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Posts posted by MamaAkins



    take dd15 to Government class (9-10:30)

    get bday present for friend while dd is in class -  Went to two stores--both were closed! Going to have to go elsewhere this evening 

    PetSmart to pick up mealworms for ds' lizard and a toothbrush for our dog

    grab a few things from grocery store while we're in town

    more schoolwork

    4 loads of laundry (it's sheet-stripping day, plus I didn't laundry yesterday)

    hard-boil eggs for breakfast/snacks


    make deposit for GS Troop at the bank

    afternoon chores (vacuuming, sweeping, wipe down bathrooms, put away laundry)

    make red beans and rice for dh and ds to have for dinner before they head to Boy Scouts

    pack dinner for dd15 to eat between dance classes this evening

    dance class (dd6 has class from 4-5, dd15 has class from 4:30-8:45)

    dinner for younger girls and me

    exercise at Y

    pick dd15 up from dance (8:45)

    put clean sheets back on beds

    get younger girls to bed

    math tutoring for dd15 with dh

    general clean-up of downstairs

  2. DONE:
    up and dressed





    take dd15 to Government class (9-10:30)

    get bday present for friend while dd is in class

    grab a few things from grocery store while we're in town

    more schoolwork

    4 loads of laundry (it's sheet-stripping day, plus I didn't laundry yesterday)


    make deposit for GS Troop at the bank

    afternoon chores (vacuuming, sweeping, wipe down bathrooms, put away laundry)

    make red beans and rice for dh and ds to have for dinner before they head to Boy Scouts

    dance class (dd6 has class from 4-5, dd15 has class from 4:30-8:45)

    dinner for younger girls and me

    exercise at Y

    pick dd15 up from dance (8:45)

    put clean sheets back on beds

    get younger girls to bed

    math tutoring for dd15 with dh

    general clean-up of downstairs


  3. 2:30 pm update:



    daycare child arriving momentarily


    school (lots of it since a few things have carried over from previous days)

    go to PS to complete registration for dd15 to take the PSAT (this should be fun since I'll have to take all the kids, including daycare child, in to complete the registration)  DD15 pointed out that we can do this on Monday when we're already in town for her Govt. class. 


    dd9's art class (12-1pm)  -- I totally forgot about her art class until 11:40am! We had to grab her stuff and rush to get there on time! 

    nap for daycare child   Not sure if she's actually napping, but she's in the bedroom and at least she's having a bit of "quiet time"

    household chores (vacuum, sweep, scrub kitchen sink, empty/reload dishwasher, 2-3 loads of laundry - IN PROGRESS, declutter toys in living room)

    pack bags for soccer practice, dance class, and football game (family is going in 3 different directions this evening) 

    drop daycare child off to her grandpa (3:55pm)

    drop dd15 off at dance (4:30)


    pick up Subway sandwiches for ds, dh and friends to take to football game

    soccer practice for dd9 (6-7:15)

    meet dh & friends so ds can ride with them to football game (6:15pm)

    take 2 younger girls out for ice cream after soccer 

    pick up dd15 from dance (9pm)


  4. Thursday, Thursday, Thursday....hmm, what's on the agenda?!



    up, showered, and dressed



    daycare child arriving momentarily


    school (lots of it since a few things have carried over from previous days)

    go to PS to complete registration for dd15 to take the PSAT (this should be fun since I'll have to take all the kids, including daycare child, in to complete the registration)  (10am)


    nap for daycare child?

    household chores (vacuum, sweep, scrub kitchen sink, empty/reload dishwasher, 2-3 loads of laundry, declutter toys in living room)

    pack bags for soccer practice, dance class, and football game (family is going in 3 different directions this evening)

    drop daycare child off to her grandpa (3:55pm)

    drop dd15 off at dance (4:30)


    pick up Subway sandwiches for ds, dh and friends to take to football game

    soccer practice for dd9 (6-7:15)

    meet dh & friends so ds can ride with them to football game (6:15pm)

    take 2 younger girls out for ice cream after soccer 

    pick up dd15 from dance (9pm)



  5. midnight check-in....got off work about an hour early (yay!)  Did fairly well with getting things done today! The same load of laundry is still sitting in my dryer. Oh well, it will still be there tomorrow morning!  Have a couple subjects of schoolwork that will have to carry over to tomorrow.  I'm off to catch some zzz's....




