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Posts posted by oliveview

  1. I thought I would send in an update. I have had Book Collector for almost 24 hours now and things are going great!


    At this point I am only trying to get school books in and organized. I decided that it was too much to tackle the whole house we have full of books to start!! Anyway, in my spare time I typed in the ISBN numbers, then sorted the books physically on the shelf by category, then went back and tagged them with those categories on the software. So far I am using the categories History 1 (for SOTW 1) and History 2, Poetry, Literature, Chapter Books, Readers, Spines, Textbooks, Science, Art, and maybe a couple of others I can't think of right now!:lol: So far I have about 300 books done.


    The next step will be this evening to go in a place an abbreviation on the spine of the book with a "P-Touch" type label. That way the kids can get the books back in the right place. I am going to place a label on the outside of the bookshelf to coorespond to the label on the book.


    This has been really easy and one of the best investments we have made in a while. Thank you everyone for your advice. When I finsh the school books then it will be time to get the rest of the books in the house!!

  2. We didn't buy the scanner...yet. I am entering the books in by ICD-9 code, then putting them in a genre. I am going to go through the school books and add a "P-Touch" type label to them on the spine and place them on the self according to the genre. I am hoping that this will get some organization to our books. I am sick of looking for things that I know I have, and missing reading really great books at the right time!


    They do have a free download but we went ahead and bought the $25 version. I have been working with it for just a few hours this afternoon and already have about 200 books entered and classified. I am going to now label them and get them on the shelf!!

  3. We are going forward with hs this year. Last year, I had an injury that left me in a cast with crutches for months followed by surgery that left me in the bed for two months. I found out that I might be going through the entire ordeal again and will start to get an idea next week. I'm planning for "best case" and "worst case" scenarios.


    I think worst case is we do math and RA's from the bed and I try to hold it all together for a couple of months. It really is a logistical nightmare.


    I know this has to be a difficult decision!

  4. We made it about halfway through SOTW 1 last year. I want to go ahead and finish it up this year but I am looking for a list of books to read for IR and RA. I went through the AG last year a few weeks ahead and bought many of the books listed (don't get me started on our library). It was horribly expensive but worse is that many of them were not that great. Does anyone have a list that they have used? I am hoping to just use one or two books per chapter. Thank you so much!

  5. Mine is from last week. Just a perfect day at the beach. There were no waves and the tide was low. The kids found a large array of animals (sand dollars, sea slugs, sea squirts, and more). They built an aquariuim and that is what you see them doing with some friends. Hmmm, guess that really wasn't wordless...oh well!! Link is in my sig!!

  6. -Make a written list of what should go in your bag to take with you to the race site in the morning.

    -Pack according to your list and check if off as you go. In the morning when you are stressing about "is this in there", you can just look at the paper.

    -Get to the site early but don't stand around most of the peolpe talking. You can get REALLY intimidate by some of the chatter that goes on before the race.

    -Line up for the port-a-potty early. There is almost never enough of them.

    -Don't eat or drink anything that is out of the norm for you.

    -Make sure and warm up a bit before your wave. Just because you are standing there with your heart beating out of your chest, doesn't mean you have warmed up.

    -Make sure and walk the transition area and visualize coming from the swim, going to your transition area, and walk to the mount line. Then look where you will being coming back into transition and where the run exit. Just visualize the whole thing.

    -When you put your helmet on, go ahead and buckle it, don't risk a DQ.

    -Bring a photo ID with you to packet pick-up. Sometimes they want one.

    -MOST IMPORTANT!! Have a great time! Let me know if I can help with anything else.

  7. I use raw potatoes, shred them, and then soak them in *hot* water for a few minutes. Then I drain them and dry them in a towel, and fry as usual. They turn out pretty crisp, and they seem to soak up less grease.



    That is what I do and they turn out very crisp. You get a bunch of the starch out by doing that. HTH

  8. Thank you everyone so much for your thoughtful posts. I have looked at several examples and my thought is to go with AAS. My oldest is my biggest concern. He wants to understand "why" something is spelled the way that it is. I think this is going to help him. Phonics and reading has been an absolute struggle up until this point and I really think this might be the piece that we are missing to help it "make sense" in his very logical mind. 2nd ds just goes with the flow and I think might be a natural speller.


    Again, thank you for all the thoughtful responses. I just don't know what I would do without this board!!

  9. Well, I don't think I really know what I am looking for and that is my problem. I don't think I have natural spellers. I am such a terrible speller that this is a weak point for me. What are the advantages/disadvantages of a strong phonics spelling program? What kinds of spelling programs are there other than phonics? I'm sorry to sound so uninformed on this subject, but I really am and I just don't know where to start!!

  10. I am overwhelmed and don't know where to start. We are still working through ETC and I need to get an idea of where to go next. I am wanting to know what you have tried, what you have loved/hated? What would you do all over again or never and why? We really are set on almost everything else but I need to have some idea of where I am going with spelling. TIA.

  11. I have the book Harp and Laurel but have never used it. I also have the IEW CD's and we use them almost every day. The kids are still on the first set but we are on poem 14 or 15. We listen to them most days in the car. It's just so easy!! I know we wouldn't be getting it done if it wasn't for the cd's. If we go a couple of days without listening the kids actually will ask to listen to the poems!

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