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Posts posted by oliveview

  1. There is conference registration on Thursday from 8:00-10:00 if you bought the discounted tickets for CW. They did it that way so those people could use the tickets on Thursday. We are coming in on Wednesday and we are visiting CW on Thursday. Well, that's the plan if I get off the computer and get everything done that I need to get done today!! I am very excited!!

  2. We have found several really great bugs lately and I want to find a way to keep them. These bugs are already dead and are in perfect condition. One of them is a 4-5" dragonfly that got caught in our laundry room. So, do I just get pins and stick them into a board or what? Any great display ideas?

  3. We went about 3 weeks ago, I think on a Wednesday. Let me set the sceen for you...We got up and got dressed and were on the road by 6:00 am. We ate breakfast on the road and the kids had a snack as we pulled into Atlanta at 11:30 am. We started off at the High and saw the Warriors. We took about 30 minutes to let them run around and play outside before going in. We went through the exhibit and had a great time. We weren't planning on seeing Tut on this trip but at the last minute decided that we would go ahead.


    We were worried about getting stuck in afteroon traffic so we gave the kids a snack in the car and got over to the Civic Center. So, the kids had no lunch, had been in the car all day and now we were going into the exhibit just before 2:00 pm. What were we thinking?? Well all I can say is I love SWB! I have never seen my kids so fascinated and engaged. I think most of this is because of our SOTW I study, they knew what they were looking at!!


    The last of the school groups were leaving when we got there. There were just a handful of people in each room. The kids were delighted pointing out canopic jars, amulets, scarabs, and all sorts of other things. There was no part of the exhibit that didn't keep each one of them entertained. We did not see the movie. We bought the audio tour but I thought it was really dry. Then again, my just turned 7 ds thought the audio part was great and listened to most of it.


    We headed out right after going south on I-75 and didn't stop to eat until we got to Macon. We never hit any real traffic. They were starving by then! We ate in the car and got home by 9:00 pm. It was an amazing day and they loved it! I would do it over again without thinking twice. They got up the next morning and were making finger protectors out of Play-Dough!


    I would encourage everyone to go!

  4. There is a phone number that you call and then they send you a Disney gift card for the amount. They number of points is the number of dollars you get on the card. It takes about 2 weeks to get the card and then it has an expiration date of 12 mos after you get it. All of this, is of course, dependent upon my ever decreasing memory!!:lol:


    Other than that, it's jsut like any other credit card.

  5. You've been given some great advice here. We've been every time of the year possible. July is not a great time to go, but if you do, then I have this to add. Be there early. If the park opens at 9:00 then be there just after 8:00. When it's real busy they will open up the front part of the park early. You want to do as much of the park as you can before the heat really sets in. The water parks fill up early and they stop letting people in usually by lunch. The parks have lots of tour groups from outside the US in the summer. This is nothing to plan for but just be aware. They will have a tour leader who walks around carrying a flag and there will be a group of 10-200 people following behind. We have been seperated as a family between these groups. Like I said, nothing to plan for just be aware. As others have said, use your fastpasses. Get the next fp before you go on the attraction that you have one for. Also, set your must-sees and do those. We've been when it is busy and only done 3 or 4 attractions and had a great time. We've also been on one of the busiest days of the year and done almost every attraction at MK. It's all what you want out of the experience and where you set your priorities.

  6. Well thank you everyone. There has been a lot of good advice here. I am thinking that we are going to pick just one and do that one for the day and then we will do the other when we are that direction in October. We are lucky that our kids are very early risers so we will certainly be there early and going.:D


    I had no idea there would be so much to planning this. It started off so simple with me wanting to go to the conference. WOW! Now I know how people feel when they go to WDW for the first time!!:lol:


    Thanks again to everyone for the advice!

  7. Oh my, I may need to re-think the whole plan...Our kids are crazy for history. We are spending the day before the confernce at Colonial Williamsburg and then dh is taking them there for the two days of the conference. I know there is so much there that they will want to spend time and go slow. I was hoping that we could do a good job of the two on Sunday after the conference since we aren't going home until Monday.


    We are going to be back in the area in October and I haven't planned what wea re doing then. We will have 3 days to do things. Maybe I should just pick one site for Sunday and do it well, and then do the other when we come back in October? I have no idea...:confused:

  8. Our kids don't have a large circle of friends. Often, the kids that they are in various activities with are ones that I really don't want to have over for a party. They always ask to have friends at their parties, and I have never said no. What I do is similar to what you are doing with your daughter. I offer them a "party" or "something else". The "something else" depends upon the child and the year.


    This March when our 6 yo ds turned 7, he wanted a lot of friends at a party. We came up with plans for a party, just like what he wanted, then I presented him an alternative plan. He could have either, but not both. He loves rocks and I told him we could have a "rock adventure" as a family. He would have cake and a present or two and a friend if he wanted on his birthday, and then as a family we would go to several "rock" destinations over a weekend that he had been wanting to go to. He chose the "rock adventure" and we will be going to Rock City and Ruby Falls, as well as a museum. These were on my list of places to go this year so it all works out.


    FWIW, last year he chose to have a military party. He only had a couple of friends so I just made sure there were lots of things to do to make it special. The year year before, he was turning 5, we did a swamp trip. We live near the Okefenokee and we did that instead of a big party.


    So, I would try to sell her on something special and see if the party is really what she wants or if she would rather spend the day as a fairy. First, talk to her and find out what kind of fairy she is talking about (seasonal, color, flower). You could start the day off with a special breakfast. Get some edible glitter and sprinkle it on her food so it looks fairy-ish. Do her hair and nails, like you said, and then put that sparkle stuff in her hair and on her body. Faries have to sparkle! Do it early so she can be a fairy all day. Make sure she has a fairy costume she can wear all day. Have a fairy "bower". If you don't have one, then use something you already have like a tent or sheet. You want her to be able to have a tea outside in the afternoon. Tule or mosquito netting are both cheap if you don't like what you already have. Do a couple of craft projects through the day. You could make fairy tiaras with strips of tule or a silky fabric. I would cut the proper lengths and then let her tie them onto a simple head piece you get at the craft store. Buy her a pink rose and pull the petals off so she can have a rose petal bath. There are just lots of fun fairy things you could do! The trick is to sell her on the idea and then follow through with a memorable day.

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