    • dd6:  phonics, reading, handwriting, math
    • dd9: WWE, FLL, math, handwriting, typing, history
    • ds: English, math, science, spanish, history,
    • dd15: working independently on all subjects; will check in with her throughout the day

    fold  load of laundry from last night and put away

    take kids to running club (9:30-10:30am)

    take ds to Spanish class (11-12)


    take dd15 to Spanish class (12:45-2:15)

    pick up daycare child from preschool (12:55)

    go to Michael's to pick up special drawing paper for dd9's art class

    pick up supplies for ds' Environmental Science experiments

    pick dd15 up from Spanish class

    finish schoolwork

    household chores:  vacuuming, wipe down bathrooms, empty/reload dishwasher, sweep bathrooms & kitchen, 

    prep dinner

    pack dinner for dd15 and ds to eat at church between activities

    children's choir at church (4-6pm)

    dd6 soccer practice (5:30-6:30--dh will pick her up early from choir to take her to soccer)

    small group Bible study for dd15 and ds (6:30-8)

    dinner at home for the rest of us

    showers/baths for dd6 and dd9

    bedtime for youngers

    pick dd15 and ds up from church

    go to work (9pm-1am)


  6. Determined to make today a good day!



    up, showered, dressed

    breakfast (potato latkes and applesauce! Yum!)

    review spanish with ds

    hang load of laundry to dry

    open windows to enjoy the beautiful weather 




    • dd6:  phonics, reading, handwriting, math
    • dd9: WWE, FLL, math, handwriting, typing, history
    • ds: English, math, science, spanish, history,
    • dd15: working independently on all subjects; will check in with her throughout the day

    fold  load of laundry from last night and put away

    take kids to running club (9:30-10:30am)

    take ds to Spanish class (11-12)


    take dd15 to Spanish class (12:45-2:15)

    pick up daycare child from preschool (12:55)

    go to Michael's to pick up special drawing paper for dd9's art class

    pick up supplies for ds' Environmental Science experiments

    pick dd15 up from Spanish class

    finish schoolwork

    household chores:  vacuuming, wipe down bathrooms, empty/reload dishwasher, sweep bathrooms & kitchen, 

    prep dinner

    pack dinner for dd15 and ds to eat at church between activities

    children's choir at church (4-6pm)

    dd6 soccer practice (5:30-6:30--dh will pick her up early from choir to take her to soccer)

    small group Bible study for dd15 and ds (6:30-8)

    dinner at home for the rest of us

    showers/baths for dd6 and dd9

    bedtime for youngers

    pick dd15 and ds up from church

    go to work (9pm-1am)



  7. 3pm update.


    Trying to take deep breaths and tackle whatever comes my way.  It is so discouraging to look at my list and only be able to cross off two things (and we didn't even get to Spanish today).  But I have literally been working all day---spent hours on the phone between two insurance companies.  And the rest of the day has been consumed by schooling and caring for daycare child.  I did manage to get dinner prepped so ds can keep an eye on it in the oven while I take dd to dance.  Hopefully we'll be able to eat before soccer practice tonight since the younger ones had meltdown last week when  we tried to wait and eat after practice.  



    school (focuses for today:  dd6-all, dd9-history, spanish, math, ds-science, history, english; dd15-all)

    call our old insurance company and try to switch back.

    go by PS to complete registration for dd15 to take the PSAT in Oct  Going to have to do this on Wednesday or Thursday since we couldn't get there in their "7am-1pm" time frame

    return library books that are due  Will do this on Wednesday when we are in town

    take dd15 to dance (3:30)

    take daycare child to her grandma (4:15)


    ds soccer practice (5:30-6:45)

    work out at Y while ds is at soccer practice

    pick up dd15 from dance (7pm)


    math tutoring for dd15 with dh

    work on lesson plans (this flying by the seat of my pants is not working out)


  8. I'm really struggling with trying to find a balance between all of life's demands and my own sanity/happiness.



    up, showered, dressed

    devotion time


    tried to handle insurance issue over the phone but it turned into a huge nightmare.  

    daycare child arrived (8am)



    school (focuses for today:  dd6-all, dd9-history, spanish, math, ds-science, history, english; dd15-all)

    call our old insurance company and try to switch back.

    go by PS to complete registration for dd15 to take the PSAT in Oct

    return library books that are due

    take dd15 to dance (3:30)

    take daycare child to her grandma (4:15)


    ds soccer practice (5:30-6:45)

    work out at Y while ds is at soccer practice

    pick up dd15 from dance (7pm)


    math tutoring for dd15 with dh

    work on lesson plans (this flying by the seat of my pants is not working out)



  9. 10pm update.  Tired, calling it a night! The house will still be here after church tomorrow.  I'll have to tackle the mess then! 


