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    homeschooling for 2 yrs. 9th grade and 7th grade
  1. Thanks for the advice.... still unsure what we'll do but this definitely helps Katie:001_smile:
  2. We just finished Omnibus II, one of the books I used as a substitution was Thomas Cahill's How the Irish Saved Civilization - both my dd and I enjoyed reading it. Just a thought.:001_smile:
  3. Thanks one and all.... I love this forum, everyone is so helpful and encouraging, I've been working all morning trying to get organized and have found your suggestions very helpful, especially the one about breathing in and out!! Still not sure on all the curriculum, here's what I have so far: Chemistry - Apologia Geometry - Jacobs 3rd Ed. American History - Exploring America, Notgrass American Lit - American Voices, Notgrass, also How to Read A Book (Adler) Spanish II - Rosetta Stone Pilates & Swimming Ceramics - local class I'm not completely sold on the American History (Notgrass) only because I haven't seen many reviews on it..... my friend is using it this year, heard about it at the convention in VA and loved it... we need a break from Omnibus - very hard reading! Does anyone have any thoughts on Notgrass? Thanks again - Katie:001_smile:
  4. I'm getting overwhelmed with HS curriculum, will anyone be willing to share what they are using? This is what I have so far: Geometry - may use Jacobs, Science - Chemistry (Apologia?? that's what we've used so far), History - ????? (we've done Omni I, II), English - ????? American Lit?? What about AP classes, shouldn't she take some of these and how does she take the test through the Board of Ed? Thanks for your help - Any suggestions, curriculum that you've used and loved would be great - by the way, we're not strong on grammar, any thoughts?? :001_smile::001_smile::001_smile:
  5. Thanks - what have you used for Geometry.. we have always done Saxon, and they have a new Geometry book this year, but I've heard about Jacobs and teaching textbooks also, any thoughts? Thanks:001_smile:
  6. Has anyone used the American Lit curriculum by James Stobaugh or Never Before in History? I have a 10th grader who has used Omnibus for the last 3 years.... Any thoughts, pros/cons? Thanks:001_smile:
  7. :001_smile:Hi everyone, We just finished up Omnibus II for freshman history... it was a lot of work, but all in all we liked it. Has anyone used O III and what did you think of it? Any suggestions for a different curriculum for 10th grade History? Also, we used writing strands 6, and 2 mos. of writeguide.com, any suggestions for a writing program that is not too heavy on grammar? How about math, my dd will be taking Geometry, we've used Saxon so far, should we continue or change? One more question, I'd like her to do an online class this year, we don't have any experience with such, is there anyone out there who has any suggestions? It could be for any class, not necessarily the ones mentioned above. Thanks to all:001_smile:
  8. We are seriously considering moving our family to Cape Carteret NC.... My dd's are 12 & 14.... is there anyone out there who may live near or have any info about the area? Such as how to find other homeschool families, good churches, etc? Thanks, my dd's and I are getting nervous about this, but right now we live in Maryland and it's is too expensive, my husband is retiring from our local fire dept and feels strongly that we need to move out of the area. He really likes this area, we've looked at SC and other parts of NC also. If there is anyone out there who can give me info about this part of NC I would really appreciate it. Thanks:):)
  9. :)Thanks for your help, I had actually planned on doing Omni I with my youngest and 2 with my 14yr old - but wondering now if I should just included my youngest (7th grade) with omni II If I do combine, how would I do that? Do I expect her to read the same books or is there a different method when teaching 2 different grades?? Sorry to ask so many questions but I am grateful for all the help I can get!! Blessings Katie
  10. :001_smile:Thanks so much for the encouragement, could you tell me what books your dds read from the secondary list and I guess you read all the books on the primary list? Did you follow the schedule that is given on the cd? I'm worried that since I haven't read alot of the primary books myself that it would be too hard, but it sounds like you were pleased with it. Any advice you can give would be so appreciated!! Thanks again Blessings
  11. :001_smile: I just came across your post - I am planning on using Omnibus II for my 9th grader this fall, she did Omnibus I in a tutorial last yr. Can you give me some advice - it seems overwhelming at first. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated!!:001_smile::001_smile:
  12. :001_smile: I just came across your post - I am planning on using Omnibus II for my 9th grader this fall, she did Omnibus I in a tutorial last yr. Can you give me some advice - it seems overwhelming at first. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated!!:001_smile::001_smile:
  13. Hi there, I have a dd who completed Omnibus I in 8th grade at her tutorial. This yr I will be schooling at home (she had her core subj at tutorial but there was so much work that we didn't get to complete anything else) I purchased Omnibus II (overwhelming) but am stuck on the fence between doing that and following wtm lists of books. I saw that some of you use speigvogel, which i have also - has anyone used omnibus II and found it great to work with? Or any thoughts on which to choose? in fact, can't you make up my mind for me? my dd is a great reader, but i'm no scholar thanks for any and all advice:001_smile::001_smile:
  14. I'm still stuck on history for my upcoming dd freshman yr, she used omnibus I for 8th, and I was thinking of continuing on but the books are pricey.... has anyone used the WTM suggested way for highschool history? Thanks:001_smile:
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