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Posts posted by thefragile7393

  1. regentrude that makes a lot of sense now....thank you for mentioning worrying more at the hs level! His interests are so scatttered....he loves animals and insects, amphibians, snakes, scorpions, then he loves tornadoes, carnivorous plants, and mixing things and making concoctions lol. I am glad I don't necessarily need to start him at a specific place at this age.

  2. Personally I think the scientific method needs to be taught first but it can be taught with whatever area of science you teach first (or in fact with whatever area of life you are looking at) Physics and chemistry are pretty broad areas to cover - what exactly in these areas did they propose teaching first?


    I have started with the natural sciences because that is the area that I know best and seems to interest my DDs most (even from before they are 1 year old) but then perhaps if I looked hard enough I'd find that physics fascinates them a lot too (they play with toy cars and roll balls around) and chemistry is always interesting (they eat soap and like to bake)


    I was told that something like chemistry should come first becsuse its hard to understand some like, say, photosynthesis, without knowing and understanding the chemical reactions behind it. That is just one example....I've heard more but this is the only one I can remember right now.

  3. I've heard it said from several sources that chemistry and physics should come before the other sciences...this way they will understand other sciences more easily. The WTM has science going in a different order. I'm sure there is no one right way to go about this, but is there really an advantage to doing chemistry and physics first in the grammar years?

  4. I actually believe that given the right amount of motivation and organization she could bring him up to an acceptable level in a summer. HOWEVER, that is probably an unlikely outcome.


    I have known a few unschoolers and their children are not having these drastic math deficiencies. In this case, IMO it is more a parental lack of attention than a condition brought on by unschooling. So it would probably be a lot to ask of that parent to be able to tackle an intense and regimented math plan in a summer.


    I'm not a huge proponent of unschooling but it irks me that it is so easy to blame a parental lack of attention on 'unschooling'. I think the best advice that might be given to the mom is to take responsibility for that math deficiency and work like crazy to make up for it. It isn't the unschooling-it was the way the mom applied the unschooling.



  5. Speaking professionally, instead of from a BTDT perspective, it is rare that a person seeks, processes through, and sustains the intervention and help needed to transcend an abusive nature and personality.



    The power and abuse rule might be useful.




    Speaking personally, I tried for years to clean up "my side of the street". I had the idea from being a Christian and also in 12 Step recovery that "it takes 2" and that I was a "sinner" also. I read The Power of a Praying Wife. I read other stuff.


    But, when it comes to power/control/abuse, there isn't 2 sides. It takes 2 to MAKE a marriage, but it only takes one to destroy one. I made change after change after change. I "acted as if". I did everything I could.


    It all just gave him more fodder.

    Yep yep....so true.

  6. There seems to be a few threads lately about this topic and I am very curious about the effects of divorce. Does divorce offer real comfort and happiness or does life just get worst, much worst. That all depends on the situation. I'm thinking dealing with an ex husband, kids, holidays, and future new spouses would just be a complete and total nightmare. Depends on the parents.


    If you have survived a divorce, would you do it again? I didn't have a choice, he chose to leave us. Otherwise I never would have. Do you think it's better than staying in an unhappy marriage? Yep, he did all of us a favor. A family member of mine is very close to this point. I just don't know what to say to her anymore. I just can't imagine divorce making anything better. Am I right or wrong? And why? There is no physical abuse. There are anger issues, there has been addiction (p*rn) issues, and seems to be emotional manipulation on different levels. But, the kids love him and he is a good provider. He's just not necessarily a nice person or easy person to live with. I guess the easiest way to describe him would be selfish. Everything is about his personal happiness and he doesn't seem to understand what her life is like or care. He does nothing around the house, carrying kids here or there, errands, schooling - nothing. He provides the paycheck. He doesn't make himself available on any level. It sounds like she would be so much better off without him on all levels.