    drop dd15 off at studio to hitch a ride with friend to dance event (3pm)

    library to pick up reserved books

    birthday party to attend (4:30-6:30)

    pick up dd15 (?)

    general clean-up of house 

    listen to podcast of last week's sermon before Bible study tomorrow afternoon

    lay out church clothes for the younger girls

  10. Doing my best to ENJOY this weekend of beautiful weather!  DH and ds are on a backpacking trip with Boy Scouts.  DD15 went to the Taylor Swift concert last night. She and her three friends were chosen by Taylor Swift's mom to move from their nosebleed seats (second to last row in the top of the arena) down to the front row (touching the stage!).  They had the most amazing time--it was more than they could have even imagined! 



    up, showered, dressed


    get everything together for soccer

    wrapped bday present for party we're going to later

    emailed with friend to arrange a ride for dd15 to dance event later

    picked up dd15 from sleepover after concert

    went to 2 soccer games


    household chores (dishwasher, recycling, empty trash)

    2 loads of laundry

    baths/showers for dd6 and dd9



    drop dd15 off at studio to hitch a ride with friend to dance event (3pm)

    library to pick up reserved books

    birthday party to attend (4:30-6:30)

    pick up dd15 (?)

    general clean-up of house 

    listen to podcast of last week's sermon before Bible study tomorrow afternoon

    lay out church clothes for the younger girls


  11. Just getting online for the first time today (at 4:45pm).  

    I'm taking it relatively easy today....not much schooling going on here today.



    up, dressed, breakfast

    took dd9 to her first "running club" meeting

    made sure dh and ds got all their stuff ready for their backpacking trip


    took dd15 to chemistry class at co-op

    picked up daycare child from preschool 

    picked up dd15 from chem class

    did a few household chores

    folded 2 loads of laundry

    dropped dd15 off at her friend's house (she's going to a concert tonight with a group of friends)



    wait for daycare child's mom to come pick her up (hopefully by 5pm)

    take dd15's Jeep to our mechanic so he can figure out why the a/c isn't working

    take dd9 and dd6 out for dinner 

    pick up a birthday present for dds to take to birthday party for friend tomorrow

    wrap present

    get girls to bed

    pack soccer bags & cooler for soccer games tomorrow

    look over spanish curriculum so we can start next week


  12. Wow...it's Thursday.  Lots to get done.


    up, showered, and dressed

    daycare child arrived (8am)

    dd6 and daycare child are almost done doing a kids' yoga dvd 




    school lessons


    art class for dd9 (12-1pm)

    naptime for daycare child

    finish schoolwork

    help ds pack for Scout backpacking trip

    afternoon chores

    prep dinner in crockpot?

    drop daycare child off at her mom's school (4pm)

    take dd15 to dance class (4:30-5:30)

    drop dd15 off at Honor Society meeting (5:55pm)

    dd9's soccer practice (6-7pm)

    library (pick up reserved books)

    go to store to buy a birthday present for daycare child's bday party on Saturday

    exercise at the Y

    pick dd15 up from Honor Society (9pm)

    math tutoring for dd15 with dh

    general clean-up of downstairs


  13. We have lots of activities on our agenda for today, which means a lot of driving for mama.


    school this morning

    Spanish class for ds (11-12)


    Spanish class for dd15 (12:30-2)

    pick up daycare child from preschool (12:55pm)

    errands (Walmart, Aldi's)

    finish schoolwork

    household chores

    children's choir/drama program at church (4-6)

    dd15 and ds have small group at church (6:30-8)


    work (9pm-1am)


  14. Getting ready to head out for our afternoon/evening activities.


    3:20 pm update:



    daycare child arrives (7:45am)


    get dinner in the crockpot

    English, math, handwriting, and reading for dd9

    phonics, math, handwriting, spelling for dd6

    English, math,science for ds


    check-in with dd15 to see how assignments are going


    register dd15 for upcoming dance workshop

    ran to grocery store for needed dinner items


    naptime for daycare child

    afternoon chores (sweeping/vacuuming/recycling/empty & reload dishwasher/wipe down bathroom counters)

    call dentist's office to make payment on account

    text mechanic to see if he can look at air conditioning in dd's jeep later this week

    pack cooler of drinks/snacks to get us through soccer practice

    art homework for dd9

    Spanish homework for ds

    science for dd6 and dd9


    strip sheets from bed

    3 loads of laundry 

    finish folding and putting away last two loads of laundry

    remake bed with sheets

    take dd15 to dance (4pm)

