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Posts posted by calledtobehome

  1. I think I'm more concerned about him getting confused. Especially since HWOT use a two line paper and ZB use three lines. He has used ZB since 1st grade. This is only our 3rd month in OT and it hasn't been a problem as of yet. But since he's getting reading to transition to cursive with ZB I'm getting a little concerned. I'll make sure to ask his OT on Thursday when we go.



  2. Thanks for the feedback. I decided to keep the PE. I really do think the boys need the physical outlet and I enjoy working out for an hour twice a week. I will continue to work with my youngest while my oldest is in therapy. I'm going to add a few things on the weekend for my oldest. Hopefully that will help and I won't feel so burned out trying to get everything done during the week. I just need to find balance.:001_smile:

  3. I feel like I'm drained and just tired. My 8yr old started OT/PT about a month and a half ago. We go twice a week. We only live 5 minutes from the Therapist Office. I also have a 7 yr old that's not in any therapies or tutoring. He does a really good job tagging along and working on the I-PAD. But I'm having a difficult time managing it all along with school work. When we get home on Mondays we are tired. We are able to get a math and spelling lesson done but that's about it. And than on Friday's between Co-op and tutoring that's our entire day. Let alone fighting traffic to get home. We aren't home until about 6pm!! I'm really trying to think this through for the New Year. I'm thinking about dropping PE. I know my boys will be crushed. I just can't seem to think of any other solutions.


    Any suggestions???


    Mon-9:00am P/T, 11:00am Piano Lessons, 1-2pm homeschool PE YMCA


    Wed-Home, 1-2pm Homeschool PE YMCA

    Thurs- 8:00am O/T.

    Friday-9:30-2:00 Co-op/ 3:30-4:30 Tutor for Dyslexia

  4. Well you knew dyslexic doesn't = dumb, right? :lol: When I read all this, my first question was about visual processing issues. Have you had his eyes checked? It would be a real crying shame to do OT for motor control if the real issue is that he's TENSE holding his pencil to compensate for the extreme stress his visual processing is going through. Dd had that when she started VT, and it's so common they give all the kids special grips to put on their pencils for some of the written exercises. I don't think she does that now, so I think in her case it was indeed a visual issue. OT is so expensive, and there's this tendency just for them to do stuff. I'd make sure you're fixing the right problem.


    Wilson is fine, but there are other fine options too. What are you using now? You want to have looked at SOME OG-based program, but it doesn't necessarily have to be Wilson.



    Change everything? Hehehe, take your time. Figure out what's working and what isn't. He's still the same child he was. Make a list and solve the problems, not the things that aren't problems.





    Yes I know Dyslexia doesn't mean dumb:lol: He is a very bright boy! I'm amazed by the things he knows. I have an appt with a COVD dr but it's in another two weeks. He's already wearing glasses(near sighted) but his OG tutor thinks he's having some eye tracking issues. We were able to get the OT appointment before the COVD appt.




    As far as curriculum this is what I'm using. I do think he would benefit from short lessons and maybe doing the most important things but keeping it simple. I think he is getting burned out at least that's what he said in so many ways two days ago.


    Math- MUS(ok) doesn't progress fast enough for him/ he thinks it's boring

    Writing-WWE- We like

    AAS1-We like

    Handwriting-ZB/ I think we should get HWOT

    Phonics-OPGTR(Not working)/ thinking about Recipe for Reading and the workbooks. This is what his tutor use

    Grammar-FLL3(brings tears) Star Wars Mad libs(he likes)

    History-SOTW(he likes)

    Science-Apologia Astronomy/Swimming Creatures/dvd's/living books-this kid breathes and lives science! He would like more experiments.

    Bible-VOS Bible/devotions book for boys


    Co-op 1xw

    Piano Lessons 1xw

  5. We are back and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed to say the least!:crying:

    My son seemed very tense and nervous. The OT had him complete several writing exercises like writing his lower case letters/Upper case letters. He really seemed to struggle with this. He mixed some lower case with upper case and skip two alphabets all together. She will use handwriting without tears with him. I was using Zaner Bloser but now I think I'll also use HWT. She did state that his formation of the letters were good but it seem as though he is very tense when he writes. She had him to come up with a sentence and being the great verbal kid he is he came up with a sentence that was very difficult to write and spell( last month we found out he has dyslexia). She also called out 6 letters at a time to see if he could remember them and write them to test his memory.

