I get.

    He knows I love and support him and I'll watch all of his other sports, but this is hard on me.


    Anyone ever just stopped going to games for this reason?

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