    return books to library

    take kids to park for some outside time

    pick dd15 up from dance (5pm)

    meet daycare mom so she can pick up her dd (5:30)

    ds soccer practice (5:30-6:45)

    work out at Y while ds is at practice (5:40-6:40)

    home for dinner

    showers for kids

    evening chores

    bedtime for youngers

    math tutoring for dd15 with dh

    look at new Spanish curriculum for dd6 and dd9 and figure out how to fit it into our day

    pick up 2 items at Walmart for dh's backpacking trip with the BS troop this weekend

    dehydrate food for dh's trail dinner


  15. 1:30 pm update.
    It feels like for every one thing I accomplish from my list, I think of 2 others that need to be added to it.  



    daycare child arrives (7:45am)


    get dinner in the crockpot

    English, math, handwriting, and reading for dd9

    phonics, math, handwriting, spelling for dd6

    English, math,science for ds


    check-in with dd15 to see how assignments are going


    register dd15 for upcoming dance workshop

    ran to grocery store for needed dinner items


    naptime for daycare child

    afternoon chores (sweeping/vacuuming/recycling/empty & reload dishwasher/wipe down bathroom counters)

    call dentist's office to make payment on account

    text mechanic to see if he can look at air conditioning in dd's jeep later this week

    art homework for dd9

    Spanish homework for ds

    science for dd6 and dd9

    take dd15 to dance (4pm)

    return books to library

    take kids to park for some outside time

    pick dd15 up from dance (5pm)

    meet daycare mom so she can pick up her dd (5:30)

    ds soccer practice (5:30-6:45)

    work out at Y while ds is at practice (5:40-6:40)

    home for dinner

    showers for kids

    evening chores

    bedtime for youngers

    math tutoring for dd15 with dh

    look at new Spanish curriculum for dd6 and dd9 and figure out how to fit it into our day

    pick up 2 items at Walmart for dh's backpacking trip with the BS troop this weekend

    dehydrate food for dh's trail dinner



  16. I am still exhausted and trying to catch up after the weekend camping trip with my dd9's GS troop, so I need this thread to keep me motivated today!  


    I'm up and dressed. I've met with dd15 to look over assignments. 



    daycare child arrives (7:45am)


    get dinner in the crockpot

    English, math, handwriting, and reading for dd9

    phonics, math, handwriting, spelling for dd6

    English, math,science for ds


    check-in with dd15 to see how assignments are going



    naptime for daycare child

    afternoon chores

    science for dd6 and dd9

    take dd15 to dance (4pm)

    take kids to park for some outside time

    pick dd15 up from dance (5pm)

    meet daycare mom so she can pick up her dd (5:30)

    ds soccer practice (5:30-6:45)

    work out at Y while ds is at practice (5:40-6:40)

    home for dinner

    showers for kids

    evening chores

    bedtime for youngers

    math tutoring for dd15





  17. It has been a busy Monday already and I'm just getting a chance to check the threads!



    up, showered, and dressed

    take kids out for free Chick-fil-A breakfast

    take dd15 to Government class

    take other kids to Trader Joe's and park while sister is in class

    pick up dd15 from Govt. class

    school lessons


    afternoon chores

    school lessons

    write out bills



    prep dinner

    take kids to dd6's dance class (4-5pm)

    dd15 dances (4:30-8:45pm)


    go to ds' BS Court of Honor (7-9pm)

    bedtime for younger kids

    math tutoring for dd15

    finish putting away laundry and other items from the GS camping trip that dd9 and I just returned from

    bedtime for me (still trying to catch up on sleep from the GS trip!)


  18. Well, it's 2:45pm here and I'm just checking the boards for the first time today. We've done all of our normal things (breakfast, morning chores, school lessons, snack, more school, lunch, daycare child, etc).  I've also spent some time dealing with the refrigerator repair company (the part did not come in yesterday, so therefore, they can't come fix my fridge. UGH!). I am waiting to hear back from them regarding whether they will be coming tomorrow or Monday.  Living out of 4 coolers in our kitchen is getting really old (we've been doing this since Tuesday morning).  I also spent time on the phone with our local ps getting my dd15 registered to take the PSAT in October.



    take dd15 to dance (4:30pm)


    take dd9 to soccer practice (6-7:15pm)

    showers/chores/bedtime for younger kids

    pick up dd15 from dance (8:30pm)

    go to Walmart

    pack for GS trip that dd9 and I are going on this weekend

    get camping supplies out of shed (need dh's help for this)


