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Country Girl

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Posts posted by Country Girl

  1. I have a question for those of you who have purchased the upgraded version of Timez Attack...Have you found it to be worth it? What is the difference between the free version and the upgraded version? My son have been playing the free version and loves it. My understanding is that the upgraded version has other scenarios besides just the dungeon scenario. Is there anything else that differentiates the two?



  2. WendyK,

    Thanks for this information. Using just the text and IP books was something I was wondering about. I didn't know if I'd be missing anything by not using the workbook. It is good to know that this might work. Hmmm, maybe even just the IP book ????, that would save a little money and might be a good way to just finish out the year. I'll have to think about all of these options. Options are great because they allow us to tailor a program to our individual dc but it sure makes deciding tough!:D



  3. I posted a while back, looking for suggestions on how to accelerate my 6yo ds through the math concepts without getting bogged down by fact memorization. Quite a few of you recommended Singapore. I am planning on going that route but need a little help from you all who use the program. My ds is about to finish up BJU Math 2. I finally let him work more quickly, at his pace, and we have been doing 1-2 chapters a week. At this rate, we will be done in about 3 weeks. I had him take the Singapore placement test and he placed into 2B. (He got an 85 on 2A and really kind of bombed the 2B test but I know some of that was from careless mistakes and not really wanting to do the test when I made him). One thing I noticed from both tests though, was that even though I knew he could do some of the problems, he was blanking on them because of the way they were worded etc. That just solidified my thoughts that he needs a program that works more heavily on word problems and application. Most of what he missed on 2A were just things we haven't covered yet, like metric measurement. We also haven't covered division yet, but when I explain to him what the division sign meant, he got them all right. So he knows how to divide (the concept of it) he just hadn't seen it formally. Where he really went wrong on the 2B test was the mental math. He was trying to add a series of 3, 2-digit numbers the same way he would on paper. Adding the ones, carrying, adding the tens, etc.


    We don't finish our school year out until the end of May so I need a Math program to finish out our year with. I think I have two options.


    1) Get the complete program (text, workbook, HIG, and supplements). If I go this route, should I get 2A and just skim over things that could use a little refresher or just go into 2B since that is where he placed?


    2) Get the IP and CWP books for level 2 and then next year start into the full program with 3A/B? If I only went with the supplements, will I be able to figure out how to teach the program the "Singapore" way? Or do I really need the text and HIG to do that?


    3) Any other suggestions or combinations someone may have? Maybe text, IP and CWP??? Do I need HIG?


    We will have already covered a full "grade level" worth of work so I don't feel the need to complete another entire curriculum. However, I would really like something to get my son using mental math and really understanding word problems as well as put him on track to start in 3A this next fall. Can I accomplish this with just the supplements or should I go with the full program?


    Oh, and if I get the CWP should I get level 2 or do I need to step back to level 1 since I've read some recommend to do these a year behind.



  4. K.I.S.S. Grammar is a free sight. He has workbooks for 2nd and 3rd but also free printable material for older students. It actually started as a complete, 4 level, course but he has tried to adapt it to "grade levels" for those who want workbooks. Since your son is older you may just want to check out the independent study material and follow his four level method, or even the self-paced course. There is a ton of free grammar resources on this website but it is really a pain to try to navigate. You really have to spend some time going over what is there to understand it.






    Click on "The Kiss Grammar Workbooks" link and that will take you to all of the instructional material, even the independent study stuff.

  5. Melissa,


    Thanks for more information. Maybe I need to just go with Sylvan to administer the CAT to give my dh some reassurance and then look for another tester to administer something like the Woodcock-Johnson????


    A question for you about the CAT...I know they only administer the Reading and Math portions (not the science etc.) but do they administer all the subtests for those sections?



  6. Thanks again to all of you. We actually scheduled a testing date for a few weeks from now, although I'm seriously considering canceling. I'm just not sure they are going to offer the type of testing I want. Additionally, my dh is really hoping to get some validation that we are doing well with hs'ing my ds. I know ds is doing really well because I work with him everyday, but my dh still occasionally has doubts. I don't want faulty tests given my dh the impression that ds isn't doing as well as we think he is.


    Thanks for the info, I've got a lot to think about!

  7. While they aren't exactly classics, my 6yo ds really likes the old Nancy Drew mysteries.


    He is currently reading The Mysterious Benedict Society and is loving it. I pre-read it before I let him go at it and I really enjoyed it as well.


    Thanks also to everyone else for their reading lists as well. I'm always on the lookout for good books to suggest to my son and I've written down several that were listed that I've never heard of.

  8. I don't live in a very big town and the only place I'm aware of that does any type of testing is Sylvan. Has anyone ever used them to get an idea of your child's strengths and weaknesses? If so, what information were you able to get from the tests and did you find it helpful?


    I know that my son is accelerated, in terms of working ahead of grade-level, but I'd like more information so I can figure out how to help him achieve his best.



    The title should read "used" not "sued":eek:

  9. Thanks for your reply on how you have used the Challening Word Problem books to supplement. I"m still trying to figure out if I want to make a complete switch to Singapore or just try supplementing with some of the extra books. It sounds like either would work.



  10. I have eyed this website for the last 2 years and everytime the topic comes up on the boards it seems to get rave reviews from those that use the program. However, I still don't quite understand how the program works. Can someone help me understand it a little better? I am so used to the workbook format of grammar and I can't quite grasp how grammar is learned in this program? Is it just through reading the book? Is there practice on classifying sentences? Nmoira mentioned that she prefers the classification method in this program to traditional diagramming, is it something similar to Shurley or KISS that labels parts of sentences? I would love to hear more about this program and how you schedule this in your day.



  11. I wanted to ask another question about supplementing with the Challenge Word problem books. If you don't use Singapore as your main program, how do you know how to teach and solve using the Singapore concepts (like the bar diagrams)? Is there teaching in the Word problem books? Or is there a teacher's manual that will explain the concepts?



  12. I used to post as Carrie on the old board but saw quite a few with the name Carrie so I just changed to Country Girl.


    I am officially homeschooling my 6yo ds and I have posted on the old board asking for help on how to accelerate him in math as well as other areas. I would say science is his passion but he also loves to read and is pretty good with numbers. He is a smart boy and I have a feeling he will be a challenge to keep up with. I'm so glad to have a group like this to come to for support.


    I also have a 4yo ds and a 2yo dd. I do a little informal work with my 4yo and he is beginning to learn how to read. Mostly must short vowel words but a few more advanced words as well. My 2yo, what can I say, she's 2! But she can say the ABC's:D.


    Looking forward to posting more and getting to know everyone better.

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