    So, she has no formal education. This does not matter, I had pretty much nothing but a hs diploma but I am now putting myself through school and working full time. What do you think? It seems to me she would be foolish to pursue a divorce. It sounds like she is better off without him like I said. If he is not willing to go to counseling and willing to work on his marriage, what is the point of being in it? One person alone does not make a marriage, it take's two. I just do not know what to say. Offer her support and don't offer anything unless she asks. She needs support right now to come to the decision that is best for her.Any thoughts about what divorce is REALLY like? Does it really offer peace or do you trade one set of problems for another? Yes and no. It just depends on the people involved. It can be so miserable and heartbreaking. My ex chose to move to another state and very rarely sees his children and it hurts my son very very much. He has no job, lives in an area with few job opportunities, and as far as I know he is not trying to go back to school. His parents live there though. I am better off without him in my life, however my son deserves a father who will be a real father. I cannot control his actions however.


    If two people are willing to be civil to friendly, not talk badly about the other parent or stepparents to the children, not fight in front of the children, and share parenting, then this can be the best of a bad situation. In my situation, I can educate and parent my children as I see fit, I can finally go back to school, and I can cook and clean without someone constantly criticizing me.


    I don't advocate divorce at all, especially with children involved. I believe parents should constantly work on their marriage and don't allow things to turn bad. Children deserve two parents who love each other. Two people in a bad marriage is not healthy for anyone. children need to be shown what a good marriage looks like, otherwise they come away with ugly views of marriage. A former friend of mine's parents are two people who should NOT be together. I watched him degrade and tear down his wife, and his wife nag and retaliate. It gave the kids such a horrible view of marriage and a very bad example on how they should treat their spouses. If one is willing to go to counseling and work on themselves, then it's worth it. If not, they are better off apart.


    In the end, it all is up to the person. They must bear the burden of their decision either way, and a friend needs to be supportive as much as they can. Going or staying is a VERY hard decision.

  7. I am frustrated with Windows 7 incompatability. Many software programs being sold new are not working on W7!


    Some do, some don't :confused:


    Reader Rabbit, Charlie Church Mouse, Mighty Math Heroes, and some others do work, and I ended up buying an older laptop for some.


    Oregon Trail, Brand new has never worked on any of our computers!:confused:


    Anyone try the Wii version?


    Oregon trail won't work brandnew on mine either....they need to update the game! So frustrating!

  8. Wow - long list. I'd start smaller. What is working right now? Can you keep doing that then add one thing at a time? It sounds to me like you don't really want to do K12 (or Calvert?) with this child - you said it would be a poor fit. Have you looked at Simply Charlotte Mason's guides? They are much simpler than Ambleside's I think. Or look into one of the other packages that is literature based? (Sonlight, Living Books Curriculum, etc.)


    If you want to design your own plan (which is my personal preference), I highly recommend SCM's Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education. I have the book, there is also a DVD. It really helps you get from the big picture down to "what do I do today". (And you don't have to be CM to use it.)


    What's working now...Queen's Language Lessons Vol 1 Math Lessons for a Living Education #1.Queen's Printing with pictures Primer and A work well. AO Year 0 readings are awesome. That is pretty much it. BFSU K-2 is too much...and I find it geared more towards a co-op. History is unit studies....it varies in intensity and time...this kind of works and kind of does not.


    I'm leaning away from K12 now after reading about how the math is bad. I don't need another math issue. I wouldn't mind Calvert....I can opt out of their math and use the RS kit I bought used. I'm just afraid of the expense and that my son might be bored....I don't know if he will be or not and I never know unless I try. I know Calvert has money back for 30 days but still....


    SCM is a good idea....both them and AO are fairly easy but I'm just not sure if the readings are enough for history...which is why I threw in RHO....but combining that plus a hands on science might be too much. I think looking at the SCM book you mentioned may help.

    I just need to make up my mind and stick with it....boxed may be easier for me but is it good for him? I wish I knew my child better.

  9. What is the one thing you love doing most now? Could you take that one thing and add it to an open and go curriculum. Maybe the time you save not having to pull as much together will be enough to make time for the part you love.


    Certainly, you can try k12 and withdraw if it didn't work out. I assume it is free for you. Starting with the cheapest option often is a good place to start. You could use the money you save on the stuff you love to do with your kids.