  19. 3pm check-in


    school with dd6, dd9, and ds  - Almost Done

    get dinner in the crockpot 

    1 load of laundry washed, now in dryer

    take dd15 to dance (she's subbing as an asst teacher today) 



    drop ds off at Spanish class (11am)

    lunch and reading with dd6 and dd9

    pick up ds from Spanish

    drive across town to pick up dd15 

    get lunch for dd15 and ds

    drop dd15 off at her Spanish class (12:30)

    pick up daycare child from her first day of preschool (12:55pm)

    pick up more ice for our coolers (see post from yesterday regarding our refrigerator--UGH!)

    take kids for a treat (I promised daycare child we would have a special treat to celebrate her first day of preschool)

    pick up dd15 from Spanish class (2pm)

    come home to finish up school and work on afternoon chores In Progress

    pack dd6's soccer bag

    kids' musical practice at church (4:10-6pm)

    dh will be picking dd6 up early from church to take her to soccer practice 

    reconvene at home for dinner

    showers and bedtime for younger kids

    math tutoring time for dd15

    go to work (8:30-12:30)


  20. 9:15 check-in

    getting ready to leave for our many activities & classes


    print contract for ds' Spanish class & write out tuition check

    school with dd6, dd9, and ds  - IN PROGRESS

    get dinner in the crockpot 

    1 load of laundry washed, now in dryer

    take dd15 to dance (she's subbing as an asst teacher today) 



    drop ds off at Spanish class (11am)

    lunch and reading with dd6 and dd9

    pick up ds from Spanish

    drive across town to pick up dd15 

    get lunch for dd15 and ds

    drop dd15 off at her Spanish class (12:30)

    pick up daycare child from her first day of preschool (12:55pm)

    pick up more ice for our coolers (see post from yesterday regarding our refrigerator--UGH!)

    take kids for a treat (I promised daycare child we would have a special treat to celebrate her first day of preschool)

    pick up dd15 from Spanish class (2pm)

    come home to finish up school and work on afternoon chores

    pack dd6's soccer bag

    kids' musical practice at church (4:10-6pm)

    dh will be picking dd6 up early from church to take her to soccer practice 

    reconvene at home for dinner

    showers and bedtime for younger kids

    math tutoring time for dd15

    go to work (8:30-12:30)


  21. DONE:

    get up, showered, and dressed



    print contract for ds' Spanish class & write out tuition check

    school with dd6, dd9, and ds

    get dinner in the crockpot 

    take dd15 to dance (she's subbing as an asst teacher today) 



    drop ds off at Spanish class (11am)

    lunch and reading with dd6 and dd9

    pick up ds from Spanish

    drive across town to pick up dd15 

    get lunch for dd15 and ds

    drop dd15 off at her Spanish class (12:30)

    pick up daycare child from her first day of preschool (12:55pm)

    pick up more ice for our coolers (see post from yesterday regarding our refrigerator--UGH!)

    take kids for a treat (I promised daycare child we would have a special treat to celebrate her first day of preschool)

    pick up dd15 from Spanish class (2pm)

    come home to finish up school and work on afternoon chores

    pack dd6's soccer bag

    kids' musical practice at church (4:10-6pm)

    dh will be picking dd6 up early from church to take her to soccer practice 

    reconvene at home for dinner

    showers and bedtime for younger kids

    math tutoring time for dd15

    go to work (8:30-12:30)


  22. Well, this day did not go as planned. Shortly after my post at 9am, I found out that our fridge was no longer working (long story).  So, I had to make see what could be salvaged, store it in coolers, and go to town for large quantities of ice.  I also had to make several phone calls to the repair company, who will not be coming before Thursday afternoon since they had to order a part.  I also had to clean out the fridge.  Considering this deviation from my plan, we still managed to get quite a bit done off of my "still to do" list. I am now "done" for the night.  Anything else not finished will have to wait for tomorrow.  I'm too tired to care anymore!


    school with dd6

    English, science, and writing with ds

    history for dd9 and ds


    order new math books for dd9 and ds

    afternoon chores

    reading time for kids

    naptime for daycare child

    drive dd15 to dance (3:30)

    drive daycare child to her mom's work (4:45)

    pick up dd15 from dance (5pm)

    pick up paycheck from work

    go to bank

    ds soccer practice (5:30-6:45)

    squeeze in a workout at the Y while ds is practicing

    get everyone home for dinner

    showers for kids

    evening chores

    get ready for an even crazier Wednesday

    look through spanish curriculum for dd6 and dd9 so we can start later this week

    fill out paperwork/write check for Spanish class that ds starts tomorrow

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