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Love Home

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Posts posted by Love Home

  1. I have heard from *many* people whose dc did Rod and Staff through 7th grade and then went directly (and successfully) to algebra. If you look at R&S's scope and sequence, you'll see a boatload of topics which would be considered "pre-algebra."


    Thanks Ellie.   I heard though it  might be better to skip 7 than 8.

  2. Lial's BCM covers all the arithmetic you need for algebra. Lial's prealg does this as well, but mixes in negatives, exponents, and such from the beginning. It's often referred to as an honors prealg. A student who does well in either of them could go into alg 1. Struggling kids could do BCM followed by prealg.


    My stronger math student used Lial prealg and did great. She continued to Foerster algebra 1 and thrived.


    Thanks Silvermoon - I just found the TOC for both, and the Prealgebra does look advanced.  I may do BCM in 7th and if dd doesn't seem ready for Algebra then we would do the Lial's pre-alg in 8th.

  3. I was taught to use two spaces after a period and I had no idea that single spaces were now being taught until today.  Of course I was taught on a TYPEWRITER in the 80’s!  I was just browsing the web regarding this topic and I couldn't believe there was such controversy.  I was considering which one I will have my dd learn. Which one will your dc learn/did learn (regardless of whether you use double or single spaces)?

  4. Our memory work has been sorely laking so this year I'm determined to have something organized.  I'm setting up a memory binder system CM style so I bought a cheap D-ring binder from Walmart but all the tabs stick way out.  Is there a binder where they don't stick out?  Also, what size binder is good for a memory system (for most of the subjects).  Thanks!

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