    We are going back next week to see if he would be a good candidate for Interactive Metronome. She also stated that most kids with dyslexia can benefit from speech therapy? She stated that she is dyslexic and I may want

    to look into the Wilson reading system since we Homeschool.


    I feel very overwhelmed! My son is a great kid. He loves to build and he walks and breathes science. I really want to make sure I'm giving him the best education and resources he need. I feel stuck!! Where do I began?? It looks like I need to revamp my entire curriculum and schedule to best suit his needs!

  6. We are 1 month into our OG Tutoring with our 8.5 yr old son. She stated today that he is having tracking issues. He is able to read big words but when he has to read small three letter words his eyes weren't staying on the word. She had him use his finger under the words as he read and she wants me to continue with this at home. I'm trying to figure out what I can do to help him with tracking? Any suggestions??


    On a side note: I have noticed when we are doing AAS lessons he makes the words look like they are 3D. Do you think this may have something to do with his vision? By the way he already wear glasses.


    Thanks In Advance

  7. I like some parts of both schedules. I also have a 8 yr old ds. I like the 3R's schedule with the exercise early in the morning. I think I'm going to try this! Have you thought about doing bible and memory work while you are eating breakfast or lunch? It works great for us. I didn't see any time for resting? Although I could be wrong.

    I do think your days look a little long but every family is different. Have fun and I hope you find a schedule that work I'm still tweaking ours!

  8. My 8.5 yr old just started tutoring 3 weeks ago. He attends once a week for an hour. The tutor is using recipe for reading along with other OG materials. She suggested that I couninue with AAS1, practice his handwriting(lowercase letters at the dotted line), and have him read 30 min a day. Now I'm thinking that maybe I should order the recipe for reading manual along with the workbooks and add that AAS 1.

  9. Was the tester a student at the university? That might explain the discrepancies and not having seen certain things. Personally, if they're seeing the signs of it now, you might as well start reading and learning what you can about the ADD, working memory, executive dysfunction, etc. etc. No need to wait for a formal diagnosis.


    That Crumpled Paper Was My...

    No Mind Left Behind

    The Mislabeled Child

    and lots more good books


    The praxis you're describing was identified in dd by an OT. You should read Yllek's posts on the work her SLP (speech therapist) is doing combining working memory and expressive speech.


    BTW, you may hit some walls with the latin. I'm not saying that to discourage you but just to say it's not worth beating your head on a rock or wasting tons of time if you do. And I'm with the other Elizabeth that I'd wonder why you're doing ETC on top of OG.


    Welcome to the cruise ship.







    I forgot to say I have the Mislabeled Child on my nightstand getting ready to start reading it this week. I will look at the other books you recommended as well.

  10. Was the tester a student at the university? That might explain the discrepancies and not having seen certain things. Personally, if they're seeing the signs of it now, you might as well start reading and learning what you can about the ADD, working memory, executive dysfunction, etc. etc. No need to wait for a formal diagnosis.


    That Crumpled Paper Was My...

    No Mind Left Behind

    The Mislabeled Child

    and lots more good books


    The praxis you're describing was identified in dd by an OT. You should read Yllek's posts on the work her SLP (speech therapist) is doing combining working memory and expressive speech.


    BTW, you may hit some walls with the latin. I'm not saying that to discourage you but just to say it's not worth beating your head on a rock or wasting tons of time if you do. And I'm with the other Elizabeth that I'd wonder why you're doing ETC on top of OG.


    Welcome to the cruise ship.






    Thank you! Yes it was a student who administered the test. I put HOP and ETC to the side right before the summer. I also have OPGTR. Right now I'm not doing anything for phonics until I can figure out what will be best. He is only seeing his OG tutor once a week. I am doing AAS 1 4 days a week and that's going pretty good. I was thinking since the OG tutor is using recipe for reading than maybe I should order that with the workbooks from eps.

    I hear what you are saying about Latin. Right now it's just for fun.


    Does anyone have any suggestions or grammar or shall I wait until his reading and spelling is solid. I don't think FLL3 is a good fit. I was looking at The Sentence Famiy or Growing with Grammar?

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