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Posts posted by thefragile7393

  1. You have an evil streak in you you know that? :tongue_smilie: I feel like a kid in a candy store on that site.


    Bad. Very bad.

    Who? Me??? Never! :coolgleamA: :lol:

    I love that site...unit studies and lapbooks for just about anything under the sun. I enjoy their lapbook kits too, since I'm lazy and they've done the work for me for the most part...you could easily save money if you didn't want that portion. We did their pirates (Ahoy Matey!) lapbook for our unit study, now we're moving on to the Titanic one and I really like it...lots of good stuff in it.

  2. To me, not enough. I work 3.5 days a week so my kids are in an in-home daycare, where there is some. Other then that, not a lot. The groups here are meh....the all-inclusive ones don't seem to have kids even close to my kids' ages (my son in particular), the religious ones have a ton of stuff going for them but I don't feel comfortable signing their statement of faith since, although I am Christian, I don't believe the same as they do. I try to get them in lessons through the city throughout the year but other then that...I wish they had more opportunities to be with more kids.

  3. I love their stuff..I haven't seen anything cheaply made about them at all but I may be looking at the wrong stuff. I love their Language Lessons, they are the right length for my son, we'll do one to two a day. I love Math Lessons for a Living Education. I love their science and history readers, though I haven't tried the science curriculums yet. I don't go into their Bible studies since we have different beliefs. I have not tried the Living History of Our World as of yet...can't comment. I love their Printing with Pictures. I don't like everything they sell but I am quite happy with what I've gotten from them so far.

  4. This is me. With my schedule I am so tired all of the time....I don't have the time or energy to do such awesome stuff sadly. If I could be a stay at home mom that would be different but....I can't. I have a hard enough time doing science demonstrations/experiments and my son adores them. Lapbooks are nice but can be very time consuming. I would love to be a better homeschool teacher but for now...this is it. Although I really do want to mummify that chicken next year!

  5. We're going to do RHO Level 1 ANcients and AO Year 1 history....we'll do the readings on the AO schedule and have one or two days for RHO. I asked my son which one he preferred and he said both...but he is six so maybe I shouldn't have asked :001_unsure:

  6. I don't have four kids but I have 2 kids with zero help and that alone drives me crazy. Hats off to you for doing what you can! Honestly, it takes a committed family to pull off homeschooling. I can understand your husband's frustration. At the same time though, you must have help indoors in order to continue, IMO. Everyone else has had great ideas already but I echo keep trying to help the kids learn to help keep things clean and see if you can convince husband that you need help INDOORS. Even if it is just something like cleaning bathrooms only. I know it is hard, and I can only imagine how hard it is with four....but keep trying!

  7. I guess this is a very old thread, but I had never thought of asking this question but I'm now excited by the idea of finding another source of curriculum checklists/outlines. Among other things, my son's cousin is about to go to a $32,000-a-year kindergarten, and lo and behold, here's a curriculum guide for that school. I look forward to seeing what they offer for that kind of money!



    This is where Chelsea Clinton went to school as well.


    I've seen Nursery University mentioned in these threads and I watched that....wow. Just...wow. Just for preschool! It was pretty amazing.

  8. I've had all four done this year, two at a time two different times, since that was all I could afford. Mine were impacted so I had no choice but to go the oral surgeon route. Years ago I could feel the pain of the teeth pushing against the others, then finally this past January the lower right side one got inflamed and swollen. It was time to get them out.


    The procedure itself wasn't a big deal, the aftermath was hard to deal with I admit. I had a bad reaction to anesthesia used on me in 1998 in a surgery but I had no side effects to this anesthesia either time. Just because your mom had bad reactions does not mean you will. They may not even use the same one that was used on your mom. technology changes over time and anesthesia methods improve.


    I won't go into the details of mine, since it does not sound like yours are impacted thankfully (I hope that they wouldn't suggest local with impacted). If you get all four done at the same time, you'll have pain and swelling for a while afterward, a few days maybe. Its much easier to recover from. Cheaper too! Man I wish mine hadn't been impacted now lol.

  9. :iagree:

    I agree with needing to remove her from the school, but to actually handcuff and place a 6 yr old in a cell?! IMO that was going too far. Of course I don't think my kids would ever act that way, but IF they did, and I saw them actually in a jail cell, I would not be happy! (at the age of 6...)

    And it makes me sad to think of why this child would be acting this way to begin with...what kind of life does she have at home, is there something maybe mentally wrong???

    Talk about humiliation. Police aren't trained for situations like these, however, and treat every situation as though they are with a criminal. It sounds like there could be some mental issues, allergy issues...who knows. I hope the family will get answers and help the child...although they could be causing the situation as well.

    No way do I agree with handcuffing though, humiliation isn't a great tactic. Often times the handcuffs and stuff aggravate the situation even more. And there are easier ways to keep a child from harming themselves or others...however, like I said, I'm not thinking police are trained in those.

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