    I want open and go too, but I am too eclectic in nature so I am going to sit down for a week and map out the entire year day by day. It is what I want most from things like Sonlight but I want the curriculum that through prayer and experience, I know is right for my kid. I am not looking forward to that week but it is the only way to get what I want.[/QU...OTE]

    What do I love doing now......hmmm. I love reading stories and I love the simpler stuff....math and a simplified LA are good so far. I do love doing units and looking up stuff on the net but just not all the time. I enjoy reading with him the most..we use AO Year 0 and we used FIAR Vol 1.


    I keep hearing horror stories on here about k12 math...math is a weak point. We Hyades to start over since Singapore Earlybird was a bust.

  10. We usually do two sciences. My daughter loves science so it works for us. We do an Apologia book and NOEO. If we get behind in one of them, we just finish it over the summer.





    May I ask why? I'm thinking of using NOEO next year and wondering if this could work for us...:banghead: This is my other problem....if I can't make up my mind I'm tempted to combine some lol!

  11. I'm at that point for science...and i was for other things. At one time for LA I was using. 4 diff things...phonics, a basic workbook, a specialty workbook, and BOB books. Oh yeah and Reading Eggs. Gah! I'm new, thats my excuse. Ditched the phonics, since it was making my son miserable, finished basic workbook and didn't replace it, put aside BOB books to be maybe added next year, kept RE and the specialty workbook.

    I was using CLP and found it was so blasted annoying that I supplemented with Usborne books of varying topics. I switched to BFSU K -2 and find I'm doing the same thing....its geared more for a co -op or multiple kids and I'm burnt out on finding books and supplies constantly.

  12. We mostly do Ambleside Online and I love it. We are in Year 0 (kinder year mostly) and I love the flexibility I have. I threw in other stuff.....some has worked but we've thrown out one science program, two phonics programs, and a math program. :eek: If I keep doing what I'm doing, next year we will do Year 1, with Queen LL, LLATL Blue, RS Level A and LOF Apples/Butterflies, something science that has kits and is open and go, RHO or only AO readings with Queen Living History Readers, Queen's Printing With Pictures, and maybe Spanish and Harmony Art Mom's music and art curriculum (or just composer/picture study from SCM...if we do it at all), Nature study, plus a read-aloud from AO. Plus some small things for the then pre-k kiddo.


    Buuuut I keep wondering if the grass is greener on the other side. I am having a hard time constantly feeling like I have to gather supplies for science and history studies. I am thinking of sticking both into Calvert (minus the math). Just have everything done for me...open and go. But then I lose the fun (yes there is some fun!) of learning about stuff my son finds an interest in. Plus some materials may be a poor fit for him.


    Also looking at K12 through the state. It is stricter than Calvert (shorter time to get things done), eventually we'd be subjected to standardized testing, having to use their stuff which may be a poor fit for my son.


    I also work full time 3.5 days a week. K12 would be difficult with this on my 12 hr days.


    I just need some brain picking....stuff thrown out there to help me make up my mind. Ithink there are plusses and drawbacks to all options. I just need perspectives, opinions, something to clear this clutter out of my head so I can stop waffling back and forth.

  13. How much is the Calico Spanish? I didn't see a price. It looks interesting but with so many components it could be really expensive.


    300 some. I can't find it on the website but I did somethere where the pricing was emailed to me. Someone else might have it on hand.

  14. I want to get my ds (in kindergarten) some games to help him get very basic concepts down. He loves loves games.


    I'm looking at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00004TDLD/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER


    and http://www.mugginsmath.com/store.asp Jelly Beans and Knock-Out!


    Has anyone used any of these? What do you think of them?

  15. I felt so wise when I could tell people we used the critically acclaimed Singapore math. (Until I realized it was so blessed hard for my math challenged child).


    We've done much better with math programs with dumb monikers--Math-U-See!! Math Mammoth!! Life of Fred!!

    This was my situation too, and then it backfired on me when ds just didn't do well with Singapore at all. Now I throw out all sorts of different curriculum with goofy names lol.


    It is true that MUS does not do well for standardized testing. On the other hand, standardized testing covers all different areas, including areas that kids haven't learned yet. MUS does it in a more logical succession and the kids will eventually get to know all areas covered, just not on the same scope and sequence the tests do. If you wanted to do MUS, you could easily supplement with extra practice on areas that will be on the test...with worksheets, etc.

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